Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps

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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #40 on: 5 Sep 2022, 11:00 pm »
Seems to me whether amp sounds great or just good or okay matters more than whether it is easy to carry around? I have mini Gan5 ordered to try on Spatial X3. Decware SE84 UFO25 SET amp now. Expect I will send the mini back pretty quick but will keep open mind/ear before I decide.


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #41 on: 6 Sep 2022, 01:40 pm »
Early B - so glad you enjoy the sound of the MiniGan.  When you have a moment, if you're so inclined, let us know if you noticed changes in your system's presentation which you attribute to the amps.  As for the cheap speaker binding posts, I find them sufficient and as Tom noted in an email to me (in response to changing out the stock fuse to replace with Furutech fuses),

"I do understand this is audio and everyone wants to upgrade everything.... I spent most of my life since the early 70's into audio equipment. I spent so much time modding equipment also. These older products were easier to work on, but not any more. If I thought something needed upgrading, it would already be integrated into the design. I don't try to save money using less expensive parts to meet a price point but instead design the product they way I think it should be and then set the price. I'm sure you know that these are way under priced and I'n sure the best value in audio today. Sorry for rambling... I'm just kind of passionate about these little amps!"

I've found, over decades in this pursuit, that the upgrade mania often results in less than hoped for results. Certainly, not always but often. I recall upgrading, significantly, Hartung OTL 125's.  Major improvements.  But speaker binding posts? I've done that too and not so much of a discernable improvement, if any.  But, always, to each their own.

Lazbisme - I wonder about an "open mind" when your sentence indicates a bias or expectation to return the amps pretty quickly. No big deal. We're all just chasing our dreams of musical splendor.


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #42 on: 6 Sep 2022, 01:54 pm »
I am not for the ultra-expensive gear, but you do get what you pay for and any business sells their products for what they feel they are worth or they are not in business. If the price is too cheap that tells you something right there, whereas at the other extreme is way overbuilt gear cosmetically so they can ask $$$$$ and up. Got to pay something for real quality and reliability.

Mr. Big, your point is well taken. But it raises issues related to marketing costs, distributor mark-ups (100%? typically), overbuilding, etc.  So what constitutes "too cheap"?  Take SA speakers for instance. If these speaks sold in retail outlets they would cost something like double their price.  So, obviously, in this case, there is NO difference whatsoever between a speaker (M3) costing $11,000 purchased at a toney retailer's store vs a speaker costing $5,500 (M3'S actual price purchased directly from SA).  Class D Audio mimics SA's sales program, i.e., direct sales, no marketing costs, etc. My point: price, in and of itself, is not necessarily a reliable indicator of quality.  Other factors must be considered.

Mr. Big

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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #43 on: 6 Sep 2022, 05:44 pm »
I understand selling direct is a saving, but you still get value for money paid and quality. Yes, spatial speakers would cost more in a store, but the store does incur additional costs for staff, store rent, and so on. But even then Clayton's prices are based on the value Clayton says they should sell at, if he asks for a speaker for $20,000 then he would feel that what you receive sound-wise is a fair selling price and also based on sound quality and cabinet costs plus the hours to design the speaker. I worked for Sony, our SCD1 SACD player cost $5,000 or more back then, due to Sony's size and production it was more than reasonably priced, but if you and a small Boutique high-end manufacturer can name a name that unit has been selling for $20,000 or more and till this day if you looked inside of that unit, it looked like a piece of medical equipment it was so well designed and made. Esoteric asks $20,000 for their top-of-the-line unit and it is not made any better than the Sony, in fact, their transport is a large part of their asking price. It is a wonderful unit though and sounds great!. So cost has many factors company size, production power, parts cost,, etc. I by no means mean to say a good-sounding product cannot be very affordable, but the price asked is the price that the designer feels it is worth and of course to make a profit and stay in business.
« Last Edit: 6 Sep 2022, 11:49 pm by Mr. Big »


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #44 on: 6 Sep 2022, 07:07 pm »
Mr. Big,
I am inclined to agree with you. I know from personal experience in the automobile business that if you price a car too cheap it is as difficult, if not more, to sell than one priced too high. The buying public is always suspicious of too low a price for fear there is something wrong with it.


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #45 on: 6 Sep 2022, 11:41 pm »
@lazbisme's observation reminds me of back in the days of "coal fired PCs"... (the 70s) where a modem program that sold for $29.95 that was excellent, flexible and efficient never really caught on... until they jacked the price to something like $129.95. At that price they couldn't keep them on the shelves. Modern marketing in action. Go figure...
« Last Edit: 7 Sep 2022, 09:56 pm by DeeCee »


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #46 on: 8 Sep 2022, 10:26 pm »
My mini GAN5s shipped today. Up to USPS now......


Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #47 on: 8 Sep 2022, 11:39 pm »
My mini GAN5s shipped today. Up to USPS now......

Did you order a monoblock pair?


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #48 on: 8 Sep 2022, 11:56 pm »
no     thought about the plural s after I posted


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #49 on: 9 Sep 2022, 01:52 pm »
Lazbisme - congrats (I hope).  Driving the MiniGan 5 monos with a Schiit Freya+ (with, admittedly, high zoot tubes) and I can say, after more than a week of listening, the combo provides the most satisfying music I've heard from the M3's.  Elegant, detailed, dynamic with superb tone/timbre.  They are different speakers.  You may recall that I was considering trading up to the X4.  NO MORE.  I think it was Daryl Zero who suggested "leave well enough alone."  That's certainly the case now. My wife mocks me when I say this might be my end-game (she's heard that crap too many times) but even she admits to the extraordinary presentation wrought by the MiniGans.  It's the sound I've been hankering for forever it seems.  For now I can't/don't see going back to BIG, HEAVY, GLUTTONOUS POWER CONSUMPTION, and HOT (albeit the Freya runs really warm/hot).  Listening to "Dialogue with Double Bass" (Bridge CD - Jeremy McCoy) [Glorious recording/music] and transfixed.  Feels like done.


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #50 on: 9 Sep 2022, 02:00 pm »
Great, Catluck! Getting to where you are is a place some never reach. I could not justify the monoblocks thinking almost double the price and really only gaining separate power supplies. I know, power supplies are extremely important.....   Your words give me hope that the mini5 will be wonderful for me as well. USPS says it is in transit from Anaheim as of this morning at 1:40AM!


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #51 on: 9 Sep 2022, 02:02 pm »
lazbisme - I'm excited for you man.  Hope it works out.


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #53 on: 9 Sep 2022, 05:08 pm »
As one of my earlier posts noted, I was aware of the ASR on the MiniGan before I purchased them. In fact, I posted Tom's comments on the review.  I also responded, on ASR, to Daniboun's review of the MiniGan.  None of it matters to me now. I'm able to listen for myself and judge.  That's all I've encouraged with this thread. I would note, however, that one of the contributors to this thread has pronounced the sound of the unit he just purchased as "incredible." And, as noted, I concur. FWIW


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #54 on: 10 Sep 2022, 10:12 pm »
miniGAN5 arrived this morning. FAST delivery from California. Hooked it up to the SPATIAL X3s. Superb! Dumbstruck! IMPOSSIBLE! Will ned to listen in depth for a while before I decide whether to trade the tubes for GaN. On standby for now!! Thanks for the encouragement.  I think.............. :oops: :duh: :thumb:


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #55 on: 11 Sep 2022, 12:57 pm »
Lazbisme - SO pleased for you.  Listening to a piano concerto (Roger Mas) and I, like you,  just can't believe how good the M3's sound.  I think you'll find the amazement continues for some time.  The beauty and clarity just don't seem to diminish.  Further, Tom noted in an email that the amps do continue to improve for about the first month.  Enjoy.


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #56 on: 13 Sep 2022, 08:09 pm »
well, about 4 days in and the X3s really like the miniGAM5 amp! Still deciding. Have not turned amp off since first turn on and it is just warm on top. The Beyma AMT tweeters are singing a wonderful tune now. ZERO harshness, only crystalline shimmering highs! The control on the mid driver is ironclad. The plate amps on the "woofer/sub" seem to like the signal too. So far; ZERO NEGATIVES. :violin: :drums: :guitar: :dance:


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #57 on: 13 Sep 2022, 08:10 pm »
oh, and all the vocalists love it too!


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #58 on: 14 Sep 2022, 02:17 am »
I enjoy the conversation. Being 67 and just in last 2+ years getting back to thrill of music in dedicated room. I have a stereo Class D from the late Tommy O'Brien. This amp driving Teketon Lore Be's with Rythmik 12. Very musical. I can't describe, just well maybe " dynamic',  Tommy was a great designer of audio gear, and a nice man. Good to see Class D getting appreciation which is deserved. Playing Big Big Train " Welcome To The Planet". FANTASTIC.


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Re: Sapphire M3's - Gallium Nitride Amps
« Reply #59 on: 14 Sep 2022, 02:47 pm »
I couldn't be happier for you.  There's nothing like the feeling that we're hearing our systems at their best and particularly when "best" is so satisfying to us on our own objective basis.  Just an FYI, I ordered a pair of Orchard Audio Starkrimson mono's for comparison with the Class D Audio gaNfets.  I'll let you know.  But in the meantime, I'm so pleased that you're enjoying what you're hearing from the MiniGans.  Me too!!! I love'em.