Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU

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Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #20 on: 1 Jul 2010, 11:28 pm »
I would provide a lot of reasons for contesting/deconstructing that statement, but that would be as pointless as a ham sandwich at a bat-mitzvah.
I will attend to more important things like bringing the misses to see "Eclipse"  so she can quit being the 3rd channel in my two channel system.

I think you changed your post like 3 times? 


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Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #21 on: 16 Jul 2010, 08:21 pm »
thank for detail :D


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Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #22 on: 20 Jul 2010, 07:20 pm »
Any opinions on the new Mac Mini regarding it's built-in power supply?

Can it be easily replaced?

I'm not an EE, would the Bolder Mac Mini PSU work (with proper connection)?


Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #23 on: 2 Aug 2010, 11:35 pm »
  First I would like to Thank Wayne for sending me the power supply to audition. I received the power supply and then brought it over to a fellow Chicago Audio Society members place.

   I will briefly describe his system and then what we heard.

   '09 Apple Mac Mini w/ Amarra software
   Amarra DAC
   External hard drive is a Drobo hooked up via firewire
   Speakers are Peter Gunn modified Magnepan 1.6's
   Monoblock amps are by Atma Sphere. I believe they are the M-60's but not sure
   which version.
   All cabling by Reality Cables

  Previous to receiving the Power Supply I had heard from a friend that in their listening the PS did make a difference but not huge. So I had that preconceived notion going into it.
  I brought the Bolder Cable PS over on Thursday. We listened and my first impressions were very favorable. A larger change than what I was expecting. We could hear an immediate tightening of the bass with better dynamic attack. You could hear individual instruments more easily and better defined in space. There was a greater sense of air around the instruments. There more "life" to the music. It was more enjoyable to listen to.
   I left the unit with him over the weekend. I went back last evening along with another fellow CAS member. When I arrived I was told that Amarra had just introduced a software upgrade and they also had a firmware update to the DAC. He downloaded them prior to arriving. We listened and I could easily tell that the updates were increasing the resolution of his system. His system sounded even better after the updates.
   After doing some listening and becoming more familiar with the new updates and the Bolder PS in his system we put the stock Apple PS back into the system. The main thing that we picked up on is that his system now lost a lot of it's musicality. It was no longer enjoyable to listen to his system.
   We left the stock PS in and did the changes to the Apple Mini that are listed in the DB Tranquility DAC thread. We made the changes to the Mini per the detailed instructions. I have to say that the changes brought the Mini to a level that equaled or surpassed in some ways the PS upgrade. It was much more enjoyable to listen to again. Even with the stock PS. I was awe struck that the modified Magnepan speakers could have the dynamic attack in the bass that they now had. Every ribbon type of speaker that I have ever heard before could not do the slam that these speakers were doing. Maggies (in general) do not do bass dynamics well as compared to dynamic speakers. So for all Apple computer owners that use them for audio it is imperative that you do the changes. Even is you are not using a Mini. After doing the changes to the Mini and listening we started up the computer in 64 bit mode. More icing on the cake which I will not get into detail but I would highly recommend it.
  After becoming acclimated to the stock PS with the changes to the Mini we went back and put the Bolder Cable PS back in. All that I can say is that it just improves the sound. The bass even got more tighter and better defined. We were able to hear individual instruments easier. It became even more enjoyable to listen to.
  We had a Hi Rez download that we were listening to. Not sure the name but it is a number of singers that some are also making sounds in the background. I would call it Beatbox like. Without the Bolder PS you could hear a main singer and others harmonizing in the background. Your could hear the Beatbox rhythm but it was less defined. With the Bolder PS you could now distinguish 3 other singers individually along with the Beatbox rhythm more distinctly. You could pick up on the individual type of sound that the Beatbox sound was making.
  When it comes to ultra high end audio this is the types of things that you are striving to improve to. If you are going for high end audio computer and are using a Mini this Bolder Cable power supply is a must to go to the next level. We have tried things like isolation and power conditioning into the mini along with other tweaks. Those are smaller in comparison to this. The Bolder PS and the internal changes to the Apple computers will bring you to another level that you have not heard before in your computer audio system.
  That said these kinds of changes that I am referring to may not be audible with mid fi type of systems. If your speakers are right up against the back wall you will not be able to pick up on the instruments in there 3 dimensional space. If your system does not have the resolution you may not be able to hear as easily each singer as easily as we did.

Thanks again Wayne,



Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #24 on: 18 Aug 2010, 02:20 pm »
I currently use a Bolder Modded SB Touch with Deluxe Power Supply going into a W4S DAC-1 and I'm THRILLED with the results.  It is fed from my MacBook.  I'm almost out of HDD space on my laptop and need a solution.  I'm thinking one of these options.

1. Replace the internal HDD with something larger
2. Go with a network HDD
3. Get a Mac Mini and dedicate it as a music server

I don't consider an external HDD connected to my laptop an option because it would be cumbersome as I use my laptop all over my house and typically use it when listening to music sitting on the couch.

