Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?

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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« on: 7 Oct 2004, 12:53 pm »
Maybe this topic has been discussed, but  I couldn't find one.
Anyone know anything about this digital amp?

doug s.

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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #1 on: 7 Oct 2004, 02:57 pm »
i've never heard it, tho i wouldn't mind doing so.  even if it doesn't have toobs...   :wink:   i *have* heard that it's dusty's iteration of the short-signal-path amps like the 47-labs stuff...

doug s.


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #2 on: 7 Oct 2004, 06:23 pm »
Here's some info from their website:
Interesting, 40wpc. Might be worth a 30 day trial audition


Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #3 on: 7 Oct 2004, 08:32 pm »
I have heard them at the AV123 Colorado GTG, but it's impossible to compare them in that situation.  They sounded quite good though (Rocket RS750 speakers, AA DDS-Pro, Perpetual P-1/P-3, some passive pre from Dusty).


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #4 on: 8 Oct 2004, 12:03 am »
These are chip amps, not digital.


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #5 on: 8 Oct 2004, 01:46 pm »
Quote from: JLM
These are chip amps, not digital.

is that a good thing or bad?

Vinnie R.

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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #6 on: 8 Oct 2004, 02:09 pm »
Quote from: audiojerry
Quote from: JLM
These are chip amps, not digital.

is that a good thing or bad?

It is definitely not a bad thing.  Does anyone know what chip is used?  There sure is a huge transformer and lots of uF!  

BTW, I think Modwright did a quick review of them here at AC.  Do a search.  I think he really liked them...


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #7 on: 9 Oct 2004, 01:28 am »
Audio Jerry,

Chip amp good vs. bad compared to digital amp?

I'm not going to touch that one (especially in this forum).   :roll:

But what I'd like to see is a chip amp shootout:

47 Gaincard (all variants)
Audio One (all variants)
IRD MB-100
Scott Nixon (all variants)
Norh LeAmp II

I worry about delivery times and service from Norh, but the rest of the "bottom feeders" are in my price range ($400-1,000 per pair for 20 - 100 wpc).


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #8 on: 9 Oct 2004, 05:01 am »
Wow, those are all chip amp variants?
And you allude to a controversy between chip amps and digital.
Sounds like fun.
How does a chip amp differ from a digital?
I've been out of touch.


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #9 on: 9 Oct 2004, 11:47 am »
There is a ton of info over at the Chip Amp forum of

The IRD & LeAmp's are based off an older chip TDA-7294.


Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #10 on: 9 Oct 2004, 12:07 pm »
Recently, I chatted with Dusty about these mono blocks, but I need more power for my Ellis 1801s.  Dusty informed me that he will be introducing 100 watt mono block digital amps housed in the same casing as the chip amps in January.  He also will be introducing a remote controlled pre-amp based on his current offerings.  

Soon, everyone will have a choice between his chip amps and digital amps!


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #11 on: 9 Oct 2004, 01:17 pm »

Thanks for the heads up.

Not sure I need the extra 4 dB of gain (increase from 40 to 100 watts) but the remote would be nice.

Yes, recently Dan Wright sold a pair of the 40 wpc monoblocks (he's a dealer I gather) and listened before shipping.  He was amazed.  I was amazed that he was a dealer and had never listened (I know he's very busy, but really now...)


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #12 on: 9 Oct 2004, 06:24 pm »
[/quote]47 Gaincard (all variants)
Audio One (all variants)
IRD MB-100
Scott Nixon (all variants)
Norh LeAmp II

Don't forget Final Labs Music 6 and Jeff Roland's Concertina. These are at the upper end of the price scale. I belive Final Labs was the first to market a monolithic IC amp as a high-end product, but 47 Labs generated all the press & web buzz that got other's to jump in the game. There may be something to the whole short signal path/super simple/zen audio thing and I am sure the  Japanese quality mystique played a part, but the prices these  two companies set-to-sale with their amps made it very easy for others to under cut them. This is just what CIA, Nixon, have done.



Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #13 on: 10 Oct 2004, 10:27 pm »
Just to update you guys...

We DO have a new Class D D-100 Monoblock coming out next month and a D-200 version planned for January release.
They are currently on display at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest with Dan Wrights new tube preamp. You can see photos and preliminary info at our wedsite

J North

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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #14 on: 10 Oct 2004, 11:10 pm »
Am I correct to assume the D-100 and D-200 are using the new Hypex UCD modules?

Can't wait to hear them . . .


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #15 on: 10 Oct 2004, 11:57 pm »
So Dusty,

How do they (the digitals) compare to the chip amps?

Do they work well with the passive pre-amp?

Any problems with R/F?

Any information regarding a remote controlled passive pre-amp?


Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #16 on: 12 Oct 2004, 04:29 am »
The D-100's are simliar in tonal balance to the VMB-1's, but more resolving and immediate, with very good detail and decay. VMB-1's tend to be a little laid back, where the D-100 is more upfront and open sounding. The D-100 has an input impedance of 100k and works great with our VPC-1 passive. It will also drive difficult loads where the chip amp requires a more stable load. Both amplifiers sound very good, it just depends on your system, taste, and budget.


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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #17 on: 12 Oct 2004, 07:05 pm »
Hi Dusty,

What Class D architecture did you decide to go with, in the new monoblocks?

J North

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Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #18 on: 12 Oct 2004, 07:56 pm »


My guess, anyway.


Channel Islands VMB-100 Digital Monoblocks?
« Reply #19 on: 12 Oct 2004, 08:12 pm »
Yes, we're using a modified version of the UcD/Hypex module