
Industry Circles => NuPrime Audio => Topic started by: 007 on 8 Feb 2016, 07:18 am

Title: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 8 Feb 2016, 07:18 am
I just bought myself av NuPrime IDA-16. I have Definitive Technology Mythos four speakers. I'm now looking for new speakers. Can you recommend som speakers?   :o

Arne HL (Norway - Harstad)
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mresseguie on 8 Feb 2016, 03:38 pm
Congratulations on your new amp.

How much money are you willing to spend?

How big is your listening room?

What kind of music do you listen to?

Answer these questions, so folks can offer ideas.

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 8 Feb 2016, 04:03 pm
How much money are you willing to spend?

How big is your listening room?
50 kvm (it is my living room)

What kind of music do you listen to?
All kind of music, Pink Floyd, U2, Adele, Nils Lofgren, A-ha, Eagles,
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rollo on 8 Feb 2016, 04:12 pm
   A speaker with a rich or warm character for NuPrime. If you use a tubed preamp more choices than warm.

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: srb on 8 Feb 2016, 04:57 pm
How big is your listening room?
50 kvm (it is my living room)

I'm unfamiliar with "kvm".  Is that the same as 50m² (equivalent to 538 ft²)?  'Standard' 2.44m (8ft) ceiling height, or higher?

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mresseguie on 8 Feb 2016, 04:59 pm
I'm afraid I don't know what 50 kvm is.

Have you got a subwoofer?

If yes, I'd probably try to interest you in two-way stand mounted speakers supported by the sub. If you do not have a sub, I'd try to find a pair of three-way speakers.

It's past my bedtime, so I won't comment further for about 7 or 8 hours.

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 8 Feb 2016, 06:36 pm
Excuse my bad English and communication problems. I am from Norway  :duh:

Yes i mean 50m2  (9x7 meters) (equivalent to 538 ft²)

I'm still awake it's only 19:36 here  :wink:
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: maty on 8 Feb 2016, 08:16 pm

Tannoy Revolution XT6F or XT8F


Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: maty on 8 Feb 2016, 08:40 pm
or less commercial,

IPL Acoustics




Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: maty on 8 Feb 2016, 09:47 pm
Or you can buy a kit and build:



Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: pixelmixture on 8 Feb 2016, 11:07 pm
warm speakers make a good choice to be nuprime companion ...
in that regard i really like sonus faber.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 8 Feb 2016, 11:47 pm
Your budget is tight (to match the quality of the IDA-16).  Can you build speakers yourself or assemble a kit and finish the outside of the cabinet? 

Additional questions (so we can have a good idea of what kind of sound you are after):

What was your previous amp and why did you replace it?  (Just trying to get a feel of the changes your system is going through.)

I note that your stated budget is less than the retail cost of your current Def Tech Mythos 4 speakers, so what don't you like about the Def Tech Mythos 4 speakers?  (Please be detailed and specific.)

What exactly are your sonic (not musical) priorities?  (volume, detail, bass, pin-point imaging, large soundstage, dynamics, smoothness, sparkling highs, etc.)

Do you already have a subwoofer?  (I'd guess yes because the Def Tech Mythos 4 speakers are floor-standing they have average efficiency - 87.5 dB/w/m and roll off at 150 Hz so stand-mounted speakers should work for you that would provide more quality for the given budget.)

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: agdev01 on 9 Feb 2016, 05:19 am

Tannoy Revolution XT6F or XT8F

TAS has had some positive reviews on these and i believe i read another review that stated the like large rooms.  I think these would certainly be something for the OP to check out.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 9 Feb 2016, 06:33 am
To  JLM:

I had a surround receiver - Yamaha RX-A810 and Def Tech Mythos was my front speakers

I am looking for speakers With more ritch sound. Def Tech don't have som much bass if you understand what i mean. I paid 600$ for my def Tech (50% off).

 Low to medium volum, dynamics an smootness in the music. I want to hear the instrument.

Yes i have a small KEF subwoofer.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 9 Feb 2016, 06:46 am
I have been listen to Sonus Faber and Tannoy and that is absolute an option. Good sound.

