Clari-T lands in Europe

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  • Jr. Member
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Clari-T lands in Europe
« on: 28 Mar 2005, 04:59 pm »
I believe I have the first Clari-T in Europe, perhaps the first outside the US?

It arrived last week and since it needs 100 hours break-in before sounding its best, I will reserve my comments on sound quality until later.

I will just say, though, that I do believe this is going to prove a terrific match with Eds Horns or similar speakers based on Fostex drivers. The sound right out of the box was highly trasparent, as though a window on the sound had just been cleaned to perfection or thrown open.

My main concern was that it would lack the richness that I get from my Teac amp because the SI amp sounds thin in comparison to the Teac on this system. My concerns on that score vansished immediately. It is every bit as rich as the Teac. A very different sound to the stock SI which I ran using the Powerwaves PS.

I believe I'll have more great things to report on this amp when it's had time to fully burn in. I suspect with Eds horns it'll be a marriage made in heaven. The Clari-T makes them sound like great electrostatics with balls.

I had a couple of teething problems with the charger as I had to source a suitable charger myself in Europe; but Vinne took the trouble to talk me through it and explain everything clearly and now it's working fine.

More later!



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Clari-T lands in Europe
« Reply #1 on: 29 Mar 2005, 01:20 am »
Where are you in Europe?  Just curious.

In two weeks or so you will like it much more, I predict.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 186
    • Sound Galleries: High-End Audio in Monaco
Clari-T lands in Europe
« Reply #2 on: 31 Mar 2005, 04:13 pm »
I'm in Monaco. That little country between France and Italy.




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Clari-T lands in Europe
« Reply #3 on: 31 Mar 2005, 11:50 pm »
And I am Las Vegas.  

Just kidding.  I libe and work in Northern California.

Yours must be pretty darn beautiful, perfectly matching the sound of ClariT.

I traded mine for a pair of monoblocks (ClariTT??).  They will arrive next week.