Tube Circle? Wow!

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Tube Circle? Wow!
« on: 26 Mar 2009, 04:40 am »

  Man! When did this happen? :o

  Cool! :cool: I think I will be quite comfortable here :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #1 on: 26 Mar 2009, 05:03 am »
Brand new BUddy.
With some NOS threads thrown in for good measure.  :lol:


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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #2 on: 26 Mar 2009, 05:23 am »
Off to a quick start....good luck !! :beer:


Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #3 on: 26 Mar 2009, 09:01 am »
Thanks, guys.

Hoping this will be a fun circle for all the glowheads.  :thumb:



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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #4 on: 26 Mar 2009, 11:53 am »
Since I do travel by vacuum, I guess I'm a tube-o-phile too!

Nice circle indeed!


Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #5 on: 26 Mar 2009, 05:51 pm »
This looks like as good of a place as any to ask a stupid question:
Is it possible to DIY a tube, then send it to a company to have 'sucked', then sealed?
That would be pretty cool if a fella could build his own internal wires, grids, etc... more stupid questions,  :oops:


Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #6 on: 26 Mar 2009, 05:54 pm »
You are a glutton for punishment Bob, aren't you?

There are certain things best left to true manufacturers who can ensure the tolerances needed to make them work properly, let alone at the higher standard that us audiophiles demand. Best to just use their parts and design a superior circuit layout, which is hard enough.


Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #7 on: 26 Mar 2009, 06:06 pm »
You are a glutton for punishment Bob, aren't you?
Well yea, but...It's not like I'm advocating winding your own transformers or anything radically silly like that.  :wink: :lol:

And yes, despite what the nice people of the world say, there IS a such thing as a stupid question.
I just have the 'fortitude' to ask, and don't mind if people think I'm a dork.  :thumb:



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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #8 on: 26 Mar 2009, 06:12 pm »
A custom tube? That would be real fun. Unfortunately, IF you could persuade a company to do it, the first unit would probably cost many thousands.


Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #9 on: 26 Mar 2009, 06:42 pm »
Here you go, Bob.  The video is about 17 minutes long.

Have fun,

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #10 on: 26 Mar 2009, 07:36 pm »
FASCINATING!!! Excellent video Jake, thanks man!
Guess I'm not such a dork afterall.  :lol:

I certainly hope that fella has an apprentice to pass that info along. It would be a shame for it to be lost.



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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #11 on: 3 Apr 2009, 04:20 am »
This section kicks ass :)

Thanks to whoever made it happen!

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #12 on: 3 Apr 2009, 05:03 am »
DIY tube, you could probably spend a few years and end up with microphone. :lol:

This is a update I received from the engineers over at TechTube trying to start up the making of Mullard tubes like at the Blackburn factory.

       ItR17;s now been three months since our last notice and activity has been frantic and very productive but as yet the elusive solution is not quite ready for public unveiling.  Despite the economic downturn our drive to launch the new TechTube™ valve technology is not diminished.  We still have full management backing and are getting closer to the specification we have set ourselves.

Our target for the E813CC valve is to have every triode and consequently every valve with an Ip current within a band from 0.8mA to 1.2mA.  We targeted this band after benchmarking several competitor valves.  The benchmark analysis showed that current valve production has Ip ranging between 0.7mA and 1.6mA, even though the data sheet specification is 1mA!  Within a valve, the triode to triode variation ranges from nothing (both triodes having the same output) to 0.5mA difference between triodes.

NOS valves perform better having Ip varying between 0.7mA and 1.3mA.  Mullard NOS (Blackburn production) have excellent within valve (triode to triode) variations of less than 0.1mA against a norm of 0.25mA.  Sovtek have a slightly wider triode to triode variation of 0.25mA but valve to valve they are very consistent with all the valves we tested falling between 0.95mA and 1.4mA.

Currently, our Ip ranges from 0.75mA to 1.5mA, too much variation considering our claim that we are benchmarked against the Blackburn Mullard valve.  We continue to work on the factors that give this variation and are near to a resolution.

The other characteristic that we needed to improve upon according to feedback from the September show is microphony.  Again we benchmarked several valves already in the field, both current production and NOS.  Once again the variation seen was incredible.  It’s no wonder end users complain about inconsistent performance!!  Over the months the team has been working on this problem, we have come to know how valves shake, rattle and role in intimate detail.  Our use of high speed cameras, differing construction techniques and numerous mechanical designs has led us in several directions.  Unfortunately even though most were successful in removing microphony they created problems with other characteristics of the valve and consequently they have been scrapped.  The down side of this process is that time moves on.  Our knowledge base is rapidly increasing but that elusive solution that can be industrialised and automated is still to be found.  We continue with numerous parallel paths and the team continues to work hard. 

As a result of these factors we will not be in a position to launch the web sales to our plan of April this year.  The team continues to work hard on the problems and we will keep you informed as we move through April and probably May.

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #13 on: 3 Apr 2009, 05:27 am »
That was one amazing video. Where do you pick up equipment like that? I'd be willing to bet that in the 60's with that glass blowing technique that he made some crazy bongs. :lol:


Re: Tube Circle? Wow!
« Reply #14 on: 4 Apr 2009, 03:44 pm »
A fellow hollow state enthusiast sent me that video a while back, way cool! Just like this circle :thumb: