Business here at AC...

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  • Industry Participant
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Business here at AC...
« on: 2 Feb 2012, 03:55 am »
Read this with your Berean eyes in place, but I have a couple of observations about this site and the people that run it.

Audio Circle is and has always been the best run and best moderated site in audio, bar none.  That is why I am here with my Circle.  I could have gone to many different places and set up home.. shop, but I chose AC as the BEST place to do a forum and to, unabashedly, post my wares.  This place rocks!!! Why?  Because of the active site administrator (owner) and the guys that moderate this place - all of the "Volunteers".  These guys are amazing in their even handedness and accessibility.  I give them 5 stars for this.  Believe me, over the last 19 years I have been a regular poster on forums since they were "Bulletin Boards" at 1200 baud.  I have never seen a more dedicated and thoughtful bunch in my life.

I have run against the grain with these guys in the past, but have never been treated with less than the utmost courtesy... usually I was completely at fault and I admitted this.  There is something called "Forum decorum" that we should all adhere to.

Recently there were a  series of posts that led to the closing of the Industry Ads.  That is a damned shame, but one that I completely understand and support.  There are those that will continually flaunt the rules of AC, as well as common courtesy and these posters have to be addressed.  It is my hope that there will be a reopening of Industry Ads in the near future: they are a resource for all of us that do our best to live within the broad confines of AC.  OTOH, I am completely in support on the Administration in taking as long as it takes to get Industry Ads back into a format that will keep abusers of this great site out of the mix.

« Last Edit: 2 Feb 2012, 06:33 am by dBe »

HT cOz

Re: Business here at AC...
« Reply #1 on: 5 Feb 2012, 02:40 pm »

I agree with you completely. A few bad apples spoil the bunch.

I'm looking forward to the new format and would gladly offer to help moderate. Perhaps we need an application or something?

I'm very thankfull for the time I was able to participate in the industry adds. It gave me a chance to launch an idea that otherwise might not have happened.

Thanks AC,



Re: Business here at AC...
« Reply #2 on: 8 Feb 2012, 07:09 pm »

I also find AC to be the best audio forum of the five or six I use to regularly visit for years.  Now AC is the only audio forum I regularly visit.  I agree any forum should have some decorum.  As in any society, decorum and manners are large factors in determining whether one is "civilized" or not. 



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Re: Business here at AC...
« Reply #3 on: 5 Mar 2012, 07:34 pm »
I'm on board as well. It is a privledge to use Industry Ads. thats right.  Hoping the circle is opened soon.



  • Jr. Member
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Re: Business here at AC...
« Reply #4 on: 9 Mar 2012, 06:24 am »
I also find that Audiocircle is the audio site I like visiting the most.  I feel like I learn about manufacturers almost at a personal level and the discourse in the AC sub-forums is civil, well-informed, and budget conscious.  Other sites are rife with bickering and owners often seem to tout what they own.  Threads meander off-topic way too fast.  I used to like Head-fi, but now find it to be completely useless.  (Who has time to read threads that go on for hundreds of pages?).

I was not aware of problems with industry ads, but hope that is resolved soon enough.