M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2

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M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« on: 1 Sep 2021, 10:16 pm »
See latest information on most recent page

Just a few quick updates for everyone! :D

The next shipment of M165 NQ (8+16 Ohm) and M165-16 woofers arrived into port last week, and are currently going thru customs.
Current expected delivery is Sept 10th.

All NX orders that have already been paid or have payment info will be filled and shipped first, in order of the date they were received.

After the current backlog is filled, we will then begin messaging those of you on the "wish list" to begin taking your orders.

LGK 2.0 drivers:
These are nearing the end of production and should be hitting the water soon. Current estimated delivery is mid October.

Stereo battery-powered Chip Amps:
A few samples have gone out with great feedback so far, very little burn in is needed, if any.
We have approved the production on the remaining units so hopefully we'll be able to launch them in the coming months.

A/V replacement updates:
We're slowly working thru the old AV line to update them with the T26-SG tweeter.

The-Bravo is already available for sale & assembly videos are currently in progress.

The AV1-RS is update complete and will be available soon.

AV-3 Center is next on the list. Cabinet is complete, just need to design the crossover for it.

16 Ohm Servo Subs: arriving this month
Tube connectors: arriving this month
Inductors: Manufacturer issues may cause delays on NX-Otica/ NX-Treme & X-Statik kits, along with some of our upgrade kits, like the RP 8000F.
(This issue may also lead to other delays in the future)

We've also go an idea for a new product in the "Mini" line that should be pretty fun, we have a test cabinet ready, just need to design a crossover for it.  :P

That's it for today! :thumb:
« Last Edit: 1 Oct 2021, 05:01 pm by Hobbsmeerkat »


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #1 on: 1 Sep 2021, 11:01 pm »
Is the inductor shortage expected to delay existing NX orders or just new ones?

Also, thanks a lot for the info!


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #2 on: 1 Sep 2021, 11:29 pm »
We have a decent amount of inductors available, as we had to wipe out Parts Express of all of 12, 13 & 15mH inductors a little over a week ago. 13s are being dewound into 12s. It shouldn't affect anything else for the time being.

We should be okay for what orders are currently in the stack for Otica & Xtreme, but it likely wont last long beyond that.
We may have to order the entire stock of 16-18mH inductors and dewind them if we have to, but after that it may be a while before we or anyone else can get stock again.

Shouldn't cause any delays for the Studios or our other kits for the time being.


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #3 on: 2 Sep 2021, 05:01 pm »
Just a few quick updates for everyone! :D

The next shipment of M165 NQ (8+16 Ohm) and M165-16 woofers arrived into port last week, and are currently going thru customs.
Current expected delivery is Sept 10th.

LGK 2.0 drivers:
These are nearing the end of production and should be hitting the water soon. Current estimated delivery is mid October.

Thanks for the updates!


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #4 on: 6 Sep 2021, 07:45 pm »
Thanks for the update. This thread kinda went under the wire. Anyway you dropped a nice bomb on the Minis, what could it be :scratch: :thumb: :popcorn:


Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #5 on: 6 Sep 2021, 11:58 pm »
Stereo battery-powered Chip Amps:
A few samples have gone out with great feedback so far, very little burn in is needed, if any.
We have approved the production on the remaining units so hopefully we'll be able to launch them in the coming months.

Where can we learn more about these?


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #6 on: 15 Sep 2021, 09:53 pm »
Another update since it's been fairly quiet.

While NQ & 16Ohm woofers have arrived in port as of Aug 28, we still haven't received them.
And this morning they said that they struggling to get them off-loaded and sent to DFW for Customs.

We haven't been given any solid information about a possible timeframe for their arrival.

Among a package of goodies, we got some sample drivers, including a small batch of LGK2.0, and a small batch of tube connectors, enough for 45 sets.

Approx 30 sets are being saved to prevent any further delays for those that have been waiting for NX orders.

They will be going out in order of which they came in.

The remaining 15 sets will be used to get out the backlog of orders. waiting before Set 6th.

Miflex caps should be back in stock by the end of this week, to help get some more orders out.

Sorry for the ongoing delays, the constant supply chain issues have really been eating us up lately.


Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #7 on: 15 Sep 2021, 11:08 pm »
Another update since it's been fairly quiet.

While NQ & 16Ohm woofers have arrived in port as of Aug 28, we still haven't received them.
And this morning they said that they struggling to get them off-loaded and sent to DFW for Customs.

We haven't been given any solid information about a possible timeframe for their arrival.

Among a package of goodies, we got some sample drivers, including a small batch of LGK2.0, and a small batch of tube connectors, enough for 45 sets.

Approx 30 sets are being saved to prevent any further delays for those that have been waiting for NX orders.

They will be going out in order of which they came in.

The remaining 15 sets will be used to get out the backlog of orders. waiting before Set 6th.

Miflex caps should be back in stock by the end of this week, to help get some more orders out.

Sorry for the ongoing delays, the constant supply chain issues have really been eating us up lately.

Thanks for the update Hobbs - I have indeed been wondering if you had received the drivers yet! I have my first of 2 sets of NX-Treme cabinets built, just waiting on those parts!


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #8 on: 17 Sep 2021, 03:57 am »
Sorry for the ongoing delays, the constant supply chain issues have really been eating us up lately.

I read where there is a shortage of shipping containers for manufacturers to ship new product in. Apparently there are a lot of empties at ports around the world causing delays to be even longer. In the past these empty containers would have been filled with recyclables and shipped back to the major exporting countries. Apparently this is no longer cost effective so the empties sit at the destination ports and the number available to ship new goods keeps getting smaller. Also, the cost for using the shipping containers that are available has skyrocketed.


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #9 on: 17 Sep 2021, 04:06 am »
Do we need to buy a dingy and head out into the the bay to "liberate" the goods?  :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #10 on: 17 Sep 2021, 04:16 am »
Not only that, but there's the ongoing shortage of truckers/labor in general. Rail companies are struggling to get parts to maintain rail cars and especially locomotives.
Same parts issue is plaguing trucking companies who can't get parts to fix their trucks/trailers.

A couple months ago, a driver was telling me about the fact that US ports were overwhelmed and there were over 300 ships sitting off the coast, just waiting to be unloaded. (This was just after the Evergreen/Evergiven debacle)

But yes, shipping costs across the sea/land have gone up by 700-1000% in some cases, if not more.  :o

It's not sustainable, but here we are..   :roll:


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #11 on: 21 Sep 2021, 03:21 pm »
Just got word that the woofers are expected to be rendered to Customs by Sept 27.
We're currently looking at a month of delays so far... :duh:

We got a few production samples of the LGK 2.0 drivers and they measure really well!
They do however need a smaller airspace than the original LGK drivers, so they won't really work in the old cabinet designs unfortunately.

They need a roughly 0.1cu Ft and a small 1"x3" port.


Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #12 on: 21 Sep 2021, 04:47 pm »
Just got word that the woofers are expected to be rendered to Customs by Sept 27.
We're currently looking at a month of delays so far... :duh:

We got a few production samples of the LGK 2.0 drivers and they measure really well!
They do however need a smaller airspace than the original LGK drivers, so they won't really work in the old cabinet designs unfortunately.

They need a roughly 0.1cu Ft and a small 1"x3" port.

Thanks for the updates again! I really appreciate those. Also curious about the LGK 2.0 kits - will those be available once this shipment of drivers hits?


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #13 on: 21 Sep 2021, 04:59 pm »
Thanks for the updates again! I really appreciate those. Also curious about the LGK 2.0 kits - will those be available once this shipment of drivers hits?

The LGKs are coming as part of a different shipment, they're likely another month or so out from delivery.


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #14 on: 21 Sep 2021, 07:47 pm »
Thank You for the updates.

Are 8" OB woofers something that was on the way? I can't remember what all 8" drivers are coming. I know it was something I was interested in. lol


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #15 on: 21 Sep 2021, 09:18 pm »
They are the 8" Servo subs used to make the U frame speaker stands

We're also looking at using then in a future NX series design.


Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #16 on: 21 Sep 2021, 09:22 pm »
"...LGK 2.0 drivers and they measure really well!
They do however need a smaller airspace than the original LGK drivers"

So could / would these new LGK 2.0 drivers still be a drop-in replacement
for any damaged LGK 1.0s in a GR Research Wedgie speaker? If no, does
Danny intend to release a Wedgies 2.0 model? Thanks


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #17 on: 21 Sep 2021, 09:53 pm »
I'm not sure about the Wedgies yet, we've only tested them in a couple boxes so far. They wont really work in the original boxes we used in the past. They're about 2x the size the drivers need.

Testing them in the Wedgie's cabinet will be one of our next tests.

However they also have a copper phase plugs compared to the original units that were just aluminum.

The 2.0s look like mini NQ woofers now.


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #18 on: 21 Sep 2021, 10:13 pm »
Talking with Danny, the New GLK will unfortunately not be able to be drop-in replacements, their mounting is a little different from the originals.

Danny thinks he may still have a couple original LGK 1.0s left over if you have a bad one, he's just not sure where they are at the moment.


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Re: M165+NQ delivery and other updates Pt2
« Reply #19 on: 21 Sep 2021, 10:40 pm »
New woofer is beautiful.  You guys should try to keep that around as a signature look.