nice TAS review!

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Re: nice TAS review!
« Reply #1 on: 13 Nov 2023, 09:00 pm »
This $2900 a pair mono amps can compete with $10,000 amps  :thumb:


Re: nice TAS review!
« Reply #2 on: 13 Nov 2023, 09:31 pm »
One very frustrating thing about this review, and it is typical of many reviews, by not making some specific comparisons with other amps, it is hard for the reader to triangulate on what the amp might sound like in their sound system.  Are they going to sound like a Pass XA-25 (since he quote Nelson Pass, it might be good to compare it to one of his amps)...or an Atmasphere Class d, or an AVA M225, or a McIntosh...and so on and so on....we will never know.

And I guess while I'm on a rant, the article doesn't mention anything about warranty...nor could I find it on the Nuprime website....nor could I find anything about an in home trial period.

Despite my nit picking, Nuprime products seem to get pretty good reviews.


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Re: nice TAS review!
« Reply #3 on: 14 Nov 2023, 12:04 am »

And I guess while I'm on a rant, the article doesn't mention anything about warranty...nor could I find it on the Nuprime website....nor could I find anything about an in home trial period.

I found warranty information in the product manuals in the download section of the product pages on the NuPrime website.
I think the home trial period is going to be dealer dependent.


Re: nice TAS review!
« Reply #4 on: 14 Nov 2023, 07:50 am »
Nearly all reviews don't compare products.  The high-end audio business is already struggling with no growth and declining ad revenue. So the magazine typically doesn't want to pit one brand against another.

There are tell tale signs of a great review versus standard obligatory review:

1. The reviewer's personal preference - he made it known that he favours Tube amps. 

2. Comparison
"... As it so happened, the AMG One replaced a pair of very good sounding Tube Fantasy 300B SET monoblocks. I was most curious to discover just how well the NuPrime would communicate the music’s inner tension, something that the 300B SET excelled in. This is a top priority of mine, and a perceptual attribute that in my experience only a handful of solid-state designs have been able to fully convey. Of course, the perception of musical tension is a combination of the score’s structural elements such as harmony, melody, tempo, and dynamic markings together with the performer’s interpretation, which in the end grants the music its expressiveness. When it came to dynamic shadings and microdynamic inflections, I was surprised by how well the NuPrime held its own….."

3. The use of more definitive words.
It became clear that the AMG One could deliver a spatial impression that most solid-state amps can only dream of. Bass extension and impact were superb. Upright bass pitch definition was spot on, while tympani strikes took off with satisfying punch. Even in a fairly large room, power reserve was adequate for the DeVille. Transient speed and control were also noteworthy, which accounted for vinyl surface noise being non-intrusive.

4. Definitive conclusion. If the reviewer says that the amp has positive points and worth auditioning, it is a so-so review. Most amps have something positives. Competent manufacturers don't make bad sounding amps (oh well, most of them buy from Hypex or Purify anyway, so they are sounded good). For AMG review:
"Over the years I’ve been accused of being quite fussy about solid-state power amps, routinely finding fault either due to a lack of textural purity or expressiveness.  In particular, solid-state sterility had driven me to seek musical solace in tube gear. That is definitely not the case with the AMG One. It is an enjoyable amp, checking all the boxes on critical sonic metrics. The AMG One is currently not only my favorite Class D amp but also one of my favorite solid-state amps. Retailing at $2900 per pair, I find it to be competitive at even a $10k price point. Plenty of power and Class A-like finesse in an affordable package make for a no-brainer recommendation."


Re: nice TAS review!
« Reply #5 on: 14 Nov 2023, 01:57 pm »
Point taken, especially about the condition of the industry.  I guess I would just prefer if people take the Herb Reichert or Steve Guttenberg approach where they make a lot of comparisons but don't ever trash anyone/anything.  Again, the triangulation thing.

Let me ask a question about the amg these amps run so cool as to be able to be stacked or do they need to be side by side?


Re: nice TAS review!
« Reply #6 on: 18 Nov 2023, 12:29 am »
You can stack but the cabinet should have airflow.  The linear power supply still produces heat that is conducted to the case, so don't put the stacked amps in a tight space with no ventilation.