speaker switch

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speaker switch
« on: 14 Dec 2010, 02:54 am »
With the outdoor lifestyle here in Perth, Im considering using the lifeforce 100 GK-1R combination to drive a set of outdoor speakers in addition to my main speakers via a speaker switch/volume control box.

Has anyone tried this arrangement? and is switching/controlling volume after the amplifier the worst place from a music quality perspective?


Re: speaker switch
« Reply #1 on: 14 Dec 2010, 04:31 am »
Hi Fos,

Been a while!  Trust you are well in Perth and that FIFO agrees with you still....

Yes, switching is not the best, but if you choose a double pole double throw (DPDT) switch with high duty contacts you should be fine.

The optimum is mercury wetted, but they are pricey and might anyway be environmentally verbotten.   Something rated for non-inductive 8A continuous or better is suitable.  I say non-inductive because these switches usually have tungsten or beryllium contacts, which are fine for high current and anti-arcing, but not wonderful for the tiny currents of music for speakers.  You don't need these qualities, in fact, since the switching will likely be done when the amp is NOT playing, at least loud, anyway.

I'm pretty sure Altronics will have something - 174 Roe St, Perth.

Hope this helps,



Re: speaker switch
« Reply #2 on: 14 Dec 2010, 06:48 am »
Good afternoon Hugh,

no more FIFO, i have taken an office job! still looking after the same offshore vessels, just spend a bit more time manipulating a keyboard now.

Altronics, know it well, frequented occasionally during lunchtime walks.

I look at a speaker switch boxes with 2 volume controls (10step so i assume they use fixed resistors), understand they are rated 50W rms and are impedence matched.

Mercury contacts....like all good things are they still legal? :o


Re: speaker switch
« Reply #3 on: 14 Dec 2010, 09:22 pm »

I cannot recommend volume control at the speaker end.  It destroys damping factor, greatly reduces efficiency, and is all round bad news sonically.

The best way is a tapped output transformer, but that's expensive.....

Try to find a way to use the existing vol control on the GK1, maybe have only one set of speakers operational at one time?

Good that you are now driving a Perth based desk.  The rigours of a life at sea are well known and not particularly conducive to a good family life or healthy balance.  I wish you a Merry Christmas and HNY, and commend you to Aspen's recent product spread!!    :icon_twisted:

