Clayton has officially left Spatial

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Spatial Audio

Clayton has officially left Spatial
« on: 12 Sep 2023, 07:27 pm »
As of September 11 2023, I have officially left Spatial Audio as a commercial entity. I have a wealth of great memories developing products over the last 13 years and especially value all the support and friendships garnered over the years. My customers and industry associates are the most important thing to me personally. We have all been in this together in the sense that we have all been a part of this beautiful and unique hobby over the decades. I have been blessed to be part of it in my own way and have endeavored to contribute to the best of my ability and try to bring the magic of open baffle speaker design into a more mainstream alternative to the old box paradigm. Thank you for your trust and support. Hopefully, a more emotionally engaging experience has been translated into your life. I still have the fire of innovation in me, so who knows what comes next.

Spatial Audio Lab continues on and has a passionate and competent team in place to continue the manufacture of the Spatial products. So please support them as they ramp up and move forward. Please direct all communications to them directly going forward. Email and phone information is on the Support page of the site.



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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #1 on: 12 Sep 2023, 07:33 pm »
Best wishes on your future endeavors.  You’ve left Spatial with a really strong foundation.  Thank you for all the blood, sweat and tears you put in to building some of the finest speakers on earth.

Spatial Audio

Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #2 on: 12 Sep 2023, 07:38 pm »
Best wishes on your future endeavors.  You’ve left Spatial with a really strong foundation.  Thank you for all the blood, sweat and tears you put in to building some of the finest speakers on earth.

Thanks Tyson - As one the prime contributors to this forum, that means a lot to me.



Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #3 on: 12 Sep 2023, 08:19 pm »
Clayton, the X3s that I purchased almost two years ago continue to entertain and delight me with every listen!

Thank you for bringing this amazing speaker to market and best wishes for whatever lies ahead.



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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #4 on: 12 Sep 2023, 08:22 pm »

Thanks for everything you have done!

It has been an absolute pleasure working with you and getting to experience your brilliance.

Best of luck in what comes next.



Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #5 on: 12 Sep 2023, 10:10 pm »

Thanks for making great speakers…

And thanks for the hospitality you extended me and many other visitors over the years!

What comes next… it’s hard for creative people to retire.

Spatial Audio

Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #6 on: 12 Sep 2023, 10:44 pm »

Thanks for making great speakers…

And thanks for the hospitality you extended me and many other visitors over the years!

What comes next… it’s hard for creative people to retire.

Thanks guys - I appreciate your comments.


Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #7 on: 13 Sep 2023, 12:13 am »
What you've built with Spatial is nothing short of amazing, especially in the most difficult of times. Best wishes to you in your future endeavors Clayton. Creators never stop creating ;-)


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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #8 on: 13 Sep 2023, 04:58 am »
Best of luck Clayton!  Thank you for my M4s!  Normally any purchase is over analyzed.  But these were an uncharacteristic impulse buy I’ve not regretted for a moment based on little more than your advocacy and a couple of reviews.

Spatial Audio

Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #9 on: 13 Sep 2023, 08:37 am »
Hey Guys - here is an interview with Linear Tube Audio that not many people have seen from a couple of years ago:



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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #10 on: 13 Sep 2023, 12:08 pm »
Congrats on building an exceptional company! 

For those that don't know Clayton's story, please watch this

Clayton, now it's time to move to FL!   :D


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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #11 on: 13 Sep 2023, 01:09 pm »
Best of luck with your future endeavors Clayton


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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #12 on: 13 Sep 2023, 01:26 pm »
Clayton, I hope your health allows you to continue in a forward direction. Best of Luck!


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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #13 on: 13 Sep 2023, 01:34 pm »
Clayton, wishing you the best in your future endeavors.  I also have the X3s.  They provide me with a superb listening experience, thanks to you!

I'm not sure about your future plans, but you would always be welcome here to add your expertise to our discussions.



Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #14 on: 13 Sep 2023, 01:59 pm »
Best of luck on your next chapter Clayton.

Terence T.

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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #15 on: 13 Sep 2023, 08:02 pm »
Clayton, thanks for your recommendation of M6 speakers for my small room and ever since it has provided me with undiminished satisfaction while listening to it. I hope you will continue to make affordable and excellent open baffle speakers again. Lastly take care of your health. :notworthy:



Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #16 on: 13 Sep 2023, 09:23 pm »
All the best Clayton. Had purchase M3 Turbos from you a while back and enjoyed those while I had them (the itch to rotate gear keeps infecting me) but always kept an eye on Spatial's progress and see the rabid following for your designs over the years.

Hope you have a chance to get your health back to 100%, which will hopefully lead to something fantastic that you'll likely work on next.


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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #17 on: 14 Sep 2023, 02:46 pm »
I met you at The Show in Long Beach back in 2021 and I was so impressed with you and the M3 Sapphire speakers that I placed an order that day. Those speakers have been the single biggest improvement to my stereo in my many years of music appreciation. They continue to dazzle me and I will be forever grateful to you for designing them and making them available at a price point for a teacher like me to afford. I wish Spatial all the best moving forward. They appear to be in very capable hands with some very exciting ideas. All that being said, Clayton you will be missed. Good luck to you moving forward.

dB Cooper

Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #18 on: 15 Sep 2023, 03:59 am »
Ever been to a show and approaching a room and been able to tell that the system is really good before you even get in the room? Spatial is that kind of product- and a surprising value in today's audio market.


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Re: Clayton has officially left Spatial
« Reply #19 on: 15 Sep 2023, 09:26 pm »
Wishing you the very best, Clayton. Listening to my X4s as I write this makes me truly appreciative of you vision and passion. Hoping you get to put your feet up and kick back for a while (if you even know how ;). Stay well!