Tannoy Revolution XT 6F or 8F

i have also been looking at

Jamo concert c97
Monitor Audio Silver 6
Bowers & Wilkins CM8 S2
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: maty on 9 Feb 2016, 08:05 am
KEF R700 (with coaxial speaker like concentric speaker of Tannoy)


KEF R500


They use KEF R300 coaxial speaker:



************ ************ *************

I have the "cheap" KEF 100 booksehlf speakers in my second system and I love the coaxial sound

->  Spanish

To English:


To Norwegian:


Or FIRST.... you can modify the Def Tech Mythos like me, spending little money
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mresseguie on 9 Feb 2016, 09:21 am
Hi again, 007.

I see you're getting some great feedback.

I've got a couple ideas. There is a two-way speaker that uses the SB Acoustics 6.5" Satori midwoofer and a ribbon tweeter called the 'Anniversario' that is made to order by Rick Craig of Selah Audio. These speakers are nearly identical to my speakers that are waiting for me to return to Oregon in about 6 weeks. I purchased my speakers as a kit, but I ended up spending almost the same $$ as Rick's Anniversarios. These speakers kick some serious butt. The Satori drivers are at or near the level of Scan Speak's Revelator or Illuminator midwoofers' level for sound quality at considerably lower cost.

I admit to being smitten by my Adelphos. I'm really looking forward to being reunited with my speakers. Link to Selah Audio:

Salk Sound Song Bird :


Bamberg Audio's Bamberg 2 TM monitors :

Lastly, you listed your range as <$1500, but I would encourage you to consider raising your budget higher if at all possible. Even going up to the $2000 level gets you better sound, greater sensitivity, and more pleasurable listening. My most expensive lesson in audio was that I kept buying lower budget level speakers because I didn't understand how I was undercutting my listening needs. Sure, I saved a few bucks on cheaper speakers, but just a few months later I was out shopping for better speakers.

Best of luck with your search.


Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: vonnie123 on 9 Feb 2016, 09:35 am
Might consider used speakers.  Monitor Audio Gold Reference or Gold Signature.   
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 9 Feb 2016, 09:41 am
Thank you all for good feedback  8)

I am also consider used speakers and I probably raise my Budget to 2000$

Arne HL (Norway - Harstad)
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: maty on 9 Feb 2016, 09:43 am
Well, you live in Norway, better Europen craftsman. Kits or finished.



If I were you, I would want speakers with all type of measures.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: maty on 9 Feb 2016, 10:08 am
( (
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 9 Feb 2016, 01:43 pm

Yes, the Def Tech house sound is more oriented towards home theater use.  The Mythos 4 are really a very complicated based on their performance (3-way, 5 drivers, plus 2 passive radiators).  I prefer simpler designs that use better and far fewer components.

It seems like you're after a more mature sound now.  Low/mid volume and smoothness align nicely with capturing the tonal qualities of voice and instruments does.  Dynamics can be microphonic (small) or microphonic (large) instantaneous volume swings, so on a smaller scale dynamics can be worked into the mix. 

I enjoy a rich sound too.  Unfortunately the general trend in audio has been towards a more spritely, tight sound (like the IDA-16).  Going with a larger bass/midrange driver (15 - 20 cm diameter) helps produce a full mid-bass presentation to achieve a full bodied sound.  I hesitate to use the word "warm" because many associate it with colored, slow, thick, and dull sound.  Many of today's tweeters (ribbons, metal domes) seem to be oriented towards satisfying older ears (that struggle to hear higher frequencies) and make for a less rich sound.

If you are satisfied with how loud your old system was (with the KEF subwoofer), I'd recommend investing your budget into a quality pair of stand-mounted 2-way monitors (versus fancy cabinetry).  Speakers like the Philharmonitors that Michael listed, Ascend Acoustics Serra, Fritz monitors, and LSA-1 (look up should be on your short list (if you don't have children/pets that can knock them over).

Many companies, like Salk (their sound is largely after the Def Tech genre) or Sonus Faber (they have a richer more musical sound), emphasize the expensive cabinetry.  Is that what you want to pay for? 

But as always audition at home.  You are the only expert who matters when it comes to your system in your room.

The IDA-16 is a very fine piece, I recommend you match it to a very good speaker.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 10 Feb 2016, 12:27 pm
I am checking out this speakers (used) About $1500. Must also check With my wife if she approves the look

I also checking this one (used) About $800
Title: Argon 3L may be too small in the big living rooms of over 25-30 m2
Post by: maty on 10 Feb 2016, 05:10 pm
Amphion Argon3L




Danish review ->

To English ->

But ... Argon 3L is an amazing experience, but it may not be for everyone. Firstly there is the size where Argon 3L may be too small in the big living rooms of over 25-30 m2. There is, after all, a limit to how many physical laws to exceed at once. Second, Argon 3L a very direct "in your face" shape, which some might not care about. I must stress that they are not bright, sharp or angular, but the lower midrange is slightly highlighted. This means that they serve things raw and unsweetened, and you will also closer to the performers than you might like. In return they offer an extremely dynamic, realistic holographic experience that many other more expensive alternatives will look enviously for a long time...
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 11 Feb 2016, 01:28 pm
Why are you picking floor-standing speakers when you already have a subwoofer?  Do you have pets/children to worry about?

Amphion are good speakers, but very modern (dry, tight) which would almost perfected compound the sound of the IDA-16 which as I understand is exactly what you didn't want.  Search for "BBC clones".  (Classic BBC monitors had a mellow/musical sound that many enjoyed.)

The 31 inch height of the Kudos Audio X2 would give me pause.  Really short floor-standing speakers like these can easily "get lost" behind the arms of chairs/couches, meaning that the direct sound can get easily blocked.  These (or stand-mounted speakers) would allow for greater view if the speakers need to go in front of a large window.   

How is this room furnished (lots of hard surfaces, ceiling height, overstuffed furniture, heavy curtains, etc.)?  Is it open to other spaces?
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 11 Feb 2016, 03:55 pm
Thank you for your comments.

My plan is to get a speaker so i don't have too use the sub. It is a small sub from an old KEF 1005 surround set and i want to sell it. Is it so you recommend small speakers with a sub. Is that better then floor standing speaker?

If I understand you correct you don't think my IDA-16 and Amphion Aragon 3L speakers is a good match. What is your opinion about KEF Q500/700 or KEF R500? (I am checking for used speakers or a good deal from a store)

My living room is a normal livingroom with furniture, curtins, chairs, pictures on the wall and couch

I have pets, two guineapigs they are no problems  :)
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JackD on 11 Feb 2016, 04:07 pm
I think his point, verified by two owner friends, is that the amp in the 16 is on the "cool" side of neutral, unless you like that sort of sound you should look for speakers of European origin that are on the warmer side.  There are an abundance of Euro speaker makers which would be much cheaper for you.  You should concentrate on the review sites that specialize in reviewing gear from your side of the pond.  Among those What HiFi, HiFi+, 6 Moons, etc.  See if you can contact some of the reviewers like Srajen and see if you can get their opinions.  Other than the "BBC" voiced brands the first one you would think of would be SF.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 11 Feb 2016, 04:24 pm
I think his point, verified by two owner friends, is that the amp in the 16 is on the "cool" side of neutral, unless you like that sort of sound you should look for speakers of European origin that are on the warmer side.  There are an abundance of Euro speaker makers which would be much cheaper for you.  You should concentrate on the review sites that specialize in reviewing gear from your side of the pond.  Among those What HiFi, HiFi+, 6 Moons, etc.  See if you can contact some of the reviewers like Srajen and see if you can get their opinions.  Other than the "BBC" voiced brands the first one you would think of would be SF.

