LIO - Reviewed by Soundstage Australia

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Vinnie R.

LIO - Reviewed by Soundstage Australia
« on: 15 Jan 2018, 05:08 pm »

A glowing review of LIO Integrated review was just published by Edgar Kramer of Soundstage Australia:

[Photo credit: Edgar Kramer / Soundstage Australia]

The LIO configuration for the review was a base integrated (RVC + Tubestage + MOSFET AMP) with DAC 2.0.
I was very surprised to learn the speakers driven were the $60K Wilson Audio Alexia 2's. :o

Quote from: Edgar Kramer of Soundstage Australia
This is a device that swings, ever-so-marginally and expertly well-balanced, on to the warmer, fuller, tonal-rich end of the spectrum, far away from cold analysis… always super involving.

Quote from: Edgar Kramer of Soundstage Australia
While LIO’s rendering of key aspects such as tonality, harmonic decay, dynamics, bass control, etc., was class-leading, the unit also performed above par when it came to spatial information. Imaging was precise with well-focused instruments and vocalists, all within a large soundfield.

Quote from: Edgar Kramer of Soundstage Australia
It’s natural, smooth yet resolving, capable of great transient attack, pleasingly – and only marginally – mellow-sounding through the midrange and highs while being a strong walloper with its tight and fast bass. Its tonal accuracy and harmonic decay is exemplary too.

Go! Go and seek out an audition! You’ll be foolish to discount this most unassuming component which, behind its well-built yet functional and matter-of-fact design, hides a multitude of opportunities and sonic discoveries for the judicious music lover. And after all, as audiophiles, music and adventure should be of primary importance for us all…

[Photo credit: Edgar Kramer / Soundstage Australia]

Many thanks to Edgar for such a detailed and highly enthusiastic review of LIO.  What a fine way to start 2018!  8)



Re: LIO - Reviewed by Soundstage Australia
« Reply #1 on: 18 Jan 2018, 04:08 pm »
Congratulations Vinnie!  Great review and well deserved.

Vinnie R.

Re: LIO - Reviewed by Soundstage Australia
« Reply #2 on: 1 Feb 2018, 06:13 pm »
Congratulations Vinnie!  Great review and well deserved.

Thank you, targa02!
