Servey on waitng for Nicholas??

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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #60 on: 20 Sep 2008, 03:48 am »
Sorry Newbuyer, guess it's getting a little old hearing all you guys post about ordering from Promitheus Audio, then complain about theft and such. It's the same song & dance from all of you prospective owners since the start of the Circle but yet ya'all continue to order components. It makes me wonder why you put yourselve thru all this. :dunno: Are these components that good? :o


No worries Robin, I definitely see what you are saying.  But the point of this thread is not to whine - it is to compare notes with others and share experiences on the thread Topic, for the benefit of all members and prospective customers (and hopefully the manufacturer if he even cares).  There is certainly value in that, at least in my opinion.


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #61 on: 20 Sep 2008, 03:54 am »
I don't see why Nick doesn't answer your questions on his Circle....he is the Facilitator. And I see he last "checked in" on Sept. 16th.

Good luck.... :thumb:


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #62 on: 20 Sep 2008, 04:08 am »
  But the point of this thread is not to whine - it is to compare notes with others and share experiences on the thread Topic, for the benefit of all members and prospective customers (and hopefully the manufacturer if he even cares).  There is certainly value in that, at least in my opinion.

Now that's a novel thought that would certainly be more entertaining than what's actually been posted of late.  :thumb: And I agree with Lonewolf in that if Nick doesn't start taking a more active part as Facilitator of this Circle, it could possibly be archived as was Reference 3A yesterday.  :o



Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #63 on: 20 Sep 2008, 05:30 am »
I don't see why Nick doesn't answer your questions on his Circle....he is the Facilitator. And I see he last "checked in" on Sept. 16th.

Good luck.... :thumb:

Been interesting following this thread through the weeks, or is it months? Haven't nutten' to add...besides a lil' conspiracy theory...perhaps Nick keeps his eye on which poster complains/''whines'' the most and then prioritize  shipments as the tale unravels...  aa


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #64 on: 23 Sep 2008, 11:39 am »
we priotize shipment as per order log, but sometimes some units go out faster if they are standard items where we have ready stock of chassis.
Our leadtime is always effected by chassis work. THis is always the longest time as the carpenter takes a while to gets us or chassis. MOst of the other stuff is done in the factory so its not that much lead time as oppose to waiting for chassis


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #65 on: 23 Sep 2008, 11:41 am »
I log in on the 16th to send new buyer a pm via audiocircle to help me resolve the issue at end
sometimes with monikers and not sure which names goes with which moniker

Newbuyer could drop me a pm via audiocircle so that i can resolve your problem



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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #66 on: 3 Oct 2008, 06:38 pm »

I ordered a TVC transformer on 9/4/2008 and haven't been able to get in touch with you about shipment. This is a standard item that did not require a chassis, so I assumed (incorrectly) that it would go out immediately via DHL. Can you please give me an update on when the item should ship? I have a prototype unit that I need to finish for a show, hence the haste.


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #67 on: 4 Oct 2008, 07:08 pm »
my tvc arrived on time as did the tube active preamp i ordered several months later. however, the free silver interconnects which are offered with the deal have never been sent. bit of a con me thinks!


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #68 on: 10 Oct 2008, 04:34 am »

I ordered a TVC transformer on 9/4/2008 and haven't been able to get in touch with you about shipment. This is a standard item that did not require a chassis, so I assumed (incorrectly) that it would go out immediately via DHL. Can you please give me an update on when the item should ship? I have a prototype unit that I need to finish for a show, hence the haste.
I have shipped on your unit on monday. we did not have stock at the moment and this had to be made.
Did not see this as we were close last week


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #69 on: 10 Oct 2008, 04:35 am »
my tvc arrived on time as did the tube active preamp i ordered several months later. however, the free silver interconnects which are offered with the deal have never been sent. bit of a con me thinks!
can you pm me so that i can sort this out


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #70 on: 16 Oct 2008, 03:54 am »
I purchased a Reference Dual Box TVC, no volume control, a toggle switch to turn on and off the TVC, as I am using my CJ PV-15 pre as volume control.  I wrote Nicholas that the switch that turns on and off the TVC does not work.  I received no reply from Nicholas.  I then asked for my money back as the units did not work as Nicholas stated they would.  Nicholas then replied after I asked for my money back stating that this was a custom unit and he does not offer refunds on custom units.  I have read all policies on Nicholas' web site, NO WHERE does it state no refunds for custom units!  I think Nicholas should stand behind his work and at least offer a no cost to the buyer (shipping included) to make the unit perform as it should.  When I wanted my money back Nicholas offered no recourse.  If e-mails are needed by anyone to confirm my situation please advise and I will forward them to you.  I will NEVER do business with Nicholas again!  I advise you who are considering purchasing a TVC not to take the chance that Nicholas just might not get it right and offer no recourse to correct it!  I welcome your reply to my statement, Nicholas!


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #71 on: 18 Oct 2008, 03:36 pm »

Just awaiting any info on my ordered pre-amp?(Referrence TVC with ELMA Switches)
Can you give me an approximate delivery date? I think payment went through on the 10/09/08
So i guess i should hear something soon?

thanks Nicholas....



