Standard finishes

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Standard finishes
« on: 17 Mar 2006, 02:37 pm »
Has anyone ever seen a Veracity in a standard veneer and finish? :D
The premium finishes of course look amazing.  Just wondered if any have been made in a standard finish and if anyone has pics.

I will be able to hear the HT-3's again at the AudioKarmaFest in April and I might have to make a decission...


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Re: Standard finishes
« Reply #1 on: 17 Mar 2006, 05:09 pm »
I will be able to hear the HT-3's again at the AudioKarmaFest in April and I might have to make a decission...[/quote]

Uh--What's an AudioKarmaFest?  Sounds dangerous.


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Standard finishes
« Reply #2 on: 17 Mar 2006, 05:46 pm »
Don't quote me on it, but when I last spoke w/Jim he had a failry liberal policy on "standard" finish.  For example, Jim considers Yew as a standard finish.

This may have changed and I apologize Jim, if I am speaking for you in error.

Imagine anything Jim puts his hands on will come out immaculate!



Re: Standard finishes
« Reply #3 on: 17 Mar 2006, 06:13 pm »
Quote from: MaxCast
Has anyone ever seen a Veracity in a standard veneer and finish? :D
The premium finishes of course look amazing.  Just wondered if any have been made in a standard finish and if anyone has pics.

My HT3s have an upgraded veneer and solid wood baffle, but the standard satin finish.  With Jim's current sprayed, catalyzed lacquer finish, the difference between standard and upgraded finishes is the amount of hand rubbing, which affects how glossy the surface becomes.  (While some gloss can really bring out the depth and character of the wood, too much gloss starts to make me think I'm looking at plastic!)

If you order an upgraded solid wood baffle, but requested the standard finish, Jim will still tend to rub out the baffle a bit to hilight the grain.  (If you order upgraded veneers or wood baffles, Jim typcially just charges you for the difference in the market price of the upgraded materials - there is no additional labor involved.  The wood for my baffle was purchased from an eBay auction!)

Be aware, however, that Jim just transitioned to a new finishing system.  The materials for the new system are more expensive, but save a great deal of labor.  Part of his forthcoming price increase is to account for the new finishing material cost.  The new system will allow any level of sheen, as per a PM from Jim, quoted here in consolidated form:

Quote from: jsalk
Any level of sheen desired. Finishes are available in 20 (flat), 40, 60, 80 and 100, and you can mix for values in between. In addition, there are toners that can add transparent color to the mix as well.

For the test run, we added a mixure of red and brown to create a rose color and tinted just before the final sealer coats. Then gloss 100 was applied Friday and we will be able to rub it out on Monday (rather than waiting 10 days or more for lacquer to cure).

[The new finish is] as clear or clearer than any finish currently available and will not yellow. They are also much harder than lacquer and virtually waterproof. They are very difficult to scratch.

Any help? :)


Standard finishes
« Reply #4 on: 17 Mar 2006, 06:35 pm »
For Dennis

Thanks brj and LadyDog,
I was just trying to prepare myself for a "standard finish" if the others that interest me are out of reach.  I think I would want a matching baffle and plinth....even some other color than black.  I don't have any idea of the cost range for these woods and veneers.

I also agree too much gloss can look like plastic or even cheap.  I read his post on the finishing system.  Sounds great but now I have to pick numbers :roll:  :lol:


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Standard finishes
« Reply #5 on: 17 Mar 2006, 07:36 pm »
Quote from: MaxCast
For Dennis

Thanks brj and LadyDog,
I was just trying to prepare myself for a "standard finish" if the others that interest me are out of reach.  I think I would want a matching baffle and plinth....even some other color than black.  I don't have any idea of the cost range for these woods and veneers.

I also agree too much gloss can look like plastic or even cheap.  I read his post on the finishing system.  Sounds great but now I have to pick numbers :roll:  :lol:

The web site lists both cherry and mahogany as standard veneers. Both are very handsome woods. My speakers (not by Salk) are cherry veneer. My wife loves them. I really like cherry too.

I have mahogany bookshelves (made back when you could get good Honduras in large boards). There's a good picture of the wood here:

Mahagany looks very nice and rich, even from a distance. You usually have to be fairly close to it before the grain becomes interesting.

Cherry tends to be more red and less brown. It also has kind of larger structures in the grain, so the grain is noticeable from a longer distance.

What is the rest of your room like? Do you want to match it, or have a contrast?

As for the amount of gloss, I'd go with a medium gloss for cherry or mahogany. I might pick a high gloss for maple. I think I'd definitely go with a satin finish for most oak. Walnut seems to lend itself to a variety of finishes. I've seen excellent results with a flat finish (just a bit of linseed or tung oil). I've also seen highly polished walnut that was gorgeous.

Maybe you should just pick the wood and let Jim pick the gloss?


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you could also pick a colour too. someone got laguna seca
« Reply #6 on: 18 Mar 2006, 04:05 am »
blue speakers and they are hot.  maybe ferrari red is in your future.  there are no bad looking salk speakers.  you are limited only by your imagination.


Re: you could also pick a colour too. someone got laguna sec
« Reply #7 on: 18 Mar 2006, 01:45 pm »
Quote from: RIKMEISTER
blue speakers and they are hot.  maybe ferrari red is in your future.  there are no bad looking salk speakers.  you are limited only by your imagination.

I would love to see some automotive painted speakers.  I would like to see a wet silver/grey/pewter color...but I don't have the balls to order anything like that. :|

Or how about that rainbow paint that changes color depending on your angle of view. :idea:  :D


  • Jr. Member
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ok here is a link from the main site . with the laguna seca
« Reply #8 on: 19 Mar 2006, 03:51 am »