Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts

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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #42 on: 24 Sep 2012, 03:34 pm »
You might be interested in this as well....folks from Jriver, DBPoweramp developers and others have lots to say about this "product"...

The only reason I post this is some have complained about the cost of other players etc...JPlay costs $99 euros...approx $130 for a 256k bytes of code?

If it works for you fine...just hate to see people well.....



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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #43 on: 24 Sep 2012, 03:45 pm »
You might be interested in this as well....folks from Jriver, DBPoweramp developers and others have lots to say about this "product"...

The only reason I post this is some have complained about the cost of other players etc...JPlay costs $99 euros...approx $130 for a 256k bytes of code?

If it works for you fine...just hate to see people well.....


You can't stop can you. Now we have a new straw man about 'complaints' of cost of other players to push an agenda. This thread is not about the 'complaints' by 'some people' (sounds familiar, huh). Anyone who thinks that link (or anything from Hydrogen Audio) speaks to them would not be reading this thread anyway. This thread is for discussing sound quality and different software choices, not hamster wheel debate. At least you dropped the disingenuous smiley at the end.


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #44 on: 24 Sep 2012, 04:53 pm »

The parts in BOLD ITALICS in your post I like the best:

"I'd been reading about Jplay for a while and finally decided to give it a whirl. This little program is the real deal. It's like the anti-XXHighend; just choose from a couple of playback options and hit the space bar. No zillion of options and dials and buttons to tinker with. Heck, no GUI at all. It's real ace in the hole is the Hibernate Mode. Playback in hibernate mode is close to magical. The lack of volume control options (they do offer -6db increments as of the latest version) and mp3 playback not so much. Since my output is straight to amp, this makes jplay impractical. But for everyone else you HAVE to try it out. The lack of mp3 playback made me think of trying put something I haven't done for a long time -"

If people want to spend $99 euro's on 256kb of code that makes "your" musical experience  "magical" ...well sir theres a bridge to be sold here ......

Seems like facts and hard evidence are not needed here...this is sad.

I hope some of the more open minded people reading this will take the time to read the thread on computeraudiophile and see the facts presented and make their own
decision about this product vs excepting someones 'magical' experiences blindly....

Also take the time to read what the developers of Jriver, DBPoweramp and others have to say about JPlay AND see how JPlay responds to them!!!

There is no way I would spend a cent after reading JPlays response.

If getting at lease one person to take a look at what major vendors of other products state about this 'vaporware' then I have done my service to my fellow audiophiles.

Buyer Beware!!

 :D :D :D

« Last Edit: 24 Sep 2012, 08:48 pm by adydula »


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #45 on: 25 Sep 2012, 12:52 am »
Everything back to normal now and with Fidelizer working.   :thumb:


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #46 on: 25 Sep 2012, 06:21 am »

The parts in BOLD ITALICS in your post I like the best:

"I'd been reading about Jplay for a while and finally decided to give it a whirl. This little program is the real deal. It's like the anti-XXHighend; just choose from a couple of playback options and hit the space bar. No zillion of options and dials and buttons to tinker with. Heck, no GUI at all. It's real ace in the hole is the Hibernate Mode. Playback in hibernate mode is close to magical. The lack of volume control options (they do offer -6db increments as of the latest version) and mp3 playback not so much. Since my output is straight to amp, this makes jplay impractical. But for everyone else you HAVE to try it out. The lack of mp3 playback made me think of trying put something I haven't done for a long time -"

If people want to spend $99 euro's on 256kb of code that makes "your" musical experience  "magical" ...well sir theres a bridge to be sold here ......

Seems like facts and hard evidence are not needed here...this is sad.

I hope some of the more open minded people reading this will take the time to read the thread on computeraudiophile and see the facts presented and make their own
decision about this product vs excepting someones 'magical' experiences blindly....

Also take the time to read what the developers of Jriver, DBPoweramp and others have to say about JPlay AND see how JPlay responds to them!!!

There is no way I would spend a cent after reading JPlays response.

If getting at lease one person to take a look at what major vendors of other products state about this 'vaporware' then I have done my service to my fellow audiophiles.

Buyer Beware!!

 :D :D :D

What's sad is that you think you are sharing new information and saving souls. You aren't. But troll away. And if you're looking for me to bail this thread too b/c life is too short to waste on hamster wheel trolls, mission accomplished.


Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #47 on: 25 Sep 2012, 07:59 am »
Seems like facts and hard evidence are not needed here...this is sad.

Why don't you provide some? Apparently it's a simple matter to run a "ToS8-compliant" trial. So why don't you do it and publish the results?

I got partway through the HO thread. It's the same thing - people demanding unbiased trials yet seemingly not willing to lift a finger themselves to "prove" anything. I thought the developer of JPlay was being very reasonable, under the circumstances. Apparently no-one seems to have realized that a true unbiased trial can't be done by the developer anyway... the term commonly used is "independent third-party"...


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #48 on: 25 Sep 2012, 09:44 pm »
There is a fully functional free trial of Jplay so we don't have to rely on internet food fights to make up our mind. 

In my case, I found it to be complicated and it did not to upgrade the sound of my system.  If it did anything the mini player degraded my sound.  IMO.


Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #49 on: 27 Sep 2012, 03:03 am »
I read HO thread before trying out jplay, and glad I wasnt deterred by whatever beef they had with product. In my pc system, I found jplay with fidelizer - in jmini hibernate mode - to be best player I've heard to date (vs pureplayer, reclock+kmplayer, ulilith, fb2000). I ultimately settled on pureplayer with fidelizer because it was "good enough" for me and free.