Ok, I will go back to my side of the pond for futher advise. Thank you for your help.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JackD on 11 Feb 2016, 04:48 pm
Didn't say "go back to your side of the pond", I said concentrate on brands and reviews from there which will be more prevalent due to transportation costs and advertising revenue.  Many smaller yet excellent European brands never get reviewed or heard hear due to the shipping and currency exchange. Even the "bigger" brands like Proac, PMC and others suffer here because of it.  Hard for some of us to have an opinion on brands we will never get to hear unless we live in select cities like NY and LA.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 11 Feb 2016, 05:28 pm
Didn't say "go back to your side of the pond", I said concentrate on brands and reviews from there which will be more prevalent due to transportation costs and advertising revenue.  Many smaller yet excellent European brands never get reviewed or heard hear due to the shipping and currency exchange. Even the "bigger" brands like Proac, PMC and others suffer here because of it.  Hard for some of us to have an opinion on brands we will never get to hear unless we live in select cities like NY and LA.

 :thumb: (my mistake). I'm allready checking and googling but i found very little about which speakers owners of IDA-16 use. When I travel to Oslo I can listen to a lot of speakers but not in combination with a IDA-16. That's way I check in different forum to see what other use. Little luck so far  :scratch:
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: John Casler on 11 Feb 2016, 05:37 pm
As a NuPRIME Dealer, I have seen a lot of Speaker pairings with the IDA-16.

I don't recall anyone saying they didn't like their choices.

Some I recall are:

Sonus Faber
Golden Ear
Def Tech

And being a dealer for VMPS and now ELAC I can say these also are excellent.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 11 Feb 2016, 05:41 pm
Correct, the IDA-16 and Aphion have similar sounds and would compound their dry/tight sound.

I prefer stand-mounts (mains) with subwoofer versus floor-standers, because:

1.) The way bass propagates in a room is different than higher frequencies, so ideal placement of bass sources and mid/high frequency sources are different;
2.) Volume and phase of bass can be easily adjusted with a subwoofer;
3.) The subwoofer capacity can be sized for the room;
4.) With separate mains you can replace them or the sub as desired.

A good option with the IDA-16 would be the Gini LS-3/5A ($630 BBC LS-3/5A clone) with it's matching B+ ($690 bass stands).  I heard them years ago at a small audio show and were one of only 3 speakers I liked there.  The sound is inviting, not harsh and the value is outstanding.  The bass (transmission line) integrated very well with the mains and into the room.  Overall a rather small speaker.  Go to for more information.

Have you considered Sjofn HiFi Clue speakers ($1000, stand-mount but no subwoofer needed)?  Personally I haven't been impressed with KEF (although I wanted to be). 

If you can't home audition, why not bring the IDA-16 with you to Oslo?
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JackD on 11 Feb 2016, 06:36 pm
Agree, it's certainly small and light enough for easy transport.  Of John's list the Nola would be a good match for the 16 if you can find a used pair of Contenders. PSB might work to if you can find them, but to my ear's all of the others would be to forward in this situation.  The Golden Ears are a great match with the 8, don't know about the 16.  Other brands more available in Europe that would match would be Reynaud, Dynaudio and Apertura.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 15 Feb 2016, 08:12 am
I have been getting an offer for this speakers - Monitor Audio PL100 - asking price about $1350.

I have also got an offer for Tannoy Revolution DC6T - asking price about $700

Maybe I will decide what to do soon. One option is to still use my Def Tech and buy a new sub.

Thank you for Your help.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: maty on 15 Feb 2016, 08:50 am


This graph shows the quasi-anechoic (employing close-miking of all woofers) frequency response of the PL300 L/R (purple trace), PLW-15 subwoofer (blue trace), PLC350 center channel (green trace), and PL100 surround (red trace). All passive loudspeakers were measured with grilles at a distance of 1 meter with a 2.83-volt input and scaled for display purposes...

I do not like the graph (to listen music) but I am not you.

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 15 Feb 2016, 01:06 pm
Not all models from European manufacturer's make it across the pond (to the U.S.), for instance we don't know what Mercedes A or B series car are.  Same with Tannoy.  We know them (barely) for their classic high-end speakers (which I like) and their cheap active studio monitors (which are better than average), but not so much for their middle of the road speakers like the Revolution DC-6T.  Until you've read enough reviews to "know the reviewer" (by comparing what he thinks of several speakers you know), it's nearly impossible to know what you'd think of the speakers.

