A Pretty Good Read: The Sason Ltd, Alethias Cabling and Other Stuff...

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Robert C. Schult

Hello to All and Enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday!

Thought you might find THIS thread interesting regarding the Sason Ltd loudspeakers and other ramblings that came up.

Cheers to you all!



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Very interesting Robert.

It's too bad you aren't closer as I would love to hear the Sason speakers.

What is the pricing on the Alethias products?

I looked on your website, but didn't see any info.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Robert C. Schult

Hi George!

Good to see me here!  :thumb: I should do it more often.

For those who've wanted to audition the Sasons but live too far out, we've suggested they move here. The market's pretty good and cost of living is excellent in this neck of the woods.

George wrote:
I looked on your website, but didn't see any info.

It's my part of contributing to the whole "cable snake oil" thing. I'm kinda taking it to the extreme by not only being elusive about it's design but also by keeping it completely secret as to pricing and that any such cabling even exists. So far, it's not working real well. :o

I'll get some support stuff on our website within the next week or so.

Meantime, MSRP and Promotional Pricing HERE

Not a very pretty page but it's usefull. Still have to do images and stuff yet.

The link is a PDF file. You'll need the Adobe Reader to open it. It's a free program that can be downloaded HERE if you don't already have it

I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving with good family and friends George!



The Sason is an incredible speaker.  It layers the soundstage and images better than any other speaker I've heard.

If I ever replaced the Salks, at this point, it would be for the Sason's.


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My mid-trial comments are posted on the A-gon thread.  Quick summary:  I'm keeping these damn truth-mongers.....they reveal all and image like some magical potion has been sprinkled on them.....and I like that.  Break-in process is unbelievable, though. 


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Hi George!

Good to see me here!  :thumb: I should do it more often.

For those who've wanted to audition the Sasons but live too far out, we've suggested they move here. The market's pretty good and cost of living is excellent in this neck of the woods.

George wrote:
I looked on your website, but didn't see any info.

It's my part of contributing to the whole "cable snake oil" thing. I'm kinda taking it to the extreme by not only being elusive about it's design but also by keeping it completely secret as to pricing and that any such cabling even exists. So far, it's not working real well. :o

I'll get some support stuff on our website within the next week or so.

Meantime, MSRP and Promotional Pricing HERE

Not a very pretty page but it's usefull. Still have to do images and stuff yet.

The link is a PDF file. You'll need the Adobe Reader to open it. It's a free program that can be downloaded HERE if you don't already have it

I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving with good family and friends George!



I would consider moving out your way, but I promised my wife we would only move once every two years and we just moved to Boston at the end of  February.   :lol:

Almost every place is cheaper than the place I moved from in NY (even Boston).  I can only imagine how nice it must be out there.

Thanks for the info on your new products.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Robert.




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Happy thanksgiving, hope to hear the Sason's soon, I hear good things bout em, btw, which subwoofer do you think integrates with them best?


Robert C. Schult

Hello Steve,

Tough call on a sub only because the low end on the Sasons are so satisfying. Subwoofing (funny word) bumps against our philosophy of keeping the musical presentation as pure as possible. All of our customers so far have either discontinued using a sub after living with the Sasons or implemented a sub only to help smooth out a problem with the room acoustic. Can't forget those dedicated to their HT setups, too, but we rarely see it. So, we have limited experience with what is a viable partner to the Sasons. But even we would like to feel the earth move and enjoy that tactile sensation found in recordings of cavernous environments such as classical concert venues and outdoor live shows. And our choice record collection of North Atlantic long-finned pilot whale flatulence.

If we were to bring our own to market (an eventuality - it's on the table) it would need to perform well above what I see as current limitations in today's subs such as articulation and sheer "speed" or the starting and stopping ability that defines the spaces between the music. I know I've got a ripe opportunity to upset some here about their purchasing decisions (Happy Thanksgiving everybody!) but most subs put us off given the experience we and others have had using them. They usually take the life, realism and gestalt out of the listening experience.

If you are looking, here are a few features I personally feel will give you the best chance to find a good dancing partner to the Sasons (these suggestions are assuming you are not subbing in the Taj Mahal):

- Extremely good internal amplifier with high power. This area is usually hit hard by the manufacturer's accountants and is where you find the most compromises. Just like in speaker crossovers...you don't see it so you don't really know. A sub is an appropriate application for the new switching ("digital") amps. Class AB is great but harder to find a high quality one these days in a subwoofer.

- Closed box design for the best transient ability. Second best being a well designed passive radiator sub. Passive radiator designs are somewhat rare due to their tweaky nature - everything must be consistent in manufacturing, from driver unit-to-unit matching and tight tolerances to cone material variation to cabinet build quality to...you get the idea. More components to tune and less chance of making it all sound like the first prototype after you are 5 years down the production road. But it's a good design if done right.

- Nothing smaller than a ten-inch driver since we are asking the sub to go down (loudly) below 30 Hz...eight-inch units are fine in multiples but take up a lot of real estate in cabinet volume and typically have too high a resonant frequency to be considered a sub driver. It's a game of diminishing returns. I would prefer two ten-inch drivers to go low enough, loudly enough and with better transient ability than say, a single larger driver. Space doesn't permit getting into why I don't prefer much larger than a ten-inch driver.

- And (now for my biggest peeve)...try to find a highly rigid cabinet in a sub! This area is sorely overlooked or balanced against price-point considerations.

Steve Rothermel
Ridge Street Audio Designs


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Thanks for the reply, I currently have a pair of ML Decents, which are quite fast, and musical.  I would love to set up a session in the next few weeks, if this workls for you.  I live in Wilmette IL, just north of Chicago
and am getting nutz trying to find the "right" speakers for me.  My room is about 6000 cubic feet of which anout 4000 is used for 2 channel/HT sharing purposes.  I am still waiting for my behemoth custom horns to be finished, and would love a seperate system as well.  Lets talk, I will email my info.

Best of luck for the holiday's, and I still need a few final ME gifts :duh: :duh: :drool: :drool: