height+separation placement

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height+separation placement
« on: 20 Aug 2022, 09:10 pm »
just received my GIK panels for a 2 channel hifi setup: side walls each get two 244 Bass Trap with FlexRange 24"x48".

For the left wall, I mapped out the reflection points with a mirror: stuck a piece of painters tape centered below the mirror image of
the tweeter of the left speaker and then farther along the wall, another piece centered where the right speaker tweeter appeared
in the mirror.  I have electrical outlets where two of the panels need to go: the top of the faceplates are 17" off the carpeted floor and
the ceiling height is 7'. 

If I mount to clear the faceplates, that would leave 19" between top of panel to ceiling.  My listening position
puts my ears at 32" above floor level. Should I mount the panels centered vertically (18" clearance above and below) ?

Is there a recommended minimum separation between panels or should they be centered horizontally over the
reflection points I marked on the wall ?


  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 132
    • GIK Acoustics
Re: height+separation placement
« Reply #1 on: 22 Aug 2022, 01:43 pm »
Nice work on the install!

Given the low ceilings I think where the panels are in the photos, or perhaps a bit lower even, would be fine. The panels don't have to be vertically centered over the reflection point necessarily, it's sometimes better to have more of the panels above the reflection points, since we're more likely to listen while standing than while, say, laying on the floor. Also, it's not just the tweeter that is directional, the midrange is also pretty directional.

I think you have the right idea, experimenting with resting panels on some objects to get a feel for it. You can try different heights and evaluate, either by listening or with testing with REW or similar if you are so inclined. As long as the reflection points themselves are covered any differences of a few inches in height will likely be pretty subtle.

Aesthetics is part of the equation too.... you don't want to mount them in a way that drives you crazy every time you look at it.


Re: height+separation placement
« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2022, 01:58 pm »
thank you for replying James.  I think I will have to mount the side panels centered vertically otherwise I lose 2 wall sockets.
This will still leave coverage for the tweeters and midrange drivers.  A couple more questions/considerations:

- for the front wall diffuser panels, I am thinking of mounting them so they have the same height as the side wall panels.
This would necessitate moving the component shelf away from the wall and further into the room so the panels can be positioned lower.
Any thoughts or concerns ?

- when I submitted my room drawing, John provided a design which I now realize I can click on individual panels and read
off the offset dimensions for positioning them along the wall (horizontal dim).  When GIK provides a design, are the reflection
points and hence locations of panels accurately determined by some means or are the dimensions approximations (and one
should use a mirror) ?