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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #72 on: 28 Oct 2008, 10:50 am »
Just as I expected!  Nicholas took my hard earned money, did poor work, product does not perform as Nicholas stated it would, and ran to the bank with my hard earned money.  It has been 12 days since my last post concerning Nicholas' fraudulent business practices, still no reply from Nicholas!  Please, those of you considering purchasing a product from Nicholas do yourself a big favor.  DO NOT purchase any products from Nicholas.  IF a product does not perform properly, Nicholas does not offer any recourse to repair any product.  Nicholas should cover the shipping costs to return a product to him and to return it to the buyer repaired.  Again, DO NOT purchase any products from Nicholas.  Buyer beware!!


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #73 on: 28 Oct 2008, 02:35 pm »

Just awaiting any info on my ordered pre-amp?(Referrence TVC with ELMA Switches)
Can you give me an approximate delivery date? I think payment went through on the 10/09/08
So i guess i should hear something soon?

thanks Nicholas....

Send you my reply via email


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #74 on: 28 Oct 2008, 02:40 pm »
I purchased a Reference Dual Box TVC, no volume control, a toggle switch to turn on and off the TVC, as I am using my CJ PV-15 pre as volume control.  I wrote Nicholas that the switch that turns on and off the TVC does not work.  I received no reply from Nicholas.  I then asked for my money back as the units did not work as Nicholas stated they would.  Nicholas then replied after I asked for my money back stating that this was a custom unit and he does not offer refunds on custom units.  I have read all policies on Nicholas' web site, NO WHERE does it state no refunds for custom units!  I think Nicholas should stand behind his work and at least offer a no cost to the buyer (shipping included) to make the unit perform as it should.  When I wanted my money back Nicholas offered no recourse.  If e-mails are needed by anyone to confirm my situation please advise and I will forward them to you.  I will NEVER do business with Nicholas again!  I advise you who are considering purchasing a TVC not to take the chance that Nicholas just might not get it right and offer no recourse to correct it!  I welcome your reply to my statement, Nicholas!
if the toggle switch does not work in a faulty unit, then there will be no sound as the switch would not conduct if its broken or wired wrongly. If you are still getting sound as per your emails where you told me you could not tell the difference, then its not the switch fault. Again its not the transformer fault because if there is sound coming out, when the switch selects the transformer then is not shorted. SO to be clear in both positions of the toggle switch sound was still coming out from the unit but you could not tell the difference only as per your email
So its neither a faulty transformer or switch.

The signal from the input rca is fed to the input switch and then it is fed thru a bypass switch and then to the transformer input or the output rca . The transformer outputs are then taken out to the rca. The signal is then isolated via the transformer and there is no direct path from the input rca to output rca as provide by the transformer isolation. 

This unit is made and wired exactly to the transformer buffer for Early B



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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #75 on: 28 Oct 2008, 02:47 pm »


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Re: Survey on waiting for Nicholas??
« Reply #76 on: 2 Nov 2008, 11:06 pm »
Hey Nicholas, have you been getting my e-mails?
You promised me a pdf circuit diagram that never came, can you please e-mail it as soon as possible?
My order is not complete without that diagram we agreed upon before I received my preamp.
The preamp sounds absolutely fabulous, but I can't possibly recommend you or your work if you don't honor your promises entirely.
You would get mountains of recognition from your customers for your work if you were more responsive, something that can still, in my opinion, be done.

I'm waiting anxiously!

F Penciu, Cleveland, OH


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #77 on: 5 Nov 2008, 01:07 am »
How about the switch not being connected at all?  My goodness, could that possibly be the problem?  I believe so!  Do you test to see if your products perform as you state they will?  Why don't you pay for shipping back to you and I will pay for the TVC to be returned to me working correctly.  I am willing to work with you to a point, a very limited point.  If the TVC had been working properly in the first place I would not be sitting here taking my time to complain!  Again, I warn any who read this message board NOT to do business with Nicholas.  No matter how good a product is confessed to be if the builder has no integrity to maintain his reputation to provide good customer service then why buy anything from him?  Something as simple as keeping your word to people just might go a long, long way.  Buyer beware of Promitheus Audio.  There are other producers of audio products that will go out of their way to assure that their customers are satisfied one hundred percent of the time!   DO NOT BUY ANY AUDIO PRODUCTS FROM NICHOLAS (PROMITHEUS AUDIO)


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Re: Servey on waitng for Nicholas??
« Reply #78 on: 5 Nov 2008, 01:27 pm »
Your unit like anything is tested. If you have had open up the unit, you would realize the switch is wired and not made the assumption
It can be confirm visually and via electrically. Electrically, a simple multimeter would confirm the continuity is there when you bypass the transformers and there is no continuity when the transformer is engage. The meter would measure the input to the outputs whether there is continuity
I however tested you unit with an oscilloscope and function generator. With the transformers engage the frequency response of a square waveform starts to round off at 100Khz while the switch is a perfect square wave. This shows the unit to be working fine and the switch working fine too. Normal audio band the waveform of both the switch(bypass) and transformers is the same as it should be.
Again i maintain there is nothing wrong with the unit


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Re: Survey on waiting for Nicholas??
« Reply #79 on: 5 Nov 2008, 01:28 pm »
Send you the email yesterday, 2 big emails with the layout from autocad. Let me know if you got them
