Can the Tap / Bent pres be obtained?

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Can the Tap / Bent pres be obtained?
« on: 22 Oct 2016, 01:29 pm »
I've seen the message on the Bent website but also note the parts still seem to be listed. Apologies if this get asked a lot but is this pre-amp available either built or as DIY? Seems absolutely ideal for my needs but guessing I'll have to look elsewhere.

With thanks.


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Re: Can the Tap / Bent pres be obtained?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Dec 2016, 12:58 pm »
Bluedroog - I have a fully assembled TAP-X - six rca input version that I am selling in the UK. I imported it from the USA so it's easy to switch the 240v PSU for the original US 110v version (which i think I still have) - no problem mailing it. Let me know if you might be interested and I can send you more information.  thanks, Neil


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Re: Can the Tap / Bent pres be obtained?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Dec 2016, 01:02 pm »
Just to add that I have been a member of various UK hifi forums (hifiwigwam, artofsound and pinkfishmedia) for several years - using the name "volante"


Re: Can the Tap / Bent pres be obtained?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Dec 2016, 02:18 pm »
If you want a Bent TAP, look at the Vinnie Rossi LIO, xformer volume control.  This is the Bent TAP module.


Re: Can the Tap / Bent pres be obtained?
« Reply #4 on: 9 Dec 2016, 03:22 pm »
You can still order the built preamps from Bentaudio, you just can'e get the parts unless your a manufacture.


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Re: Can the Tap / Bent pres be obtained?
« Reply #5 on: 14 Feb 2018, 05:28 pm »
mikeeastman, are you sure about this? I thought John stopped making fully assembled pre-amps several years ago.