THANK YOU - Audio Circle

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Bill Baker

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THANK YOU - Audio Circle
« on: 13 Nov 2008, 03:14 pm »
This post is to come across on a more personal level. While Audio Circle has been good to Response Audio / Bella Extreme on a business level, I want to thank everyone for being there on a personal level over the years.

 Everyone here has different opinions in regard to audio, politics and religion but over the years, it has been proven that these aspects can be put aside to allow the human nature to shine through.

 I have seen AC members come together when fellow members needed a friend to talk to, be there when someone was going through personal heartache do to a lost loved one or even personal health issues.

 A few years back we had a 5 year old boy, Anthony who suffering from leukemia and the members of audio circle came through but offering donations to give him a few more weeks of life. This meant so much as it came from those who had never met Anthony and in many cases, didn't even know who I was.

 Back during our major flood of 2006, I received countless PMs, emails and phone calls from Audio Circle members offering their time to come help us clean up and put things back together. That's what friends and family do.

 Unfortunately, I have seen numerous post here on AC about members experiencing serious family and personal health issues, financial hardship and even a few that have past away. In every situation, there was always several pages of "get well" and condolences. Again....friends and family.

 Most recently, we reached out for some help for our local Little League program. So far we have received contributions from those who have been long time customers, those who know of us from being on AC for so long and some that never heard the name Response Audio before. We thank all of you for your contributions as it helps keep this program alive and kids off the streets.

 So thank you Audio Circle for being able to put all our differences aside at times when it really counts.