Desktop Power Amp Recommendations

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Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« on: 19 Oct 2022, 05:28 am »
Any recommendations for desktop stereo power amps?  Prefer new.  $800 budget.  Solid state. A/B preferred but D okay. About  50 wpc min. 
I’m having a tough time finding anything besides the Parasound ZampV.3.  I like that form factor but am also considering the Schiit Vidar to sit under the desk.
Thanks much.


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #1 on: 19 Oct 2022, 11:49 am »
Topping and Rega come to mind.


Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #2 on: 19 Oct 2022, 12:19 pm »
I have a nice little S.M.S.L amp (class D), that will crank out some tunes. SA-98E


Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #3 on: 19 Oct 2022, 02:34 pm »
Used Cyrus?

Phil A

Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #4 on: 19 Oct 2022, 03:30 pm »
I assume with a desktop amp you are looking for at least one input (from a computer)?  Here's one -


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #5 on: 19 Oct 2022, 04:12 pm »
Here's are left field recommendations:  Temple Audio ( from England (all class D).  I've owned two pair of their very small 70 watt mono-blocks, one pair with wall warts and the other with their Super power supply units.  Current price is 500 pounds with wall warts.  Their Bantam Gold is 25 wpc and measures 13 cm x 13 cm x 4 cm (sells for 220 pounds).  Their Bantam One is 100 wpc with subwoofer/preamp outputs, 11" x 8.5" x 4", and sells for 1100 pounds.  (The exchange rate dollars for pounds is very favorable right now.)


Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #6 on: 19 Oct 2022, 04:24 pm »
I have a Parasound ZampV.3 with PSB Imagine Mini speakers used as a desktop system for my Samsung computer monitor/TV. I am not impressed. :( I know the PSBs are better that what I am hearing now because I used them with my large TV and HT receiver in my previous home.


Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #7 on: 19 Oct 2022, 04:33 pm »
I would say look for a boutique little one man shop, and tell him what your budget is.
I know this is a mono amp, but something like this would be more desirable for the long haul.
Nothing worse than Buyers Remorse / Upgraditis.

Mapletree - Super Stealth+ Monobloc Power Amplifier $1,200..


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #8 on: 19 Oct 2022, 04:44 pm »
Temple Audio ( from England (all class D). 

A brand i had not heard about until my designer buddy in Yorkshire said he had gotten such and really liked it.



Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #9 on: 19 Oct 2022, 05:01 pm »
If I were in your shoes, I'd consider this amp assembled from Hypex modules. I have not heard it, but other Hypex and PuriFi amps I've heard were excellent -- comparable to Class AB amps costing more, in my opinion. At least one of the Buckeye amps was reviewed, then inspected internally, at ASR. (Whatever you think of ASR, at least someone knowledgeable has taken a look.)

Input is balanced only, and I wouldn't use it with speakers much below 4 ohms.

Good luck with your setup!

P.S. If you look at my setup, you'll see I am using Class D amps. I chose them after auditioning many different amps, mostly AB, up to and including the Pass X250.8.
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2022, 04:08 pm by Mike-48 »


Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #10 on: 19 Oct 2022, 05:07 pm »
You might want to consider the ClassDAudio miniGAN 5 that a bunch of guys are very happy with over in the Spatial Audio circle.  I have one on order, but haven't heard it yet.  But a stereo amp exactly fits your $800 budget, is quite small form factor, and would have 200 wpc into 8 ohms, so huge headroom for a desktop system to use with whatever speakers you could imagine, even those mini Maggie speakers.  I know ASR review panned it, but there are indications Amir didn't have a properly functioning unit for testing.  Tom, the manufacturer, has told me the stereo amp really doesn't give up any sound quality performance to the monoblocks, other than total headroom/output, which should not be a factor for a desktop setup. 

Alternatively, the miniGAN 3 is a bit cheaper, and would probably still have plenty of power for a desktop setup.


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #11 on: 19 Oct 2022, 05:29 pm »
Excellent.  Thanks all.  I really appreciate the help.  Plenty to think about now.

Phil A. Thanks for the Sprout recommendation.  I probably should have added a bit more detail.  I was considering the Sprout but the setup includes a Schiit Lokius EQ.  Unless there’s a desktop integrated with processor loop I’d have to rely on the source onboard DAC.  I’m doing that today with an Optimus STA 300 fed by a BlueSound Vault.  But for the new set up I’ll eventually add a new source, probably a BlueSound Node.  The pre/headphone amp will likely be Schiit Jotunheim or Lyr.

Thanks again.


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #12 on: 4 Dec 2022, 06:03 am »
I had the Jot 2 as a pre amp for some active speakers and it worked great in a desk setup. Also a wonderful HP amp if you do that.


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #13 on: 5 Dec 2022, 03:43 am »
Thanks for the recommendation.  I’ve only heard good things about it but I still haven’t done anything yet.  I was all set on separates but Phil A got me thinking about integrated and I’ve been going in circles ever since.  What I have works so I parked it for the time being and turned my focus on treating the room to get the main system dialed in.


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #15 on: 5 Dec 2022, 06:23 pm »
I am looking for a very similar thing to you, AllanS, for mini speakers to be used in an apartment bedroom. The speakers are very inefficient so I was hoping for over 150 watts from my amplifier selection.

As I started to research, the SMSL VMV A2 ( looked appealing because it has optical input from the tv and Bluetooth, as well as, various other inputs. An all-in-on device instead of just an amplifier. Another option is the Sabaj A30a (

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #16 on: 6 Dec 2022, 03:02 am »
I am looking for a very similar thing to you, AllanS, for mini speakers to be used in an apartment bedroom. The speakers are very inefficient so I was hoping for over 150 watts from my amplifier selection.

As I started to research, the SMSL VMV A2 ( looked appealing because it has optical input from the tv and Bluetooth, as well as, various other inputs. An all-in-on device instead of just an amplifier. Another option is the Sabaj A30a (

Both those integrated's look interesting. If you get one, write a review.


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #17 on: 6 Dec 2022, 04:19 am »
Both those integrated's look interesting. If you get one, write a review.

You got it, my friend. Hoping to have some new speakers soon I'd love to bring over. They're going to be mini, over the top, and from a new company to look out for  :thumb: :popcorn:


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #18 on: 6 Dec 2022, 05:36 am »
More interesting recommendations. Thank you.  I considered Music Fidelity for the main system and like the Denon but they’re both in a full size chassis.

SMSL has some intriguing offerings, as does every suggestion in the thread, many of which I’ve never heard of - Temple, Cyrus, Class D Audio.  Since an integrated would work I’ve also considered the NuPrime IDA but the NAD C700 would have everything I’d want in one package - if I want everything in one package.  I’m all over the place.  I have to remind myself it’s just a desktop.


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Re: Desktop Power Amp Recommendations
« Reply #19 on: 7 Dec 2022, 01:04 pm »
When it comes to power keep in mind that watts are logarithmic to dBs.  So 100 watts are just twice as loud as 10 watts and 150 watts is just over 1 dB louder than 100 watts.  Small loudspeakers can't handle lots of wattage.  OTOH having sufficient grunt provides commanding grip for improved dynamics and improved control.  Follow manufacturer's wattage recommendations.