That is a well-packed chassis sir, and I applaud your entry into the SET amp industry. It can never have too many marques. The mainstream hifi world needs more affordably-priced class A SET amps around to challenge its collective assumption that solid state amps are the last word in musicality.
I would love to have a Kitoki of my own someday but that would have to wait as one of my 3 SET amps is an EL84, still a youngish eight months old. Nevertheless I will be keeping tabs on the Wolf Ear Audio site from now on.
ps: very cool logo.

LOL at your Decware 'patient on life support' quip, Rob. I do find the Kitoki's hidden transformers make for a nice clean minimalist look. My EL84 already has its power transformers sticking out on top, so if I needed a second EL84 amp I would pick the Kitoki over the Decware.