STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?

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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #20 on: 26 Aug 2023, 04:18 pm »
I am liking the AMG STA. 

I have started listening in my main system:  Auralic VEGA G2/LEO GX and Paradigm Reference Signature S2 monitors (two-way with beryllium tweeters), ~90db sensitivity.  I will shift to the Omega SAM-HO's (~95db sensitivity full-range drivers) in a day or two after switching between the two amps with the Paradigms more.

The AMG 9X and STA are similar in imaging and soundstage.  The web description of the STA seems accurate to me in stating: " ...instead of glitz and glamor, which pulls you in quickly into the performance, the AMG STA has a demeanor that slowly brings you into the music.  Tonal qualities of the AMG STA leans toward being full and rich, so instruments and vocals seem to gain extra body, weight, and harmonic richness."

The STA sometimes sounds a bit dark, but from that place sound will rise dynamically to startling realism.  I am still wrestling with that "sometimes dark" aspect.  Listening at a slightly higher volume helps it come alive.  But there is more that the STA offers in the "slowly brings you into the music" aspect.  While the 9X seems to involve perception, the STA seems to involve feeling.  With the 9X, I listen to the music while, with the STA, I feel the music more.  The 9X dazzles with imaging and detail.  The STA dazzles with that warm, seductive feeling.  The detail is still there, but it is more relaxed than the 9X.  It is smoother and less fatiguing (not that the 9X is very fatiguing.)  A bit more of listening to the music instead of listening to the equipment!

I am getting a bit too much bass with the STA, but I'm hoping that will tame with some more hours.  I had it playing in my office for over 100 hours, but at low volume.  I'm hoping it needs some hours at higher volume for the bass to tighten.

More to come.  ....Pete

« Last Edit: 27 Aug 2023, 12:02 am by pstrisik »


Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #21 on: 26 Aug 2023, 06:36 pm »
Spot on.  Generally, you can't go wrong by picking a neutral amp (transparency, sound stage, dynamic, and power are performance and price-dependent). But AMG STA sound characteristic differs slightly from most other Nuprime amps. That's why we have the listening impression to explain the sound and "warn" users before they even consider this amp.  AMG STA sounds magical for certain genres of music.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #22 on: 26 Aug 2023, 07:17 pm »
Spot on.  Generally, you can't go wrong by picking a neutral amp (transparency, sound stage, dynamic, and power are performance and price-dependent). But AMG STA sound characteristic differs slightly from most other Nuprime amps. That's why we have the listening impression to explain the sound and "warn" users before they even consider this amp.  AMG STA sounds magical for certain genres of music.

Thanks.  And I primarily listen to Jazz, Folk/Alternative, World.  Seems very suited to these.

One question.  If I get adventurous and consider another AMG STA so I can run with monos, the gain figure worries me.  When configured as monos, the gain is something like 52db.  Does that mean my volume control would be set considerably lower?  Would this be a mismatch since I am already running speakers at 90db+ in sensitivity (everything else being equal)? 


Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #23 on: 27 Aug 2023, 08:56 am »
Correct. Don't set it as mono if AMG STA already has sufficient power. You can try it on one speaker to find out how it sounds.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #24 on: 27 Aug 2023, 12:38 pm »
Good idea!  But there is plenty of power.  I've been running a class A amp at 30wpc with no lack of power.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #25 on: 28 Aug 2023, 06:37 pm »
Tonight I will be listening with the Omega SAM-HOs.  You can see that those powered woofers really belong with the Omegas.

After several days listening to both amps with the Paradigms, the AMG STA is the winner for me there.  I would expect to prefer the 9X with the Omegas since they are full range and already have that organic, rich, mellowish sound and the AMG STA may add too much of that for the combination.  But I am prepared to be surprised! 

The thing that made my preference certain was putting the AMG STA on a set of ISOAcoustics OREA Bronzes.  I've been impressed with their isolation products and have them under all the important components.  Tamed the bass and brought out more of the upper midrange which countered the darker aspects I described earlier.  I had the same experience when I put OREAs under my PIO M-22, though I had to use Indigos for that 48 pounder!




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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #26 on: 30 Aug 2023, 07:22 pm »
After first night with the Omegas, I've decided the AMG-STA is preferable to the STA-9X with them as well as the Paradigms.  However, while the AMG-STA outperformed my Pioneer M-22 on the Paradigms, the Pioneer is still my preference with the Omegas.  I think the Omegas really prefer all Class A, lower power, or both. 

So, I will have two amp/speaker pairings.  I was hoping to sell the Pioneer, but not yet.  Took it off the marketplace and have the STA-9X for sale.  I anyone is interested, it is here:  I haven't yet listed it in the Audiogon marketplace, but plan to.

I will say, if it isn't already obvious, the AMG-STA is definitely a keeper!  (Unless it's up a level with NuPrime!)

« Last Edit: 1 Sep 2023, 12:17 am by pstrisik »


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #27 on: 3 Nov 2023, 10:38 am »

the AMG-STA is definitely a keeper!
I noticed in your marketplace STA-9X listing that you may also move on from the AMG-STA. If you don’t mind me asking, what brought you to this decision?  Did you decide to stay with the M-22?


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #28 on: 3 Nov 2023, 12:15 pm »
Yes, because I have decided to sell the Paradigm S2's.  For the Omegas, my preference is the M-22.  Keeping two sets of speakers with their amp pairings is just too much for me these days.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #29 on: 4 Nov 2023, 12:49 am »
Thanks.  It was definitely a well informed decision!