Monitor Audio recently has gotten professional reviewers to praise them bit more, but my impression has never been more than ordinary stuff.  I could be wrong, yet the review you linked only offers faint praise.  I'd be leery of ribbon tweeters with the IDA-16, as they tend to dominate the sound of (show off in) whatever speaker they're in and could again compound the spritely sound of the IDA-16.  (And frankly I don't understand how a particular set of stands can have a "massive impact" on the sound, so I'm ready to throw that review out the window.) 

Before going any farther in speaker research you need to: 1.) Set you budget much higher - closer to $4000 - the IDA-16 deserves it; 2.) Listen for yourself (and take the IDA-16 with you).
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 15 Feb 2016, 02:31 pm
Thank you again  :thumb: maybe I have to raise my Budget. Two of the speakers i have mations have a cost i Norway Amphion ($3400) and Monitor Audio (New modell $5000, the old PL100 was listed to $3400).

I hope I can get a used speaker. So I'm still looking.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 15 Feb 2016, 02:58 pm
Oops, I see the cost of the Monitor Audio PL100 now. 

Again listen before you buy, and don't get hung up in tons of reviews or jumping at "deals".  Better to make the right choice than making a great deal.  Like the Amphion that may not mate well with the IDA-16.  Older speakers can have problems (like rotting surrounds and aging capacitors) but they do tend to have the more full bodied sound that I think might suit you well.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rustydoglim on 15 Feb 2016, 07:20 pm
Thanks! This is a good discussion.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: srb on 15 Feb 2016, 07:39 pm
I'd be leery of ribbon tweeters with the IDA-16, as they tend to dominate the sound of (show off in) whatever speaker they're in and could again compound the spritely sound of the IDA-16.

That's certainly possible, but as a generalization I'd have to disagree.  Two speakers I've owned with the Aurum Cantus G2 tweeter were much gentler and less strident in the highs as compared to some more aggressive dome tweetered speakers.

And if you have heard speakers with the RAAL ribbons, the initial impression is that they might possibly be a bit soft in the highs until you realize that the sound is near perfect and accurate compared to some speakers you might have heard with sizzling hot dome tweeters.

If it's a quality ribbon tweeter (RAAL and Aurum Cantus come first to mind) and the crossover is properly designed and there is correct attenuation of the tweeter to match the output level of the other driver(s), the sound can be quite refined and delicate without any bright edges.

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 16 Feb 2016, 03:33 pm
I know you recommend me to test my IDA-16 with speakers ratere the buy it and make up my mind when I get it home. I have a little problem, it is not so easy to travel from north of Norway to Oslo and it is rater expensive. The distance is the same as from New York to Florida.

I occasionally  have some job traveling to Oslo. If I got time I visit hifi-store and listen to speakers and other stuff. I find it rather intersting  :)

I therefor appreciate all your help and i understand that i maybe should raise my budget.  I now got a new offer, it is a new bookshelf speaker (Dynaudio Focus 160) new price in Norway $2000) if I buy it i will get it for $1200. It is brand new with a discount.

Do you have comments to this speakers if you campare it with Monitor Audio PL100

Here is a review
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rustydoglim on 16 Feb 2016, 05:30 pm
Dynaudio is known for its studio monitor quality and I have heard their entry level model and very impressed with it. It looked similar to this one.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 16 Feb 2016, 08:34 pm
The Dynaudio Focus 160 looks good on paper.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: bh46118 on 17 Feb 2016, 01:07 am
I'm using my IDA-16 with the PSB Image B25, the two sound excellent together. I got the itch for a pair of LS50s when KEF had them on sale for the holidays, after driving to Indianapolis to hear a pair, I kept the PSBs. I've always believed the Linn philosophy of the source, preamp, amp, speakers hierarchy, if the info isn't there at the beginning, it won't be there at the end. I suppose you can substitute DAC for turntable, arm, and cartridge, in a digital system. Some of the fantastic budget speakers available today will sound amazing with the 16, I'm sure you could also hook it to $200,000 speakers and it would rise to the occasion.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mervinpearce on 17 Feb 2016, 02:00 am
I have been driving a few combinations on my IDA-16 which includes the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor, Vivid Audio V1.5, Wilson Audio Puppies 5.1, and throwing in the mix some B&W CDM1NT and they all are very happy being driven by the NuPrime. I had the privilege to go home for the weekend (travel a lot) and uncrate my Vivid Audio B1 and connected them to my newer NuPrime addition (2 x STA-9 and the DAC-9) as depicted in the picture. After a few hours intensive listening I connected the Vivid Audio B1s to the IDA-16 and the rest of my Sunday and Monday was spent with that combination.  For me the Vivid Audios really work so well with these digital amps and it will be difficult to upgrade from the IDA-16 and Vivid Audio B1.

Difficulty here is that some compare cost of speaker to amp but the cost of the NuPrime IDA-16 is so low but it performs like a much more expensive system.

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: bh46118 on 17 Feb 2016, 02:44 am
Wow, you really put it to the test, sounds like it came through with flying colors.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: drumnman2 on 17 Feb 2016, 01:14 pm
Hi. Could you please compare the differences between the 2 sta-9's and Dac-9 against the IDA-16 as I am considering the former set-up, thanks.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mervinpearce on 17 Feb 2016, 01:40 pm
Hi. Could you please compare the differences between the 2 sta-9's and Dac-9 against the IDA-16 as I am considering the former set-up, thanks.
The STA-9 has a 'warmer' sound more similar to the IDA-8 than the lean (and with respect) of the IDA-16.  The DAC-9 used as a DAC alone (there is a volume setting noted where the gain will be 0 on the signal path) is open and punches above my Wyred4Sound DAC2.  I am the 2nd owner I know of selling their W4S DAC2 after buying the DAC-9

Before I got back to my home country I had the 2 x STA-9 and DAC-9 delivered to a friend who was kind enough to give them some burning in time.  This was his take.

"Listened a bit last night with DAC-9 as DAC and single ST-9.
Very pleasing slightly warm sounding and yes much like the IDA-8.

So this morning around 2 am I did the following DAC-9 as DAC & Pre with 1 X STA-9.
Oh Wow this works for me big time.The Nuprime kit goes so well together and I experienced lovely deep bass with nice highs and wonderful midrange. Separation of instruments is good,lovely pin point imaging with a nice feeling of being there soundstage. Yes very much like the IDA-8 with a bit more power and control.
Will bridge amps a little later and looking forward to that but first I want to try this on my Maggies."

I played as a single stereo unit and the sound is warmer than the IDA-16 and even in stereo the control is really tight.  Using it in bridged mode, there is the same SQ but just more control. I am keeping my IDA-8 for a small system, the 2 X STA-9 and the DAC-9 and the IDA-16 will be doing duty between different Vivid Audios I have.  The small V1.5 and then the B1s.

The feedback locally in our market was that one person found the IDA-16 lean on the Kef LS50 and I think actually the STA-9 combination would do better.

Nice thing about the DAC-9 is that you can use both XLR and RCA output if you would like to connect a subwoofer.  I use 2 x B&W PV1 subwoofers with the Vivid Audio V1.5 to fill the bottom end.  The IDA-16 also has RCA out for subwoofer but it is not often you get stereo systems with 2 out for Subs

My final take is that it really depends on your speaker selection but you cannot go wrong with both.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: bh46118 on 17 Feb 2016, 06:06 pm
So is it better to pair a lean amp with warm speakers or vise-versa. I would assume the IDA-16 would out resolve its less expensive stable mates regardless of their tonal character ?
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rustydoglim on 18 Feb 2016, 12:12 am
It still depends on personal preferences. IDA-16 is very neutral due to the amp and ESS DAC.
I think there is a difference between "warm" and "tube sound". 
ESS 9018 (and all its variety) DAC is clean and neutral, which some people don't like.
AKM4409EQ DAC is warmer than ESS.

