SoCal Audio GTG - February 15th featuring VMPS and Kaplan Cables

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Hey Folks,
We're going to follow up our successful get-together at Arian's place last week with one at my place in Westminster next month.  Put Sunday afternoon, February 15th on your calendar.  Send me a PM if you want to get on the GTG email list for more information.
Keep these dates in mind for future GTGs:
Sunday, March 15th hosted by Lynn Aase in Huntington Beach
Sunday, April 12th hosted by Tom Newell in San Clemente
Sunday, May 17th hosted by Gary Heineman in Long Beach
Take care,
« Last Edit: 5 Feb 2009, 09:40 pm by Russtafarian »


Re: SoCal Audio GTG - February 15th
« Reply #1 on: 28 Jan 2009, 02:26 am »

I'll be there!!



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Hey Folks,

Next Sunday afternoon, February 15th I'll be hosting a GTG at my place in Westminster.  Here's what we'll have to listen to and play with.

For speakers I have bi-amped VMPS RM30s.  A just-purchased DCX2496 will do crossover duty for the RM30 woofers and stereo dipole subs.  I'm still using the RM30's passive crossover for the mids and highs.  Surround sound speakers for multi-channel SACD and DVD-A are Magnepan MMG-Ws.

For amplifiers, the subs, RM30 woofers and Magnepans are driven by DIY Hypex amps.  UCD400 modules for the subs and UCD 180 modules for the RM30 woofers and MMG-Ws.  The RM30 mids and highs are driven by Quicksilver Monoblocks with KT77s.

Preamp is an ARC SP14 and sources are VPI/Graham/Dynavector for vinyl, Pioneer DV-58 for stereo CD/SACD/DVD-A, and Oppo DV-970 for multi-channel SACD/DVD-A.

I may also set up a listening station with a pair Stax headphones driven by a gainclone amp with a Squeezebox 3 for source.

As an added bonus, Kaplan Cables are in the house!  :hyper: Paul has sent me three of his power cables for me and some local audiophiles to audition.  He sent me a copper PC, a rhodium PC, and a copper PC with the 15A filter network.  Since my preamp and amps all have captive cables, we'll only be able to try them on my CD player and power conditioner.  But based on what I've heard so far, these PCs are something special.

If you're interested in joining us, drop me a PM and I'll email you the details.



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GTG this Sunday.  We've got about a dozen folks coming by.  Drop me a PM if you'd like to join us.



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Some highlights from today's GTG

Brian Kyle and Tom (hifitommy) digging in.

Mike (drab), Mike, Michael, and... Gary (Invicta61)

Tom (tnewell) checks out some of the CDs brought over by Hajime of .

The russtafarian rig.

Russ (russtafarian), Arian, Art, and Brian settle in for some listening.

Brian Kyle demonstrates the Acoustic Revive RR-77 (on top of the acoustic panel), and his music gun CD treatment.

The Rack: VPI TNT, Pioneer DV-58 universal player, ARC SP14 preamp, Oppo DV-970, Behringer DCX

Quicksilver monos with NOS 8417 output tubes.  VOM and screwdriver for checking bias.

VMPS RM30 perched on dipole subwoofer.

TNT in action.

The gang.  Not pictured (but certainly present), David, Lynn, Arian, and Russ.  What a bunch of gear-geeks!

Thanks for coming over guys.  Hope to see you all at Lynn's place on March 15th.


« Last Edit: 16 Feb 2009, 05:03 pm by Russtafarian »

Hajime Sato


Thank you very much for hosting a wonderful GTG. Great music, plentiful munchies, and interesting conversations. Your system sounded wonderful today. I was mighty impressed about the tonal balance, extension and especially dynamics. Wow! It was a lot of fun.



it was worth the 60 mile drive
« Reply #6 on: 16 Feb 2009, 01:54 pm »
thanks for the interesting afternoon Russ.  great muscic, sound, and company.



Thank you for being a most gracious host. Your system sparkled and gave my an eye opener
on the benefits of vinyl.

It was great meeting all of you and hope to see you next week.



It looks like a fun time. I'm was hoping to come then got a last minute rush job that kept me working all weekend. Oh well, hopefully I can catch the next one.



Great GTG yesterday! :thumb: Your system was sounding great. You have tamed some of the bass nodes in your room since the last time was over.

Brian Kyle's Liquid Resolution really made a nice mprovement in the disc he treated.  I may have to try that stuff.  I thought the " Gun" also made an improvement but not as great as the Liquid.

The Acoustic Revive generator thing also made an improvement to the sound but I still can't put my finger on exactly what it was.

Everytime Hajime brings his CD's and albums it costs me money.  Picked up 4 CD's and 2 Lps.

Nice seeing everyone and meeting some new folks.

Looking forward to next months GTG at Lynn's.


John Casler

Hey Russ,

Looks like all had a great time.

I was hoping to have the time to break free, especially since I wanted to hear what you've done with your RM30's.

Looks like you have also incorporated the "high boy" and "foam lapel" tweaks.

Very Cool  :thumb:

But all my clients showed up and the day was not my own.

Good to see some SoCA action finally.  There hasn't really been much since Fo (Mad Dog) moved.

Maybe next time. aa


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Hey John,

It would have been great to have you join us.  I'll put you on the email list for future get-togethers. 

I tried the RM30s on top of the subs for the first time a few days ago.  I really like what I hear in terms of image height, midrange clarity, and better time/phase alignment in the bass.  The downside is some midbass smearing and resonance from the direct coupling of the sub and speaker cabinets.  After everyone left yesterday I put some rubber/cork footers between each speaker and sub and that cleared up quite a bit of the problem.  I think some added bracing to the dipole sub cabinet will also help.

I also plan on posting some of my listening impressions regarding the Kaplan power cord we tried on the CD player as well as some of the tweaks Brian Kyle demo'd for us.
