Schiit Aegir

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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #40 on: 19 Sep 2019, 04:18 pm »
Since the Aegir is only $799, I would be interested in a comparison between some of the First Watt amps and a pair of mono-blocked Aegirs.  The Aegirs are reportedly less warm in monoblock mode. 

@Tyson, I do agree that Schiit gear runs bright.  I have tried a number of their headphone amps (Fulla 2, Magni, Jotunheim, Lyr 3) and they were all bright to varying degrees.  The delta-sigma and multibit internal dac cards for use in the Lyr3 and Jotunheim are also bright compared to the current production Yggdrasil, which to my ears is not bright at all, using those same amps (sans Fulla 2).  The Fulla 2 was the least bright of the amps and is the only one I kept long-term.  After a month or two with the others I didn't even consider keeping them.

If they could somehow tune their amps to have Yggdrasil like transparency without the added brightness I'd sell my Hegel H360 in heartbeat and pocket the cash difference.

I hear Ragnarok 2 is the smoothest amp in the Schiit lineup.  Hope to see more reviews and reports from the field on that one.  I personally do not consider the Rangrok 1 bright but that could just be my tolerance or taste.  And I am using a Yggdrasil A2 with it which may balances things out.


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #42 on: 8 Oct 2019, 07:27 pm »

"Nor do I buy into "Class A" having any benefit. If it had, it would show up in measurements. It does not."

I don't think this guy's measurement can see everything.  Why do some amps with great measurements sound bad?


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #43 on: 8 Oct 2019, 07:40 pm »
I'd love to see a valid report on how one can translate electrical measurements to the sound of a piece of equipment in my system.  Since nothing like this exists any attempt to correlate measurements to sound are just speculation.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #44 on: 8 Oct 2019, 09:18 pm »
"Nor do I buy into "Class A" having any benefit. If it had, it would show up in measurements. It does not."

I don't think this guy's measurement can see everything.  Why do some amps with great measurements sound bad?

Because amps with measurements if good can sound better than amps that measure great.  My Parasound A21 amp specs out way better than my Pass X250- faster slew rate, much higher dampening (250 to >1000), higher current, THD are just a few parameters but it can't match the tone, bass slam, texture, air and transparency of the Pass amp.

I do think there is some benefit to Class A amps.  They tend to sound different.  Just as Class D amps sound different.

I will take electronics that sound great over spec's any day.   There are things we just can't measure.

Why can amps that have similar measurements sound different? 


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #45 on: 8 Oct 2019, 09:31 pm »
Because measurements if good can sound better than amps that measure great.  My Parasound A21 amp specs out way better than my Pass X250- faster slew rate, much higher dampening (250 to >1000), higher current, THD are just a few parameters but it can't match the tone, bass slam, texture, air and transparency of the Pass amp.

I do think there is some benefit to Class A amps.  They tend to sound different.  Just as Class D amps sound different.

I will take electronics that sound great over spec's any day.   There are things we just can't measure.

Why can amps that have similar measurements sound different?

Well put.  Totally agree.   


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #46 on: 12 Oct 2019, 02:22 am »
Using a Aegir with Kef LS50 in a near field desk setup, def a rich full sound, doesn't get too loud as the ls50 is 85db but def enjoying the combo currently. Aegir gave the kef a warmer sound compared to when i used a Peachtree nova 150.


Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #47 on: 13 Oct 2019, 02:10 am »

   I haven't heard this Schiit... sorry can't help it :lol: But I've been toying with the idea of having a summer amp. Using my SET amps in hot summer days is not fun  :icon_lol: Maybe I can get by in hot summer days with a SS class A amp like this and 20wpc is plenty for me.

   Another thing...  I don't have or have heard any of their stuffs but every time I see and read about their stuffs, I have to scratch my head and ask... how did they do it for that price made here in the US of A?

   Anyway, I'll keep an eye on this one.



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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #49 on: 13 Oct 2019, 01:47 pm »
I don't think audio science review pretends to be anything but a good bench test.  He doesn't make any claims for subjective sound quality, it's a tool in your kit.  I find it shocking that Schitt claims 40 watts into 4 ohms and 80 watts in bridged mode when it doesn't come anywhere close.  If true that's malfeasance and false advertising at a Chinese knock off level.  For myself a nice sounding amp and a made in America branding wouldn't make up for that, others may of course see it differently.