But STA-9 is really designed to mimic the sound characteristic of tube amp, i.e. it has more even harmonics.
Someone might like a little warmth, but not tube sound. But if you like tube, even if you have a warm speaker, you might still go with STA-9.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rustydoglim on 18 Feb 2016, 12:14 am
I have been driving a few combinations on my IDA-16 which includes the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor, Vivid Audio V1.5, Wilson Audio Puppies 5.1, and throwing in the mix some B&W CDM1NT and they all are very happy being driven by the NuPrime. I had the privilege to go home for the weekend (travel a lot) and uncrate my Vivid Audio B1 and connected them to my newer NuPrime addition (2 x STA-9 and the DAC-9) as depicted in the picture. After a few hours intensive listening I connected the Vivid Audio B1s to the IDA-16 and the rest of my Sunday and Monday was spent with that combination.  For me the Vivid Audios really work so well with these digital amps and it will be difficult to upgrade from the IDA-16 and Vivid Audio B1.

Difficulty here is that some compare cost of speaker to amp but the cost of the NuPrime IDA-16 is so low but it performs like a much more expensive system.


From the photo it looks like IDA-8  :scratch:
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JackD on 18 Feb 2016, 12:40 am
Think the three pieces in the photo are the three 9 pieces he just got.  Probably intended to show speakers he made reference to.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mervinpearce on 18 Feb 2016, 01:16 am
Think the three pieces in the photo are the three 9 pieces he just got.  Probably intended to show speakers he made reference to.
Correct, that is the IDA-8 as I was comparing that after playing the DAC-9 into the two STA-9s.  Then later it was the IDA-16.  Fortunate to have all the items for different rooms and the only challenge is to decide which speakers on which system.
@rustydoglim - of course my warm would refer to tube-like
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 19 Feb 2016, 05:02 pm
The decision is made. I went for Dynaudio Focus 160. I'll guess I have to wait a week before the shipment arrive.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: pixelmixture on 19 Feb 2016, 08:26 pm
Dynaudio Focus 160 is a very good choice !
i choose sonus faber venere 2.0 because they were front ported and the placement relatively to the rear wall is not ideal in my room.

lately i was really impressed by the sound quality / price ratio of Q acoustics products
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: John Casler on 19 Feb 2016, 11:13 pm
The decision is made. I went for Dynaudio Focus 160. I'll guess I have to wait a week before the shipment arrive.

While you received a lot of suggestions, it is, in the end, a personal choice based on listening preferences, listening environment, and the rest of your system.

I might think that quite often, we find that with higher quality components and speakers, that in the end, when seriously listening, that the qualities blend to produce sonics that take time to appreciate and sink in.

I have heard NuPRIME now with a wide array of speakers and sources, and haven't heard anything that actually would make me want to rush out and buy another speaker.  I certainly have my favorites, based on my preferences and environment, but when the source, the amp and the speaker are accurate and burned in, it is hard to go wrong.

In fact, tomorrow I am traveling with NuPRIME Electronics to audition a new High End Line, that I have HIGH HOPES for, and I want to hear it with my favorite gear.  I have been waiting for these for a long time, and have high expectations.

I will report, if they are a winner.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: bh46118 on 20 Feb 2016, 01:33 am
Has anyone heard the Peachtree D5, I've read some positive things about them, but haven't heard them myself.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rustydoglim on 20 Feb 2016, 07:50 pm
I'm using my IDA-16 with the PSB Image B25, the two sound excellent together. I got the itch for a pair of LS50s when KEF had them on sale for the holidays, after driving to Indianapolis to hear a pair, I kept the PSBs. I've always believed the Linn philosophy of the source, preamp, amp, speakers hierarchy, if the info isn't there at the beginning, it won't be there at the end. I suppose you can substitute DAC for turntable, arm, and cartridge, in a digital system. Some of the fantastic budget speakers available today will sound amazing with the 16, I'm sure you could also hook it to $200,000 speakers and it would rise to the occasion.

Yes, preamp is extremely important and few people pay attention to the preamp built into our DACs. Otherwise the NuPrime designed $99 Encore mDSD would be good enough (I now travel with mDSD all the time :)).
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rustydoglim on 20 Feb 2016, 07:51 pm
Has anyone heard the Peachtree D5, I've read some positive things about them, but haven't heard them myself.

Inferior products should not be mentioned here  :wink:
Just kidding, except the inferior part. It is just my personal opinion ;)
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: srb on 20 Feb 2016, 07:54 pm
Inferior products should not be mentioned here  ;)

The Peachtree D5 ( is a speaker.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: rustydoglim on 20 Feb 2016, 08:13 pm
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: bh46118 on 20 Feb 2016, 08:22 pm
They used to be the Era D5, designed by Michael Kelley of Aerial Acoustics. They supposedly have a warm but detailed presentation with unbelievable bass for their size.

The Peachtree D5 ( is a speaker.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mervinpearce on 21 Feb 2016, 02:53 pm
Final comment here as I have tried a few speakers on the IDA-16 and I can say, depending on your listening choice. Every speaker is sounding better to me on the IDA-16 compared to my previous SS I was using.  This includes the Emotiva XDA-2 and the Bryston 4B NRB.  I must admit the first image with the Vivid Audio V1.5 and the 2 x B&W PV1 really was a killer combo.  Many of the arrangements on not final settings to many wires lying around.
Speaker cables tried includes Nordost Heimdall, Barax and Audioquest.

What I a saying is, if you enjoy an brand and you have a speaker.  Just add the IDA-16 magic and it will put new life into your current speaker.  Change one component at a time, if you can.

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 26 Feb 2016, 04:40 pm
My new speakers arrived today  :D

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: JLM on 26 Feb 2016, 05:02 pm
Thanks for reporting back.  Please do let us know how they sound after break-in.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: mr_bill on 26 Feb 2016, 06:09 pm
My new speakers arrived today  :D


What are the speakers in your picture?
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 26 Feb 2016, 06:20 pm
What are the speakers in your picture?

My new speakers is Dynaudio Focus 160, my old is Definitive Technology Mythos four (floor standing speakers)
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: bh46118 on 14 Jul 2016, 10:38 pm

I'm currently using the ELAC Uni-Fi UB5 with my IDA-16, this is a very impressive speaker for the money and matches up very nicely with the 16. If you have the space I would talk to John Casler at Summit Audio Video about the new e-voke speaker line, if not, John is an ELAC dealer as well and can set you up with the Uni-Fi , and also NuPrime electronics.                                            Sorry for the bad picture.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: John Casler on 15 Jul 2016, 03:08 am
Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the mention.

Yes, the ELAC and EVOKE are both excellent choices at their respective price points.

I just ordered a pair of UF-5 and UB-5 today for demos. 

I also have the EVOKE Eddies already in the demo system and they are excellent (just as at the SHOW)

Also I recommend if you can, to rig up a BASS RAMP for your UF-5's.

Don't want to get off topic regarding the IDA-16, so if you are curious PM me, or just call.
Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: 007 on 30 Oct 2016, 03:33 pm
Have now had my Nuprime Ida-16 for almost 8 months. The speakers that I bought - Dynaudio Focus 160 have worked very well in my setup. I keep being surprise at how clear and fine sound this amplifiers gives. Very pleased with the purchase.

I'm now listen to the norwegian artist Ingvild Koksvik and her album Og sangen fra havet (Tidal hi-fi) Great sound.  :)

Title: Re: Speakers for NuPrime IDA-16?
Post by: davidavdavid on 30 Oct 2016, 04:52 pm
very happy for you that you've managed to pair your NuPrime IDA-16 with the Dynaudio Focus 160. Having spent the last four years living in Europe (London), as an American hi-fi enthusiast, I know all to well the brands on both sides of the pond and the VARIANCES of both cost and availability.

There are quite a few speaker brands which make it to select dealers around the country. Having lived in NYC most of my life  and then London and now Columbus, OH, in the midwest, I know all too well the challenges of listening/seeing/evaluating a wide range of gear.

I will now HAVE to go to audio shows, like AXPONA in Chicago to listen and evaluate new gear on the market.