i34 is here

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i34 is here
« on: 11 Sep 2007, 01:12 am »
Announcing the model i34 integrated amplifier

Eight months after building and testing the pre-release unit we are announcing a new unit in the Vista-Audio lineup: model i34 integrated amplifier.

Why the delay? Even though I was happy with the original results, there were three reasons for prolonged development:

1. Success of the model i84 dictated that we maintain sonic signature, clarity and speaker control. "Tubiness" sometimes typical for EL34 amplifiers was not acceptable.

2. Pre-release unit has incredible midrange - on par with the best of SE amplifiers - we wanted to preserve this ear candy.

3. Transformer steel and copper went up in price, significantly, and our transformer costs skyrocketed. Now that we had to pay more for quality transformers I insisted on getting the best results that we can. Three generations of toroidal transformers later Trafomatic came up with a design that we are extremely pleased with.

Here is the newest member of the Vista-Audio family, premiering on AudioCircle:

Stereo Push-Pull Integrated Amplifier
Power: 33Wpc
Bandwidth: 10Hz-35kHz (at full power)
Inputs: CD, Tuner, Aux.
Outputs: 4 and 8 ohms
Input sensitivity: 2Vrms
Tubes: 2 x ECC832, 4 x E34L
Toroidal transformers
Gold Plated Terminals
Stainless Steel Chassis

Measured THD on the test sample is below 0.1% (actual measured 0.06% @ 1W/1kHz  8)), but will be specified as 0.2% to account for possible variations in tube characteristics (we use low negative feedback, resulting in tubes characteristics having more effect on the final result).

Transient response of the amplifier is exceptional, I will post some oscillograms soon.
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2007, 01:14 am by Audiovista »


Re: i34 is here
« Reply #1 on: 11 Sep 2007, 01:15 am »
Simply awesome.  Boris, give me a ring sometime!


Re: i34 is here
« Reply #2 on: 11 Sep 2007, 02:48 am »


Is there any chance that this would be made available purely as a power amp?  And is there any word on pricing for the unit?




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Re: i34 is here
« Reply #3 on: 11 Sep 2007, 02:59 am »
Very nice Boris... :beer:

Best of luck...looking forward to hearing it.... 8)



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #4 on: 11 Sep 2007, 11:14 am »

Yes, we will make it a power amp, but it's not in the works yet. I can either modify an existing unit or we can custom build. Unit is priced at $1,180.00. Intro price through the end of September is $980.00. Thanks!


Thanks - I'll be happy to have you audition the amp.



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #5 on: 11 Sep 2007, 12:24 pm »

Yes, we will make it a power amp, but it's not in the works yet. I can either modify an existing unit or we can custom build. Unit is priced at $1,180.00. Intro price through the end of September is $980.00. Thanks!



Thank you.



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Re: i34 is here
« Reply #6 on: 11 Sep 2007, 02:31 pm »
Your new i34 amp looks great!  Is the case the same size as the i84 amp?

BTW, the Postal Service should deliver my new i82 amp any day now and I am looking forward to trying it out on my Hornshoppe Horns.  I will post my impressions as soon as I have had time to break it in and give it a good listen.



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #7 on: 11 Sep 2007, 03:29 pm »
Hi Boris,

I am looking forward to hearing the new amp soon! 



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #8 on: 11 Sep 2007, 05:02 pm »
Thanks David,

I'm looking forward to hearing your comments about the i82. First impressions and after the break-in period.

As for the i34 it's larger than i84, but not huge - thanks to the toroids  8). Size is similar to the pre-production prototype



I'm thinking about sending the amp on a tour among NY Ravers, for start. What do you think?



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #9 on: 11 Sep 2007, 05:10 pm »
Hi Boris,

That would be a great idea.  This Saturday would be the best day for it's debut :)



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Re: i34 is here
« Reply #10 on: 11 Sep 2007, 05:24 pm »

I'm thinking about sending the amp on a tour among NY Ravers, for start. What do you think?


Hi Boris,

That would be a great idea.  This Saturday would be the best day for it's debut Smile


Sign me up.....good idea....thanks Boris !!!



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #11 on: 11 Sep 2007, 05:40 pm »
Hi Chris,

That was quick!


Re: i34 is here
« Reply #12 on: 11 Sep 2007, 10:57 pm »
Hi Boris,

That would be a great idea.  This Saturday would be the best day for it's debut :)


It looks that there will be a ton of equipment this Saturday - we'll make Buddy sick of all the gear swapping. But I'll bring the amp, let it sit in the trunk and then Chris or Levi, one of you can take it home.

I'm thinking about a week at one place - what do you guys say, is it enough time for audition?


You are the facilitator for the NY Rave circle - should I start the tour thread there or maybe here, so people can sign up and the tour could be scheduled based on geographic closeness of interested parties (sounds like an attorney wrote this last sentence  :scratch:)?



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #13 on: 12 Sep 2007, 01:18 am »
Hi Boris,

It is a good idea to start a thread in our NY Rave Circle.  I am sure there will be some interested parties.

Let me know if I can help.



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #14 on: 12 Sep 2007, 03:10 am »
Hey, count me interested too...if the sound is as sweet as the little 84's, but with more power...would love to hear that.


Re: i34 is here
« Reply #15 on: 12 Sep 2007, 10:57 pm »
I started a thread for NY Ravers HERE



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #16 on: 13 Sep 2007, 11:23 pm »
Took some quick and dirty snapshots of the output waveforms - this is what the new output transformers are all about:

40 Hz square wave:

1 kHz square wave:

10 kHz square wave:

20 kHz square wave:

Not bad for a tube amp, is it?


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Re: i34 is here
« Reply #17 on: 13 Sep 2007, 11:33 pm »

Can you comment on each picture above?

I must admit that I have no idea what they mean.   :scratch:



Re: i34 is here
« Reply #18 on: 13 Sep 2007, 11:58 pm »

Can you comment on each picture above?

I must admit that I have no idea what they mean.   :scratch:


Hi George,

Thanks for reminding me, that is one of my regular tests and I forgot that people may not be familiar with how to "read it".....

It is just one, somewhat standard, way to evaluate transient response, stability and bandwidth of the amplifier. The graphs show how well the amplifier reproduces square wave that is brought to its input. Squarewave is rich in higher harmonics, which extend from the fundamental frequency of the square to the high multiples.

Low frequency (40Hz) signal should show minimal downslope, indicating good low end extension.

1kHz should look like a perfect square without any ringing (ringing indicates feedback loop instability and/or circuit oscillations).

10kHz signal should still have fairly fast slopes and if there is any oscillation, here is easier to see its frequency and how fast it goes away (by the way - the little bump on the square is identical to the model i84 and that's what gives it its character, but I did not fabricate it  :shh: this is my little secret).

20kHz signal ... because I can!  :D Many an amp at this frequency will have a waveform that resembles sinewave more than a square.

« Last Edit: 15 Sep 2007, 01:17 am by Audiovista »