Reviews and External Threads

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Reviews and External Threads
« on: 15 Jun 2009, 05:23 am »
This topic is where readers can provide links to reviews or discussion threads outside of Audio Circle.


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6Moons reviews the TWO
« Reply #1 on: 17 Jun 2009, 05:14 pm »

Hey guys, this is new today from David Kan with 6Moons.  David did some comprehensive reviews of some other T-Amps and he's had our units for a while.  It's too bad that the reviews now out and we have no more TWOs in stock.  I just sent a bunch to Australia today so they'll have them for you.  Singapore has a few left as does Italy and Denmark.  Enjoy!


Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jun 2009, 05:21 pm »
congrats can't wait to read the rest of it  :D


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Sergio's review on the T-Class Niceboard (Italy)
« Reply #3 on: 4 Aug 2009, 05:08 pm »
I just love reading what the Italians have to say about the Virtue amps.

"Now I can clearly say that the sound of the GC is a velvet cloth, but without the constraints and easily moved by the wind when you impetuous, while the sound of the VT is a sheet of silk, with weights of the edges (the control on the low) that make it immobile, while floating in air but does not move, and shine your buds embroidered on them (the detail and the division of instruments). "

.. the translation isn't perfect, but Sergio (like many of the participants on the NiceBoard) is so expressive!

They have a true passion for life and for the finest things, including us!

Read all of the threads in this forum, it's a blast.  Makes me feel so puritanical by comparison.

Thanks, Sergio - you are a prince!

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Re: Sergio's review on the T-Class Niceboard (Italy)
« Reply #4 on: 4 Aug 2009, 06:08 pm »
.. the translation isn't perfect, but Sergio (like many of the participants on the NiceBoard) is so expressive! 

Thanks! If someone is interested in I can help with the translation of some passages that Google Translates doesn't get over.

Thanks, Sergio - you are a prince!

No, thank YOU for giving us such a hot piece of hardware!  :D


Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #5 on: 5 Sep 2009, 07:36 pm »

A nice article pairing up the Two with the Devilsound DAC. It's a unique little product that I use with my One in a PC based system. That is, of course, until my Virtue Pre/DAC/Head arrives in October. Gotta love new toys...


Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #6 on: 5 Sep 2009, 07:39 pm »
« Last Edit: 5 Sep 2009, 10:31 pm by PSB Guy »


Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #7 on: 11 Oct 2009, 02:22 pm »
A very nice write up of Virtue at RMAF 2009 by James Darby at StereoMojo.

Thanks StereoMojo!!


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Piano M1 wins Stereo Mojo bargain product of the year
« Reply #8 on: 18 Feb 2010, 11:45 pm »

Guys, check this out.  Piano just joined the Virtue ONE on the StereoMojo product of the year list.   Marvin Bolden has written a review which will be out soon.  Thank you, StereoMojo!

« Last Edit: 1 Mar 2010, 04:46 pm by virtue »


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Re: Positive Feedback Brutus Awards
« Reply #9 on: 1 Mar 2010, 04:50 pm »
I was totally remiss over the past few months for not posting this amazing award.
Dave Clark at Positive Feedback gave us the most amazing honor in his round-up of best products for 2009; his Brutus Awards.
Dean Saslove, Dave, and Adam Goldfine at Positive Feedback, each took very critical listens and found the Virtue ONE and TWO worthy of praise.  These are critical reviewers and you can learn a lot about what's great and not about our amps from their reviews.
« Last Edit: 25 Mar 2010, 06:06 pm by virtue »


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Re: Stereomojo Piano Review out Today!
« Reply #10 on: 25 Mar 2010, 06:05 pm »
Check out this awesome review for StereoMojo's Bargain CD Player of the Year!

I like this bit from reviewer Marvin Bolden especially:

The M1's midrange is so sweet and big and well here's that word again, TUBES. Tubes hwever, can sometimes give you a rolled off top end and bottom end as well. That is not the case with the Piano. The Piano's greatest stregth in plain English is that is does not sound like a digital player with the attendant gray, rather cool, steely presentation particularly in the midrange and and upper end. We call it "digititus". Often, when a digital source is also 100% solid state, the combination can be pretty unmusical. What I am trying to say without using a bunch of "audiophile speak" is that though the Virtue machine is both a solid state digital source, it does not suffer those maladies. It sounds much more analog with a midrange sweetness and fullness as well as a very robust bass that one might hear with an analog source; possibly a combination of a good tube preamp driving a high quality solid state power amplifier. In short, unusually musical at this or any price.

Marvin wouldn't send his unit back. 
« Last Edit: 26 Mar 2010, 12:03 am by virtue »


Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #11 on: 25 Mar 2010, 11:59 pm »
You forgot to mention the Maximum Mojo Award they gave to the need to be humble.


