Balanced Tap-X power supply specifications?

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Jonathon Janusz

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Balanced Tap-X power supply specifications?
« on: 5 Jan 2019, 02:19 am »
Does anyone happen to know the specifications on the power supply for a balanced Tap-X?  Output connector size (2.1x5.5mm or something else)?  For the balanced model does it need to be 1A output or can it be smaller?  I know it is a 9V supply and tip positive.  I thought I read that the power supply just runs the control logic, but I'm wondering on the balanced model if it needs more current than the single ended version to be able to actuate double the relays on the autoformers compared to the SE version if it is directly driving them.

Thanks to anyone who might have the specs or can compare to one they've got.  I sent an email to John about this but thought that if he has been busy, another owner might be able to help.

Thanks again!



Re: Balanced Tap-X power supply specifications?
« Reply #1 on: 6 Jan 2019, 08:49 am »
My fully differential AVC-1 uses a 2.1 mm x 5.5 mm DC barrel connector and yes, the power is used only to run the control circuits.  I'd be surprised if the TAP-X used a different DC barrel connector, but it's possible.

My AVC-1 was set up to use 12V power in order to support integrated 12V triggers that I use to turn on my amps, so I don't have the specs for the standard 9V power supply, though I suspect that 1A is more than enough.  (I'm not even sure where my 12V power supply is, as I'm running off of a battery... though I should probably find it just to make sure it doesn't wander off!)

Jonathon Janusz

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Re: Balanced Tap-X power supply specifications?
« Reply #2 on: 6 Jan 2019, 06:44 pm »
Thanks for your reply!  I've got a spare supply out of a parts box but it is only 600ma and I just want to make sure I don't need a full amp on the balanced version of this preamp for some reason, or that I wouldn't cause a problem using a smaller supply.

If anyone (else?) who has one of these can check what they've got for a supply and report in, or otherwise had some communication back in the day providing the exact specifications for the needed supply if they ever talked to Bent about OEM or DIY parts, that would be great!
