Linkwitz LX512s

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Linkwitz LX512s
« on: 14 Sep 2022, 03:26 am »
Just set up my Linkwitz LX521 speakers with the new miniDSP Flex Eight with Dirac Live.
Very impressive.
If anyone wants to take a listen, let me know.
I would be willing to host an event for the group if that is appropriate.
Also have the X-Statik DIY speakers from GR Research set up.
John Cowling


Re: Linkwitz LX512s
« Reply #1 on: 20 Sep 2022, 09:07 pm »
I would be interested in taking a listen at some mutually convenient time.
I heard them at the water hole(nekkid vine??) but I think it would be better where they live.
« Last Edit: 22 Sep 2022, 03:47 am by genestl »


  • Industry Participant
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  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Re: Linkwitz LX512s
« Reply #2 on: 16 Oct 2022, 02:11 am »
I would love to hear them, John, as well as compare notes on miniDSP programming.  (VPE is working on a new DSP-enabled 3-way active loudspeaker for introduction at AXPONA 2023.)  Unfortunately I need to go to Mercy Heart Hospital to get my aortic valve replaced next week, so I will be out of commission for awhile.  Message me and we’ll set something up !


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Re: Linkwitz LX512s
« Reply #3 on: 16 Oct 2022, 12:20 pm »
Yes, I would like to hear them as well. Let me know.
Chris H.


Re: Linkwitz LX512s
« Reply #4 on: 16 Oct 2022, 04:46 pm »
Best wishes with your surgery, Don.



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 276
  • VPE Electrodynamics - LDW Model 1, Model 2, Crysta
    • VPE Electrodynamics
Re: Linkwitz LX512s
« Reply #5 on: 31 Dec 2022, 02:36 am »
Hi, Kent.  An update.  I underwent Open Heart surgery at Mercy Heart Hospital on 25 Oct 2022.  I was such a PITA they sent me home on 28 Oct 2022.  I developed AFib about a week after my release (this is apparently normal) and had go back in to be cardioverted, BUT I am doing great today. 

I started Cardiac Rehabilitation at Mercy this week.  Prognosis is great and I feel both wonderful and truly blessed.  I have a brand new Edwards Lifescience tricuspid prosthetic valve made out of bovine pericardium treated with some kind of pixy dust to enable long life.

The speaker business suffered a little bit because I was just assembling the boilerplate VPE Airfoils when I learned I had to have surgery, but I am back in the shop now, and hope to have the Airfoils ready for AXPONA 2023.  Our Model 2 Dipole Subwoofers for the big Maggies are in testing with Robert Raus and he loves them.  They play deeper than the Little Dipole Woofers and work great with the 3.7's and 20.7's.

We have also gotten with Refined Audio and are marketing a major upgrade of the Pass SLOB we call the "Crystal Dipole" which utilizes an isolated 1/2" thick acrylic baffle board and the new Cube Audio F10 Select full-range driver.  It sounds awesome !!  Come see us in Chicago - Rm. 502 in the Schaumberg Renaissance Conf. Center.


Re: Linkwitz LX512s
« Reply #6 on: 31 Dec 2022, 08:07 pm »
Glad to hear you are doing so well, Don. Best wishes for the New Year!  Kent