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #12 on: 10 May 2010, 03:50 am »
While Nick tussles with UK customs to wrestle his Sensation from their grips, he's done some double-time checking out the Virtue ONE.2 with his friend Paul Hyne's really amazing linear regulated supplies.

Check out these two links when you get a chance:

Vortie mewbies will like how Nick explains some of the differences between the ONE and the ONE.2.


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #13 on: 11 May 2010, 11:00 pm »
A great ICEBlock review came out today which really helps customers understand why it's just so awesome.  Moreover, it made the cover!  Wow!  Isn't she purdy?

Lorin's review is very even handed and I'm thrilled with how well he captures the advantages that Gary's tube buffer brings.

After all, I was expecting great bass and plenty of treble extension, but would there be some midrange warmth? Bring on the Dixie Chicks singing the national anthem, Norah Jones live, Allison Kraus, Katie Melua….all serious challenges for the Class-D set. The “clinical” sound I had reacted against in the past was nearly gone – the fleshy midrange that was missing before was back! And what were the costs? Bass control? Tonal accuracy? Treble extension? Those tests required different music. Techno torture tracks, like Avratz from “Infected Mushroom” would reveal all! Bass control?  Outstanding! Treble extension? Outstanding! Perhaps even more surprising was the apparent lack of downside. The tubes contributed some midrange warmth, but did not seem to loosen the bass, truncate the treble, or even add noise across the spectrum.

You can read the full review here:

Incidentally, our price-drop never made the editorial deadline, which I hope will be a pleasant surprise for affordable audio readers.  I couldn't pry Lorin's Xindak XA-8800MNE from his systems so we're looking to sell his review pair.  Canadian customs are pre-paid so it would be nice to sell to a Canadian!  Email me if you're interested.


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #14 on: 20 Jun 2010, 10:41 am »


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #15 on: 12 Jul 2010, 02:43 am »
The reviews have started to land and wow are they a treat.

Please check out the July/August edition of the prestigious Positive Feedback Online magazine for not one, but TWO reviews.

Let's start with the man, the myth, the legend Bob Levi (of Turner Broadcasting and Hollywood fame and now Associate Editor of PFO and President of the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society) who tells me that he has $9,000 worth of cables strapped onto the TWO.2 and he can't stop his toe from tapping.  Bob was kind enough to write up his impressions and they're here:

Here are some choice words from Bob:

I hesitate to continue to wax poetic about a $598 integrated amp [including the excellent Dodd battery pack.] How will anyone take me seriously after this? I guess I'll just have to risk it. You folks who have been looking for a wham bam super deal in high value amplification, here it is! It's available factory direct from Virtue Audio and it's called the TWO.2.

Now if you're interested in writing inspiration, check out this review.  Dean Seislove, the Neoteric listener, really does Sensation M901 justice.  This guy can write:

I played Peter Gabriel's world beat-influenced "The Rhythm of the Heat." I was curious as to how well the Sensation would keep up with the song's suspenseful build up and climatic explosion of Ghanian drums, Surdo drums, and Linn drum machine. Depending on the system, by the time the song ends, you're either enveloped in the primal mystery of rhythm, or you're shouting "shut that f-ing noise off!" The percussion on this track is fast, dynamic, and loud, and it's easy for an amp to stumble and fall behind. The Boxers aren't really designed to awaken the forest spirits, but the Sensation's timing and control of the rhythm certainly elevated me out of my chair (perhaps an even more amazing accomplishment). I wasn't quite stripped down to body paint and a chikunga tribal mask, but the rhythm did inspire a creditable surfer stomp, of sorts.


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #16 on: 13 Jul 2010, 05:12 pm »
Check it out..Seth and Virtue made GIZMODO!!!

or cutting to the chase:

A number of new products offer incredible bang for the buck. Seth Krinsky's Virtue Audio offers the tiny ONE.2 amplifier for $349; while small enough to fit under a computer monitor, the ONE.2 has 30 watts per channel of superb quality sound, and is routinely demonstrated at shows powering those huge megabuck speakers we all make fun of. Next to the speakers, the ONE.2 looks like a Chihuahua hangin' with a Great Dane.


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #17 on: 29 Aug 2010, 07:16 am »


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #18 on: 16 Sep 2010, 10:29 pm »


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Re: Reviews and External Threads
« Reply #19 on: 17 Sep 2010, 06:31 pm »

If this hasn't already been noted elsewhere, there is a new review of the Sensation 451 on tnt-audio:

Unfortunately, they call it the 541, but the reviewer is very positive about the amp.