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #50 on: 13 Oct 2019, 03:50 pm »
I don't think audio science review pretends to be anything but a good bench test.  He doesn't make any claims for subjective sound quality, it's a tool in your kit.  I find it shocking that Schitt claims 40 watts into 4 ohms and 80 watts in bridged mode when it doesn't come anywhere close.  If true that's malfeasance and false advertising at a Chinese knock off level.  For myself a nice sounding amp and a made in America branding wouldn't make up for that, others may of course see it differently.
i consider Amir, Armir etc. to be an internet troll, which is why he's been banned from several audio sites in recent years. I don't trust his alleged measurements either. I'd rather read John Atkinson's findings.

I was pleasantly surprised by the Schiit Aegir's measured performance. It is a well-engineered amplifier at an affordable price.—John Atkinson

Note: Stereophile has given the Aegir a top class A rating. Very rare at that price point.



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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #51 on: 14 Oct 2019, 02:23 pm »
I would note a couple of things, one, here's the quote from the audio science site, "I am going to put the Schiit Aegir on my recommended list for its solid engineering and design".  Secondly JA based his power measurements at 1% distortion (!) which Amir notes might produce the rated power, but he halted his measurements before that high distortion number.  If you look at the charts both gentlemen have essentially the same results for power response, just different conclusions.  I've met John and have great respect for his work in the field, but I'm at a loss as to why he's using a 1% distortion point as a benchmark.  I don't know Amir from Adam and have noted he's a controversial figure in audio.  Both gentlemen recommend the product, it's me who has the issue with Schitt and their marketing claims regarding power output so I'm fine with others taking my poor opinion with a large grain of salt.

Peter J

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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #52 on: 14 Oct 2019, 02:57 pm »
I may be biased because I own Aegirs, but the power rating almost seems irrelevant to where I want to end up sound-wise. Simply put, if I can achieve volume level desired without hear-ble distortion, I'm good to go.

I suspect if you were to pose the discrepancy you're reading about to Jason at Schiit, he'd answer with his typical candor. I've found them to be forthcoming and transparent when queried about such things.

Not that specs aren't an important component of buying decision, but it would seem out-of-character business-wise for them to deliberately mislead in their advertising, which is what's being suggested.


Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #53 on: 14 Oct 2019, 03:41 pm »
I have nothing against any of the schiit products.. I have used a few.. Schiit makes decent equipment..
The only problem for me was, the products that I used just felt like I was getting "Average" equipment..
Good for the price, but not end game for me.. The Schiit products I used kept me feeling "What if & It could sound better"..
So, I'm going to venture to guess at least 30% of  Schiit owners will sell to up-grade , or listen with that thought in the back of their minds "What if"..
The other 70% will be content to stay with-in their budget and happy with their Schiit system, ( wish I could be happy with Schiit )..
Being interested in an End Game system , the Schiit products I bought were a waste of money (learning experience)..
Much like my car stereo experience was , Start with a Flea market system, then a cheap store system, then a slightly more expensive system, Then a system where I bought everything on the Internet and installed myself..The first few systems were a waste of money (learning experience)..

Don't get me wrong, I have wasted quite a few thousand of dollars on step-up products (learning curve) to get to where my system is, and I will definitely spend more money stepping up down the line, not done yet..!!

Hope I didn't go off the topic to much,


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #54 on: 14 Oct 2019, 03:47 pm »
I have nothing against any of the schiit products.. I have used a few.. Schiit makes decent equipment..
The only problem for me was, the products that I used just felt like I was getting "Average" equipment..
Good for the price, but not end game for me.. The Schiit products I used kept me feeling "What if & It could sound better"..
So, I'm going to venture to guess at least 30% of  Schiit owners will sell to up-grade , or listen with that thought in the back of their minds "What if"..
The other 70% will be content to stay with-in their budget and happy with their Schiit system, ( wish I could be happy with Schiit )..
Being interested in an End Game system , the Schiit products I bought were a waste of money (learning experience)..
Much like my car stereo experience was , Start with a Flea market system, then a cheap store system, then a slightly more expensive system, Then a system where I bought everything on the Internet and installed myself..The first few systems were a waste of money (learning experience)..

