Pro audio speaker cable brief shootout- Mogami, Furez, Canare

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Some may have read my review of the Mogami 3104 quad 12 ga. conductor speaker cables which I made up DIY.
I won't repeat the details of the cable, but you canread the earlier review or those details.
I also made a pair of Canare 4S11 (4 14 ga. conductors) and Furez FZ124as (also 4x12 ga).
Mogani was about $6/ft., Furez $1.60/ft. and Canare $1.16/ft. There are differences in materials and construction from one to another, but I only care about the SQ in my rigs, so I ignore that stuff.
All used the same 8 ft. length, connectors and general construction (cross connecting opposing conductors). That made the Canare 11 ga., and the others 9 ga. Lots of copper!
I went with heavy guage as I've found in the past my Avalon Opus need power and control and heavy cables seem to work best. The speakers were developed using Spectral amps and massive MIT cables.
After running them all in I made comparisons, in the context of 2 of my systems.
After the first round, I dropped the Canare. I felt they did not have the degree of focus and clarity of the other 2. Far from bad, but I didn't think they were up to the others.
The Mogami vs. Furez was much more interesting.
The Furez has notably more top end with a more forward presentation, with the Mogami sounding more laid back on top. Well recorded hand drums favor the skin sound over the drum body on the furez, while the drum body comes into better balance with the mogami.
Both have good separation, but the Mogami had a deeper, more spacious presentation. The Mogami harmonic envelope also seems a bit more natural too, a little less hi-fi. There is a natural ease to the presentation of the Mogami that the furez doesn't quite match, being more forward.
I'm pretty sure I'll keep the Mogami in my big rig, and the Furez in my 2nd system
Both of these are excellent options for cabling budgets under $1000/pr. imo. The choice between them is mostly a function of what kind of balance and presentation you're looking for, with the mogami fitting in a brighter system and the furez where a little more energy on top is desired.
A few sellers also sell assembled cables for $150-250/pr., and there are other cable configurations that can be considered, such as the 2 conductor 12 ga. mogami 3103 for about half the price.
« Last Edit: 14 Oct 2021, 06:49 pm by jonbee »


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 56
Thanks for the info. Have been curious about all 3 of these speaker cables as well but surprised the Canare did not measure up to the other two given the similarities in construction and design. This also begs the question how well each of these companies interconnects might compare though I don’t recall if Furez makes line level cable.



I was a bit surprised how different they sound. There are significant differences in materials and construction, but I have no idea what the main factors are.
Of course, these results will vary some with system context, but are easily audible in my 2 different systems.
« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2021, 06:23 am by jonbee »


I had the Canare cables in my system for a couple of years. I thought they sounded good.

Then I tried a pair of Anticables in the same price range. They were significantly better in every respect. I regret wasting time with the Canare cables.

Even the better-quality Anticables 3.1 that I bought are just $250 for a 6 foot pair. They are a 9 gauge configuration. The banana connectors fit very securely.


I've used basic anticables in several systems. There are plusses and minusses to each, but on balance I think the furez and mogami are preferable in my systems, and are more flexible in use. The Mogami in particular have a gorgeous musical rightness to them that is rare.
Ymmv, of course.
« Last Edit: 13 Oct 2021, 03:15 am by jonbee »


I've finally compared the Furez FZ124as to the Mogami 3104.
They both use good quality ofc fine stranded wire, but each Furez conductor is made up from wires of 2 different guages, encased in foamed polyethylene dielectric, vs. a single guage in PVC in the Mogami. This foam dielectric provides a much lower dielectric constant, but requires more care in construction, as the poly dielectic must be cut away carefully, not stripped.
Sonically they are like yin and yang. Both render the detail and space well and have excellent bass, and are very clean and quiet across the range.
That said, the Furez projects the upper range in a more forward manner, with the Mogami being more laid back on top, favoring lower frequencies a bit.
This enhances the spatial separation on the top end of the furez.
I've decided the Furez has a balance better suited for my taste and equipment, but it could be bright in some systems.
It is also significantly cheaper at $1.60/ft. than the Mogami ($5.89/ft), though not as cheap as Canare 4s11 ($1.16/ft).
Add in $40 or so for connectors and heat shrink tubing and either of these can prove very good sound for the $ in the flavor of your choice.
« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2021, 08:40 am by jonbee »