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #50 on: 2 Oct 2012, 10:12 pm »

You said:

"Why dont you provide some hard evidence???"

Did you not read:

Is this not hard evidence of someone that tested and provided their results???

Where is your hard evidence that proves that this 256kb code does improve ANTHING.

I will tell you this: "JPlay might make you feel good, but it won't sound better."

You can take that to the bank...

Happy feelings guys!

 :D :D :D


Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #51 on: 2 Oct 2012, 10:46 pm »
From my personal experience, I did not hear any difference running JRiver MC 17 WASAPI-Event and memory play vs. the JPLAY plug-in with JRiver MC 17.

One thing that I did notice was the JPLAY plug-in output is louder than JRiver, thus there is a perception that JPLAY is better. It took awhile to try to compensate for the volume differences, and in the end, I did not notice improvements from JPLAY.

I've now am running MC 18 and really not bothering with JPLAY anymore.


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #52 on: 2 Oct 2012, 10:58 pm »
Hello trackball02,

Nice to meet you and I agree with your experience with did not do anything to improve the bitperfect playback I have experienced with JRiver and Foobar.

I have been in PC development for years and have gone thru the rollouts from DOS 1.0, Win 98, Millenium, XP, Vista , Win7 and now Win8. I have had the first hand experience working with development engineers tuning and working with major vendors to make things better etc...many NDA's and seeing and experiencing things that most people only are guessing about.

But many of us just want to share new stuff they have "trolled" the internet for and found then proclaim them to be the newest, latest greatest thing in audio play back.

Some good some not so good.

And when you expose or throw stones on the pond of ignorance well...many ripples are formed.

At least some of us can swim!!

All the best



Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #53 on: 3 Oct 2012, 04:08 am »
Alex, What are the differences between Win 7 and 8, and why are their audio improvements with Win 8?
Is it worth the effort to upgrade to Win 8?


Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #54 on: 3 Oct 2012, 04:36 am »
I don't recall much of a volume difference when I compared jplay with other players (never tried jriver though). To my ears, the main improvements of jplay had more to do with how it presented the music in a more natural/less digital way. I've listened to other players at higher and lower volume and could not get same natural sound as jplay.

One thing that I did notice was the JPLAY plug-in output is louder than JRiver, thus there is a perception that JPLAY is better. It took awhile to try to compensate for the volume differences, and in the end, I did not notice improvements from JPLAY.


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #55 on: 3 Oct 2012, 08:09 am »
The only reason I post this is some have complained about the cost of other players etc...JPlay costs $99 euros...approx $130 for a 256k bytes of code?

I have no idea how it sounds, but size of code has nothing to do with value.  If you can give me same value for less code, that's usually a good thing.


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #56 on: 3 Oct 2012, 01:16 pm »

Sorry I cant speak to WIN 8 at this time....its still an product that is not yet released and we have NDA's we have to honor.

When its on the street in retail fashion later this month we can discuss more.

October 26 is the date.

Of course OEM vendors have to have it before that date so they can load systems for the announce date.

The retail I belive is the same date.



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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #57 on: 27 Dec 2012, 12:06 pm »
I'm sure I'm wasting my time and will likely be labelled a troll fro not agreeing with the thread starter but I'm going to post anyway. JPlay is snake oil at best. If the author was subjected to a blind test on 2 normally functioning and identical computers, he wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Why?

Because there isn't any difference whatsoever  :duh:

Merry Xmas, and donate your $100+ to charity if you feel you must spend it!


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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #58 on: 27 Dec 2012, 11:55 pm »

Its definitely snake oil, but many folks here use it....and swear but its magical mucking with windows os services etc...shutting down stuff and having wonderful sonic improvements.....I have been in pc development since PC1 and an amazed at how folks just try this stuff and then become experts etc...

Hey its your this case IMO its better to send that money to your favorite charity for sure...could not agree with you more..

All the best
Merry Christmas...



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Re: Windows 8, Jplay, Fidelizer, Reclock and other thoughts
« Reply #59 on: 2 Feb 2013, 03:36 pm »
I tested Jplay out on my recently built CAPSv3 Zuma.  I heard no difference over my current setup (J River ->Kernel Streaming NO memory play).

I didn't realize J River had a memory play option until reading this thread just now.  I must have just overlooked it.  I am a computer guy as well.  Computer science grad and worked in IT for a number of years before going to law school :shake:.  The fact that J River has a memory player already built in makes a subsequent purchase of Jplay odd at best (aside from JPlay's tendency to be buggy even at its very small size).  It makes no sense that there would be a difference in audio quality between two programs that do exactly the same thing.  I guess it is tough for some of us to shake off the old analog audio dogmas.  This is digital though, a 1 is a 1 and a 0 is a 0 and it doesn't matter what program wrote the 1 or 0.  Spend your money on a better computer to dac solution instead.

I know JPlay is supposed to shutdown services that are unneeded for audio, but for folks who are running a dedicated computer for media this is useless.  In my case aside from network services and device drivers, the only thing running on my system is Jriver in server mode.   You can manually shutdown any unwanted services without a secondary program running in the background and I used to do this alot with old computers to extend their life a little bit - the business world can be cheap.  You can set unwanted services to never run even on a reboot which eliminates the need for Fidelizer.

« Last Edit: 2 Feb 2013, 08:58 pm by AKLegal »