A Few Questions

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A Few Questions
« on: 29 Feb 2004, 10:25 pm »
First, what conductor is used in the M-80 cables? How would an M-80 mini>RCA compare to a Zu Pivot(if anyone knows)? What differences do the silver bullet plugs make? What difference does cryo treatment make? Also is the bolder PS for the Art Di/o still available? and what happened to the mensa plus modifications?


A Few Questions
« Reply #1 on: 1 Mar 2004, 12:03 am »

I am not quite sure what information you want to know in answer to your first question.

The M-80 is a coaxial design. It uses  solid core wire for the center conductor. There is a tinned copper braded wire surounding it.

I have never heard the ZU pivot so I cannot comment on it.

The Silver Bullet connectors tend to allow more detail and subtle nuances of the music through.

Cryo treatment is not available for the immediate future.

In order to make time and free up some cash for the Panasonic SA-XR45 mods, I have stopped building both the ART DI/O power supplies and the Mensa Plus DI/O. Both items required me to inventory parts that had to be purchased in quantity. When I sold my existing inventory off, I discontinued the item. If there is enough interest in these items, I may return to making them. I had not sold very many of either item the last 6 months.


  • Newbie
  • Posts: 2
A Few Questions
« Reply #2 on: 1 Mar 2004, 12:34 am »
I guess I was asking what material is the conductor on the M-80, be it copper or silver, or whatever. As for the DI/o, I dont currently own one, I suppose I could procure a mensa modded one for a reasonable price on the used market, as well as one of your famed power supplies.  What would it take to reinstate the A/D section of an already modded di/o? Thanks so much.