STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?

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STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« on: 9 Aug 2023, 04:21 pm »
Can I assume these two amps are very similar in sound qualities?  They have the same power, and are in the same grouping in all categories except for resolution.  The 9x is rated higher in resolution.  Is this the reason the AMG is advertised as,

"....instead of glitz and glamor, which pulls you in quickly into the performance, the AMG STA has a demeanor that slowly brings you into the music.

Tonal qualities of the AMG STA leans toward being full and rich, so instruments and vocals seem to gain extra body, weight, and harmonic richness. It may not be the most accurate reproduction but does make Jazz and Vocal pieces highly addictive. It may take away the raw edge of Rock and Electronic music and sounds less exciting for some."

Overall, the AMG seems to have more attention to quality details.  Specs say it has higher signal to noise ratio (>100 vs. >90 in the 9x) which, I would think, increase dynamics and quieter background.

I will be listening more, but the STA-9x seems to have a bit of an edge with my Paradigm S2 Sigs while quite harmonious with my Omega SAM-HO's (that tend to be warmer).

Would the AMG-STA add that touch of smoothness?  What would you say about the differences between these two amps, Jason & John?  Or anyone that has had opportunity to listen to both?

Many thanks,  .......Pete

John Casler

Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Aug 2023, 07:40 pm »
Hi Pete,

Such is the Audiophile Hobby.  Each component has an impact on the eventual sound, and the room, your speaker/MLP positioning, your hearing ability and preferences also are involved in the end product.

The fact that your Paradigms and OMEGAs show different presentations demonstrates this well.  You may find that a speaker may need to have the position and convergence adjusted on occasion, which is part of the tool-kit.

The amp qualities chart offers some general insight to guide you to the qualities the different amps/series might add.

You are correct the AMG Series is higher up the model/series chain and will impart the more refined qualities.

So yes, the the AMG STA would certainly offer a slightly improved sonic, based on the higher level of refinement.

And in some cases, the "edge" you might be hearing on the Paradigms will ameliorate over break/burn in.

Hope that helps.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Aug 2023, 07:59 pm »
Thanks John,

It is that chart that I am referring to, where these two amps are the same across the board except in the resolution column. 

I have close to 100 hours if not more, but at least half was at very low volume.  I don't know if higher volume does more towards break-in.  I am going to wait for more hours on it before judgement.  I was quite surprised at the great sound quality with the Omegas. I didn't expect a higher power Class A/D to be such a good match with them.  Then surprised in the other direction with the apparent lesser match with the Paradigms.  Opposite of what I expected!

I may be in touch regarding the AMG as the sound with the Omegas moved the 9x to top level in my experience and may be worth the greater investment in the AMG-STA.  Here's hoping that 'edge' softens with some additional hours.



Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Aug 2023, 08:49 pm »
Pay attention to the listening impression of the AMG STA:, don't nick pick over the spec between the two.
If your music preference is rock and electronic, you probably won't like AMG STA.

Between STA-9X and AMG STA, your should base your decision on the listenting impression of AMG STA. If that's not what you like, then go with STA-9X.

If you can spare the extra $ for two AMG One, then it is the best choice among the three amps.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #4 on: 9 Aug 2023, 09:57 pm »
Thanks Jason,

It's hard staying away from comparing specs.  Descriptions in words only go so far.  So it's a struggle to tease apart the differences without listening to them.  Obviously, how many one can audition is limited for practical reasons. 

Thanks though, for the advice.  I do like how the description of the AMG-STA reads.  I don't listen to rock near as much as I used to.  Mostly Jazz, then folk, folk-rock, classical. 

The AMG-Ones I hadn't considered.  Reading up on them, it sounds like they are closer to the EVO Two than the AMG-STA, no?



Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #5 on: 10 Aug 2023, 06:49 am »
When in doubt, ask for opinions here  :thumb:

AMG One is an entirely different design than AMG STA. AMG One is a reduced power version of Evolution Two.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #6 on: 11 Aug 2023, 03:08 pm »
When in doubt, ask for opinions here  :thumb:

Yes, that's working!

AMG One is an entirely different design than AMG STA. AMG One is a reduced power version of Evolution Two.

Thanks for the confirmation.  I think the AMG-STA is a better fit for me, at least from the product descriptions.



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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #7 on: 11 Aug 2023, 11:37 pm »

I haven’t heard either of the above mentioned amps, but I do own an Evolution STA dual mono amp ( sonically might be closer to the Evolution Two?). I really like it. You’re welcome to come to Corvallis for a listen if you’re interested.


Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #8 on: 12 Aug 2023, 01:46 pm »
Very close. Evo Two is practically a mono version of the dual mono Evo STA.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #9 on: 12 Aug 2023, 02:03 pm »

I haven’t heard either of the above mentioned amps, but I do own an Evolution STA dual mono amp ( sonically might be closer to the Evolution Two?). I really like it. You’re welcome to come to Corvallis for a listen if you’re interested.

Thanks, that would be fun. Particularly with Daedalus (made near me - but I never visited him).  I'll get in touch if I head down that way (it would be a bit of a trek for a day trip!).  Please do the same if you are up this way.

Your handle is very familiar.  I had assumed from Omega forum, but I'm not so sure now.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #10 on: 12 Aug 2023, 05:26 pm »
For some reason I had associated you with another poster who lives in Bend, OR - a reasonable 2.5 hours distance.  :oops: My offer remains nonetheless.

There was a period of time when I did spend a fair amount of time on the Omega Circle. I came quite close to buying a pair, but ended up buying a pair of kit two-ways instead. I still periodically glance at the Omega website to see what’s available, and I may someday buy a pair (most likely the AlNiCo model). Once I heard my Apollo speakers, I couldn’t imagine not owning them.

If everyone is able to swing the logistics and timing, there’s a good chance there will be an audio get together held just north of Seattle (near Marysville, I believe) this year. If I can make it (read: If my wife permits me…), I’ll take my Evo STA along with other gear. The fellow who has offered to host it, no longer posts on AC.



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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #11 on: 12 Aug 2023, 05:44 pm »
Ahh!  Well, I'm in Bellingham, so let me know if that GTG happens (if you can).  It would only be an hour drive for me.

I'd love to hear Daedalus speakers.  They are way too big and heavy for me to consider these days, but I am intrigued. 

So it was likely the Omega circle I recognize you from.  I love my SAM-HO's with the Rythmik powered mid woofers that Louis built cabinets for matching the monitors (my avatar).  I alternate between that and Paradigm Ref Signature S2 two way monitors with the magical beryllium tweeters. I wouldn't say one is better than the other, but they are very different.



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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #12 on: 16 Aug 2023, 11:39 pm »
Well, the thread title, STA-9x vs. AMG-STA turned out to be very apropos.   I now have both!  :eyebrows:  Thank you John.

I'm playing the AMG-STA in my office and will get a week's play to break in.  Then into the main system.  I hope to be able to give some review with compare/contrast impressions.

BTW, what does AMG signify?  I've assumed that STA is Stereo Amplifier, correct me if I'm wrong about that.



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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #13 on: 17 Aug 2023, 01:49 am »
I hope to be able to give some review with compare/contrast impressions.
Standing by with the popcorn…


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #14 on: 17 Aug 2023, 02:20 am »
Standing by with the popcorn…

I'm standing by with incredibly delicious curry pastries that my wife just baked a few hours ago.

« Last Edit: 17 Aug 2023, 04:44 am by mresseguie »


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #15 on: 17 Aug 2023, 07:12 am »
I currently have the AMG DAC with AMG STA to try. Triggered by also this thread the STA-9X and AMG ONE are now on their way as well. I hope the differences will be obvious!
I will stay tuned here for guidance … Looking forward to your findings Pete!


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #16 on: 17 Aug 2023, 11:58 am »
I'm standing by with incredibly delicious curry pastries that my wife just baked a few hours ago.

What was that you said about coming down to eat listen?  They look like yummy samosas.


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #17 on: 17 Aug 2023, 12:01 pm »
I currently have the AMG DAC with AMG STA to try. Triggered by also this thread the STA-9X and AMG ONE are now on their way as well. I hope the differences will be obvious!
I will stay tuned here for guidance … Looking forward to your findings Pete!

I bet the AMG Ones will outshine the 9X.  The AMG STA should be qualitatively different though, if the description holds.  Between the two of us, we should be able to add to impressions of all three, subjective differences not withstanding.

Anywhere near WA state, by chance?



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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #18 on: 19 Aug 2023, 09:50 am »
Indeed and I’m very curious how will work out! Still waiting and enjoying the AMG DAC with AMG STA.
Unfortunately I’m not close… we have about 9h time difference between us 😉


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Re: STA-9x vs. AMG-STA?
« Reply #19 on: 22 Aug 2023, 10:56 pm »
Tomorrow's the day!  The STA AMG has been on my desktop and will have seven days powered on with about 75% of that playing music, though not particularly loud.  I'll swap it in where the STA 9X is now tomorrow afternoon.  The 9X has already exceeded my expectations.  Last night the sound stage grew wider than the speakers.  The separation and imaging of instruments is just stellar. 

Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