Don't get me wrong, I have wasted quite a few thousand of dollars on step-up products (learning curve) to get to where my system is, and I will definitely spend more money stepping up down the line, not done yet..!!

Hope I didn't go off the topic to much,

Many people feel that way about much more expensive products than Schiit's.  Why would anyone expect to get endgame stuff at Schiits prices if they can afford more?  There will always be something better for a price.  Some people can't afford to go on the constant upgrade bandwagon and a good Schiit product can easily be end game for them.  I think your comment points to other symptoms or causes.


Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #55 on: 14 Oct 2019, 03:56 pm »
Many people feel that way about much more expensive products than Schiit's.  Why would anyone expect to get endgame stuff at Schiits prices if they can afford more?  There will always be something better for a price.  Some people can't afford to go on the constant upgrade bandwagon and a good Schiit product can easily be end game for them.  I think your comment points to other symptoms or causes.

No offence intended, just expressing my experiences so far.. Still learning myself as to the End-Game Sound System I'm looking for..


Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #56 on: 14 Oct 2019, 04:16 pm »
"Typically, an amplifier's power specifications are calculated by measuring its RMS output voltage, with a continuous sine wave signal, at the onset of clipping—defined arbitrarily as a stated percentage of total harmonic distortion (THD), usually 1%, into specified load resistances." -

When someone uses a different method than commonly accepted, it's bound to cause confusion...


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #57 on: 14 Oct 2019, 04:20 pm »
I have nothing against any of the schiit products.. I have used a few.. Schiit makes decent equipment..
The only problem for me was, the products that I used just felt like I was getting "Average" equipment..
Good for the price, but not end game for me.. The Schiit products I used kept me feeling "What if & It could sound better"..
So, I'm going to venture to guess at least 30% of  Schiit owners will sell to up-grade , or listen with that thought in the back of their minds "What if"..
The other 70% will be content to stay with-in their budget and happy with their Schiit system, ( wish I could be happy with Schiit )..
Being interested in an End Game system , the Schiit products I bought were a waste of money (learning experience)..
Much like my car stereo experience was , Start with a Flea market system, then a cheap store system, then a slightly more expensive system, Then a system where I bought everything on the Internet and installed myself..The first few systems were a waste of money (learning experience)..

Don't get me wrong, I have wasted quite a few thousand of dollars on step-up products (learning curve) to get to where my system is, and I will definitely spend more money stepping up down the line, not done yet..!!

Hope I didn't go off the topic to much,

I hear what you're saying, but as an Yggdrasil owner I have to disagree. The Yggy is - in my opinion - a world class DAC. I have also heard many Schiit preamp owners state that, with the right tubes, they compete with the truly high end - and high priced gear.

I don't think it helps that the company is named Schiit and that their gear is so affordable.... this unfortunately creates a perception of mediocracy.


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #58 on: 14 Oct 2019, 04:42 pm »
I hear what you're saying, but as an Yggdrasil owner I have to disagree. The Yggy is - in my opinion - a world class DAC. I have also heard many Schiit preamp owners state that, with the right tubes, they compete with the truly high end - and high priced gear.

I don't think it helps that the company is named Schiit and that their gear is so affordable.... this unfortunately creates a perception of mediocracy.

Well put.  I own a Yggy as well.  Despite perception issues they seem to be doing very well when it comes to sales.


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Re: Schiit Aegir
« Reply #59 on: 14 Oct 2019, 05:34 pm »
I hear what you're saying, but as an Yggdrasil owner I have to disagree. The Yggy is - in my opinion - a world class DAC. I have also heard many Schiit preamp owners state that, with the right tubes, they compete with the truly high end - and high priced gear.

I don't think it helps that the company is named Schiit and that their gear is so affordable.... this unfortunately creates a perception of mediocracy.

That might be true for you, but it's not true of most people, at least as far as I've been able to observe.  The name in particular (Schiit) people seem to really get the clever humor of it.