WTA: still fantastic

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WTA: still fantastic
« on: 22 Sep 2012, 04:01 am »
I continue to be amazed by this table.  I would like to buy a second WTA at some point for mono or a special version for 78 rpm.

The table simply belies the surface level build quality.  I don't know if this table will pass the Sutherland Timeline test but I don't really care. 

I also wonder (more importantly) what share accounts for the performance of this table.  How much is due to the table and how much the tonearm?  I think the tonearm accounts for more.  What do you think?


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #1 on: 22 Sep 2012, 04:08 am »
I also think the non compliant string is a big part of it also. 


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #2 on: 22 Sep 2012, 10:10 pm »
I would be interested in that as well.

Anyone out there with the Well Tempered table thats compatible with the Dynavextor arm?


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #3 on: 22 Sep 2012, 10:42 pm »
Since a WT arm is now being sold, we might be able to figure out how much is table vs. arm.


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #4 on: 23 Sep 2012, 04:52 am »
Not so, Roscoe  :lol:
The LTD arm is close but not quite the arm packaged with the table.
To answer the important question, it's a bit of both- the bearing is most important (table) as well as the arm.
Sum of the parts. Firebaugh, when interviewed, seemed particularly pleased with both.
The Dynavector arm, like the Linn Ekos, is one of the worlds great $5k arms.  It allows for easier cartridge change, and one could even alternate between mono. Musically I still prefer the WT arm, as on the Amadeus and GTA.


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #5 on: 23 Sep 2012, 04:55 am »
We won't ever get an exact comparison, but the separate arm will get close. I totally agree about the importance of the bearing and  it seems that the bearing is an under-appreciated aspect of the overall WTA design. That golf ball is so distracting...


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #6 on: 23 Sep 2012, 05:20 am »
I understand about your last sentence, and initially felt the same, yet after a while that diminished to nil.
Properly setup, it's an amazingly musical table.  Look close, and true, nothing looks fancy, the ball annoys many, the string can go forever and then instantly go, the wall wart is cheap and can be bettered by swapping for better or getting the DPS...
It's all about personal taste, yet I still pity the one who spends upwards of thousands more and won't get as musical a table.   


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #7 on: 23 Sep 2012, 05:27 am »
Yes, I hear you that the WTA is a great table. And there may be tables that are much more expensive that do not deliver such excellent sound. But that doesn't mean that there aren't tables closer to the WTA's price that are very competitive sonically, and which have features that the WTA lacks. This was my experience with the Townshend Rock 7. A better suspension, an innovative damping solution, the ability to swap arms. It isn't that you need to spend multiple thousands to improve on the WTA, as you can get a Rock with a Rega arm for less than $4k. But the WTA remains an excellent table in so many ways, and cost less than the Rock 7 without an arm.


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #8 on: 23 Sep 2012, 05:30 am »
Agree again, yet look at your paragraph... It's about features. Not about playing music better.


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #9 on: 23 Sep 2012, 01:03 pm »
See my Amadeus vs Rock thread for my musical impressions of he two tables. Long story short, very close in performance even with a Rega 301 on the Rock. WTA had better treble, the Rock better bass.

But your point is very well taken. Features should not be assumed to necessarily lead to better sound.


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #10 on: 23 Sep 2012, 03:04 pm »
And they don't; just like any product, even a toaster.
However, I'm convinced that many hobbyists buy with their eyes, and that's perfectly legit. I just wish they would admit it.  Or, back to musical content, there's a matter of personal taste, as I mentioned before. And if someone loves bass, needs that emphasis, then they can get a table that delivers that in spades, like the Ravens, Brinkmans, maybe your Townsend, etc.   I heard a completely upgraded LP12 Saturday, new Radical power supply, Ekos, the works, compared to a WTL Dynavector table, same cartridge on both. One friend preferred the overt Linn sound, two of us preferred the Dynavector.  He liked the swing, the bass whomp, of the Linn.  It was too much for me.  The WTL seduced, drew me in, in ways the Linn couldn't.
Very valid conclusions on each side.
Back to the OP. Yes, I, too, love the new WTL's.
My only worry is that I fear some of you are not having them set up correctly, hence you're not getting that ultimate goodness.  Where are your dealers?  And there's just some flat out incorrect setup advice on here, as the latest azimuth thread. Might work for him, yet it's not correct. All of that DIY bad advice needs to go.
So OP and others, enjoy!

Windbag Chas


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #11 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:32 am »
Sorry for not getting back to this sooner.  Been real busy.  Thanks for the insight everyone. 

Yes, the bearing is a big part of this but I just don't know how much.  It is more quiet a table than my Lenco.

What I do know is that I have been able to extract unheard of performance (at least in my home) of some very inexpensive cartridges.  I am not disagreeing with anyone here (hence my question) but through my own sphere of experience, what I do know that this arm is terrific.


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #12 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:35 am »
Not so, Roscoe  :lol:
The LTD arm is close but not quite the arm packaged with the table.
To answer the important question, it's a bit of both- the bearing is most important (table) as well as the arm.
Sum of the parts. Firebaugh, when interviewed, seemed particularly pleased with both.
The Dynavector arm, like the Linn Ekos, is one of the worlds great $5k arms.  It allows for easier cartridge change, and one could even alternate between mono. Musically I still prefer the WT arm, as on the Amadeus and GTA.

I have heard the table with the Dynavector arm.  I would also prefer the WTA arm.


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #13 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:40 am »
Agreed, but only on a Well Tempered.  :lol:


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #14 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:44 am »
See my Amadeus vs Rock thread for my musical impressions of he two tables. Long story short, very close in performance even with a Rega 301 on the Rock. WTA had better treble, the Rock better bass.

But your point is very well taken. Features should not be assumed to necessarily lead to better sound.

Never heard a Townshend so I can't comment...is that what you are using now Roscoe?

I owned a P5 with RB700 for several years and there is no comparison with a WTA.  Secondly, the damping on the WTA arm really is a concern.  I always wonder if some people overdamp their arm.  Imo, absolute minimum must be used.  I do agree that the WTA scores lowest in the bass but in my system, I just don't notice it.


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #15 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:45 am »
Double post


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #16 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:48 am »
Agreed, but only on a Well Tempered.  :lol:

Do you think the stand alone arm is worse?  I have thought about putting one on one of my Lencos.  The headshell might be a bit of an issue though...it's for more for modern carts.


Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #17 on: 14 Oct 2012, 01:59 am »
Yes.   I know, like you, the arm is great. But it's a sum of the parts thing. Shouldn't be separated out I think.  The LTD is not quite the regular arm. 


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #18 on: 11 Nov 2012, 01:06 am »
How can a golf ball be distracting when there are people buying tts that look like a spaceship? The golf ball and silicone are the miracle in my opinion. Now with the GTA one can literally compare cartridges...


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Re: WTA: still fantastic
« Reply #19 on: 25 Jun 2022, 08:50 pm »
Hello everyone and Mr. Pranka,

I guess I should introduce myself (again).

I was the starter of this thread ten years ago.  These days I could not get my login working and now using a new name here.

Ten years later and I am still using the Amadeus!  Currently with a Lyra Delos.

I do have another table that cost a lot more money and the Amadeus is as good or better. 

I do need some more new belts.  Mike sent some several years ago (lol).
