Updates on Fusion amplifier

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Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #20 on: 10 Jan 2004, 01:16 am »
Quote from: JoshK
Well I guess you can now call your amps ICE amps.  Except that might confuse people about the technology employed.

Haha, yeah somehow I'm not sure that making such associations is such a great idea ;)

Too bad I don't make 500 watt Class A amps, so that I could thaw out the street in front of my house.   :lol:

The ice is still THICK, and Portland is not used to it.  My neighbor has lived here for 60+ years, and has only seen an ice storm two other times.  There's not much city machinery to clear it up, and even worse, lots of people have no idea how to drive in it.  :D I played good samaritan a bit today...

Personally, I think it is good when mother nature says "slow down" to the busy lifestyles.  Too bad Fedex and UPS can't get special exemptions from the bad weather.  They call this sort of delay an 'Act of God', and therefore aren't subject to making good on their guarantee for ontime delivery. I should get a pile of packages on Monday.

Here's a photo of ice in my garden:


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Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #21 on: 16 Feb 2004, 05:30 am »
Kevin, Any new update's ?... Has the ice melted yet ? :bounce:


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Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #22 on: 5 Mar 2004, 09:52 am »
Quote from: lonewolfny42
Kevin, Any new update's ?... Has the ice melted yet ? :bounce:
Spring is 15 day's away. 8)


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Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #23 on: 5 Mar 2004, 11:11 am »
Hopefully we haven't lost Kevin, but.....

He hasn't posted in quite a while (November 27, 2003),

His speaker was being marketed to lower powered tube amps while his new amps are all high powered, and audio circle hasn't been much of a single driver site.  Plus they cost way more than Omega Speakers that promise deeper bass response.

The whole green products concept is good, but hasn't met with much broad based marketing success in the U.S.

He wanted to mate digital amps with tubes (unneeded and a weird mix in the same box IMO).

His straight digital power amps didn't accept digital inputs.  (I see audio splitting into two camps:  vinyl/tube/vintage & audio PC/digital.)

Hope I'm wrong.


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I'm still around
« Reply #24 on: 5 Mar 2004, 06:23 pm »
Hey, I'm still alive.  I have been very busy and haven't had much time to browse the net.

Call me a perfectionist, but my Fusion amp isn't quite perfect yet. It's fully capable of blowing away the competition, but I'm still trying to make it better.

I've also been working on several new products.  Including a micro-subwoofer (the Neutrino), and two new speaker designs using the Jordan driver.    

I'm also now set on a line a source equipment that is worthy of merit.... Consonance.  I've got some KILLER mods to make my units very special. More details on that soon, including the various tube output stage options.

There is also my new website, which is under development.  My current site is somewhat limited in that it requires too much coding by hand to maintain.  While I enjoy coding, I just don't have time.  So I'm on to the latest and greatest Open Source web software... Plone.  It will greatly facilitate building the community of 'Solar-ized' homes, as individuals can very easily build their own custom webpages with their systems and lifestyles by using a built-in WYSIWYG HTML editor. :)

And then of course I have still been quite busy tilting at windmills with regard to sustainability.  Actually the windmills is a joke... there is plenty of evidence that sustainability oriented companies are already enjoying a healthy competitive advantage. My plan for 2004 is to gain recognition as one of the leaders in a fully sustainable business.  At the moment, I am trying to decide which sustainability framework to adopt so that I can quantify the environmental impact of my business.  I am leaning towards the Natural Step Framework, although there are several other options, including rolling my own framework.

Thanks for all the interest everyone!



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Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #25 on: 6 Mar 2004, 12:37 pm »
Glad you're still with us Kevin.

Sorry for the critique, but I (we?) really needed to know if you were still around, so I poked hard to see if you were unconcious or just sleeping.

And sorry that I misquoted how long it had been since you posted ("only" 8 weeks versus 14 weeks).


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« Reply #26 on: 16 Jul 2004, 10:19 am »
Kevin ,  
    Any further updates ....its been quite in your circle....thanks !! :) [/list:u][/b]


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Shipping amps again
« Reply #27 on: 16 Jul 2004, 07:39 pm »
Hey believe it or not, I am shipping amps again.  The clock circuit problems have been solved, and the LC Audio modules are running at 750 MHz, which is almost double the stock speed.  The boosted frequency has a dramatic effect on smoothness and silkiness of the sound.  So much an effect, that I didn't want to sell amps without it.  I'm working on the new updated web page with photos of the bamboo chassis.  If anyone is interested in an amp, let me know because there may be a price increase in the future.


Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #28 on: 16 Jul 2004, 08:17 pm »
Hey Kevin, It's good to hear your amp is up and running again.. I bet it sounds very good.

Good Luck.



Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #29 on: 16 Jul 2004, 08:18 pm »
Hey Kevin, It's good to hear your amp is up and running again.. I bet it sounds very good.

Good Luck.



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possible amp shootouts
« Reply #30 on: 17 Jul 2004, 03:24 am »
would be interesting to do a comparison between Kevin's amps from DIY Cable and the 1 from here. Both use the LC module.


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Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #31 on: 21 Jul 2004, 12:48 am »
Hi Kevin, I have arranged a listening session tentatively set  for September 18th with a few guys to compare 2 different mods of Carver's ZR1600 Tripath amp from Reference Audio Mods and Empirical Audio with my Audio Research VT200 tube amp. Because I was so impressed from my brief experience with your Solar digital amp, I was wondering if you'd be interested in supplying one of your amps for the event.


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Updates on Fusion amplifier
« Reply #32 on: 21 Jul 2004, 04:29 am »
Quote from: audiojerry
Hi Kevin, I have arranged a listening session tentatively set  for September 18th with a few guys to compare 2 different mods of Carver's ZR1600 Tripath amp from Reference Audio Mods and Empirical Audio with my Audio Research VT200 tube amp. Because I was so impressed from my brief experience with your Solar digital amp, I was wondering if you'd be interested in supplying one of your amps for the event.