So couple questions if anyone has an opinion:
1. If I continue to use the SB Touch in the chain, would the Bolder PS on a Mac Mini yield the same positive effects or be no point since I have the Touch with a linear PS?
2. I see a number of older Mac Minis used quite cheap.  Should I avoid older ones for any reason be it software, hardware, power consumption, etc and concentrate on maybe an 08 or 09?
3. Would a Bolder Mini PS work on ANY Mac Mini or only more recent ones?

Anything else I should consider?



Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #25 on: 18 Aug 2010, 02:42 pm »

At the very least, I'd stick with a Mac Mini that has an Intel chip (rather than a G4 chip). Even if the software you currently use can run on the G4 chip, it is a safe bet that this will not always be the case since the G4 is no longer used. I've also heard other folks recommend getting a dual core Intel chip, but I've never had any issues performance-wise using a single core Intel chip on my Mac Mini that is use solely for music. I may run into issues eventually with that processor or with the limits of RAM that my Mac Mini has, but so far so good (and I am still smiling about the great deal I got on my used Mini).


Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #26 on: 18 Aug 2010, 02:47 pm »
Some of the more MAC oriented folks can give you more details about certain of your questions, but I think I can answer some of them.

1. If I continue to use the SB Touch in the chain, would the Bolder PS on a Mac Mini yield the same positive effects or be no point since I have the Touch with a linear PS?

The MacMini power supply would improve the sonics above and beyond what the Deluxe power supply is doing. You are talking about power being supplied to two different items. Replacing a switching supply in almost any product used in the audio system will yield improvements.

3. Would a Bolder Mini PS work on ANY Mac Mini or only more recent ones?

The BOLDER Mac Mini PS will work with any of the units made before the current generation. The 2010 version has a built in switching power supply that cannot be bypassed, to the best of my knowledge. It would be best to use a Mac Min built before then.


Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #27 on: 18 Aug 2010, 03:11 pm »
Thanks Roscoeiii and Wayne.

One more, can the bolder PS be used with a MacBook? Benefit to this? My wife also has a MacBook and wants to upgrade. Thought maybe I could inherit hers and dedicate it to being a server vs buying a mini. 



Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #28 on: 18 Aug 2010, 04:06 pm »
The power supply I build is just for the Mac Mini. I have not built one for a Mac Book. I'm not sure where I would even get the cable to use with a Mac Book.

Apple has patented all their power connectors. I have found only one source authorized to make the cable for the Mac Mini.


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Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #29 on: 28 Nov 2010, 05:03 am »
I need a one box PSU that will power both my MM/Amarra model 4 Dac.

  As a side note is anyone hearing a big improvement with the Bolder PSU on an Amarra Model 4 vs the stock PS?

Can it be done and if so how much $$$?


Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #30 on: 28 Nov 2010, 05:22 am »
Let me know what the voltage and current requirements are for the Amarra DAC and I could probably build both PS in one box. It will be a bigger box and more expensive, but it can be done.

Price would be between $1200 and 1500.


Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #31 on: 28 Nov 2010, 05:38 am »
Let me know what the voltage and current requirements are for the Amarra DAC and I could probably build both PS in one box. It will be a bigger box and more expensive, but it can be done.

Price would be between $1200 and 1500.
I looked into this in the past and the Amarra DAC is a 24Vdc and 2-2.5amps should cover it (although worth confirming the current requirements, I was looking at a battery supply)


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Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #32 on: 28 Dec 2010, 05:41 pm »
The BOLDER Mac Mini PS will work with any of the units made before the current generation. The 2010 version has a built in switching power supply that cannot be bypassed, to the best of my knowledge. It would be best to use a Mac Min built before then.

So, do I understand correctly, that after reading about this great PSU for my brand new Mac Mini, I won't get the same sonic results? What a bummer!



Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #33 on: 28 Dec 2010, 06:52 pm »

Your 2010 Mac Mini comes with a power supply built into it.

I CAN remove the internal power supply and install a DC input jack so that you can use an external, linear power supply. In fact, I am working on this mod right now.

I'll have a picture of the modded Mac Mini later today or tomorrow.

The mod will void the Apple warranty.


Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #34 on: 28 Dec 2010, 08:55 pm »

Your 2010 Mac Mini comes with a power supply built into it.

I CAN remove the internal power supply and install a DC input jack so that you can use an external, linear power supply. In fact, I am working on this mod right now.

I'll have a picture of the modded Mac Mini later today or tomorrow.

The mod will void the Apple warranty.
Sounds like we might be able to move our 2009 Mini PSU to the 2010?  That could be a nice option.  I have both running side by side, and with two power filters and an upgraded cord, the 2010 with it's switching internal PSU still underperforms the 2009 with the Bolder PSU (by a healthy margin).


Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #35 on: 28 Dec 2010, 09:25 pm »
I would suggest a slight change to your power supply, silverlight. The 2010 Mac Mini operates off of 12 volts DC. The earlier versions work on 17 volts. It would not take much to reduce the voltage output internally in the PS.


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Re: Review: Bolder Mac Mini PSU
« Reply #36 on: 24 May 2011, 02:18 am »
From the Bolder store I do not see an external power supply for the 2009 (old style) Mac Mini.  Has the product been discontinued?  If not, where can I find more details?