
Industry Circles => Triode Wire Labs => Topic started by: jtcf on 8 Sep 2020, 06:29 pm

Title: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 8 Sep 2020, 06:29 pm
After debating with myself off and on for a quite a long time I finally decided to go ahead and give the Obsession a try.The Audio Beatnic review is what convinced me to go for it.I really don't like sending things back and auditioning things out of idle curiosity.

It's been up and running on my Aric Audio amp for all of 60 minutes and I am pretty much blown away already.Not even broken in yet and instantly what I hear distinctly is each instruments harmonic nuance being plainly revealed.All of this inner detail is across all frequencies without favoring any,no highlighting.It really is like upgrading a component.After it settles in and is fully broken in I'll consult with Pete on the best cords for my dac and pre.
My current project is trying to coax more detail and dynamics from my newish Harbeth speakers.They have such a wonderful tone and timbre but not as easy to drive as the old speakers.Judicious use of vibration control and now the Obsession PC have wrought huge steps towards that goal.

Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 10 Sep 2020, 12:29 am
Preaching to the choir here but I feel the need to gush about this pc.I just spent two hours being blown away by how the music is sounding."Harbeths are too laid back,smooth, and unsuitable for rock and blues " they said - hahahaha!The detail and dynamics are back along with the gorgeous Harbeth timbre.
Hellhound on my Trail (Telarc) various artists doing Robert Johnson songs has never sounded better.This is not what I expected at all,really transformational.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: dpatters on 10 Sep 2020, 11:20 am
I’m using a combination of TWL Silver Statements and HP Digital Americans in my system. Pete’s stuff is the best!

Don P
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 10 Sep 2020, 04:48 pm
Very nice system Don!Plus it looks great too.In your opinion does upgrading the cord on a transport make a significant difference?I'm definitely going to try a Digital American on my dac.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: dpatters on 10 Sep 2020, 05:26 pm
Thank you. I definitely thought Digital American on transport made a difference. I’m using HP Digital on DAC and Digital American on my dedicated transport. I just installed the Jay’s Audio DAC Signature a couple days ago. I’ll have to upgrade my system pics and descriptions.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 10 Sep 2020, 08:43 pm
Thanks for your reply!Jays all the way,eh?I'll bet it sounds wonderful:-)
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: Triode Pete on 11 Sep 2020, 06:57 pm
Preaching to the choir here but I feel the need to gush about this pc.I just spent two hours being blown away by how the music is sounding."Harbeths are too laid back,smooth, and unsuitable for rock and blues " they said - hahahaha!The detail and dynamics are back along with the gorgeous Harbeth timbre.
Hellhound on my Trail (Telarc) various artists doing Robert Johnson songs has never sounded better.This is not what I expected at all,really transformational.

Thank you for your accolades! Just so you know, the "Obsession NCF" will improve even more with additional time on it... So sit back & enjoy!

Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 12 Sep 2020, 05:29 pm
I'm definitely enjoying!I just ordered a Digital American cord to check out.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 20 Sep 2020, 12:35 am
So I just got the Digital American cord today and my first impression is one of mixed feelings.Initially it's as if there's warm veil over the music,along with better bass and more pronounced transients.But I lost the nuance that the Obsession brought.It was most pronounced on the dac,a bit less on the transport,and a little less again on the pre.It's back on the dac now to break in.I'll be enjoying my favorite bass heavy songs while it settles in:-)
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 23 Sep 2020, 04:55 pm
So I can't leave well enough alone,so shoot me.Yesterday I moved the Obsession to the dac,Amerian Digital to the amp and what an interesting change that is!The high frequencies gained a little more sparkle,the warm veil was virtually gone,but am having a bit of glare on the vocals.It is better balanced now.With the AD on the dac there was zero glare,but the veil...Of course they both need to break in longer and cables don't like to be moved frequently.I only shift the ends very gently a few inches between components.I suspect I might need two more TWLs to complete the pc loom and achieve perfect balance.These two obviously compliment each other.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: rollo on 23 Sep 2020, 06:32 pm
  In my experience 300 hours to stop changing. Then heaven.

Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 24 Sep 2020, 08:11 pm
I know.Waiting impatiently:-)
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 26 Sep 2020, 02:09 pm
Best combination yet - Obsession on the transport,Digital American on the dac.The Obsession is twice the price of the transport :oWho would have thunk it?!The Harbeths are really rocking now.I would like to squeeze a leeetle more transparency out of them.They have such a rich midrange that it really takes some time and experimentation to get them to open up.I'm very very happy with effect these pcs are having in my system.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: Triode Pete on 26 Sep 2020, 05:50 pm
Best combination yet - Obsession on the transport,Digital American on the dac.The Obsession is twice the price of the transport :oWho would have thunk it?!The Harbeths are really rocking now.I would like to squeeze a leeetle more transparency out of them.They have such a rich midrange that it really takes some time and experimentation to get them to open up.I'm very very happy with effect these pcs are having in my system.

The sound quality improvement will continue as more "play time" is placed on the cables!

Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 4 Oct 2020, 05:25 pm
The last couple of days I'm beginning to hear some changes that are all of the very positive variety:-)When I first installed the pcs I was in the midst of a nostalgic Rod Stewart kick but the warm *veil* I was experiencing obscured so much detail that I put it aside for the time being and gave up critical listening for the week.Friday night I put on Taj Mahal- An Evening of Acoustic Music and WOW!His friend Howard Johnson joined him for the last few songs on tuba and also penny whistle (I know! crazy!) and the detail and resonance of that low brass was spot on.At the other extreme the whistle was reproduced perfectly. My son plays low brass professionally so I'm very familiar with the sound. Big smile on my face while enjoying that CD.Of course Taj,his playing, his stomping foot, was delightful.
Saturday Rod Stewart was up once again- Every Picture Tells a Story. Fantastic! All of the instruments and layers were clear to hear,much cleaner than I've ever heard it before.But not so hyper detailed that it became harsh/ruthless.Really outstanding for an old run of the mill CD.
Having tubed components means I can't rack up 100s of hours quickly during break in within a 30 day trial period so I'm very happy that both the Digital and Obsession settle in and show what they can do by around 25 hours and then it's all slowly uphill.So this has been my experience for whomever might run across this thread and are mulling over whether to give these cords a try.The biggest surprise was the Obsession on the transport, such a huge difference. I'm content to wait for a few hundred hours before considering adding another to the amp.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: rollo on 4 Oct 2020, 07:22 pm
I know.Waiting impatiently:-)

   Well worth it. Plug it in TV for awhile , Be WARNED though ya might buy another. All my TVs use TWL and very happy they do. Color is outstanding.

Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 15 Oct 2020, 06:38 pm
As break in continues....the *veil* is lifting slowly. I'm hearing on familiar material very clearly instruments and vocals that formally buried in the mix.One example from last night was on an old John Mayall CD. There were organs,pianos,saxophones that I used to be vaguely aware of that were now spread out in  a pretty good simulation of the band being in front of me.The vocals and guitar weren't hogging the spotlight as usual. Very different and really brought back the feeling and memories from seeing him live several years ago. This is still with the Obsession on the transport and Digital American on the Dac.I will continue waiting until no more change is perceived then decide on a cord for the amp.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: krustykat on 15 Oct 2020, 07:10 pm
In my experience with the Obsession, I thought that it took about 400 to 500 hours to settle in.  Probably mostly due to the Furutech FI-50 NCF(R)  and FI-50 NCM(R) connectors on the Obsession.  The plugs' Rhodium plated copper contacts take a VERY long time to break in.  That said, I thought mine sounded great out of the box and only got better with listening.  Although they are very expensive, many people think that the Furutech NCF connectors are the best AC connectors available on the market today.  Pete's price for the Obsession is a great deal considering that you would have a hard time to build a cable of this quality for the price that he charges for it.   If you dig the NCF flavor, check out Furutech's GTX-D NCF(R) outlet, wall plate and NCF Outlet cover. 
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 18 Oct 2020, 08:37 pm
I agree that they are a great deal! They are expensive to me but not compared to other brands out there using the same connectors.They have turned out to be the final piece of the puzzle that lets the system really perform at it's best. I so look forward to listening to music every evening without thinking "well this or that needs improvement, what to try next". The next 300 hours or so will be a pleasure.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: jtcf on 16 Oct 2021, 12:49 am
So it's been an entire year now and I remain totally satisfied with the Obsession (transport) and Digital American (Dac). I've removed them to try something else or switched them to other components - but nothing else sounds better. They are officially a permanent fixture:-)The "veil" I perceived with the Digital American cord faded away.
  After adding new (101db eff!!)speakers a couple of months ago and spending the time finding their optimal position plus rearranging the room treatments, I'm loving them - but....Being so sensitive the leading edges of instruments and dynamic vocals are often exaggerated. Annoyingly unnatural. Enter the TWL Spirit 2 ic between amp and pre - takes 99%of that "shout" away and allows the tone and harmonics to be restored. I may end up with another between Dac and pre.The "house sound" seems to be truthful without emphasis on any frequency. They also somehow damp any stray anomalies.I think.
 First priority is eliminating speaker/floor vibration issues, then another Spirit 2 might be the icing on the cake.
Title: Re: Brand New Obsession PC
Post by: Triode Pete on 17 Oct 2021, 03:31 pm
So it's been an entire year now and I remain totally satisfied with the Obsession (transport) and Digital American (Dac). I've removed them to try something else or switched them to other components - but nothing else sounds better. They are officially a permanent fixture:-)The "veil" I perceived with the Digital American cord faded away.
  After adding new (101db eff!!)speakers a couple of months ago and spending the time finding their optimal position plus rearranging the room treatments, I'm loving them - but....Being so sensitive the leading edges of instruments and dynamic vocals are often exaggerated. Annoyingly unnatural. Enter the TWL Spirit 2 ic between amp and pre - takes 99%of that "shout" away and allows the tone and harmonics to be restored. I may end up with another between Dac and pre.The "house sound" seems to be truthful without emphasis on any frequency. They also somehow damp any stray anomalies.I think.
 First priority is eliminating speaker/floor vibration issues, then another Spirit 2 might be the icing on the cake.

Fantastic! When you have high efficiency loudspeakers, you can really realize how important a "black background (noise free)" is, how natural dynamics can explode while still maintaining PRaT (Pace, Rhythm & Timing). These were some of my design goals!

I'm glad you're still enjoying the cables!  :thumb:
