I've used the M225s in my system for a little over three weeks and continue to be amazed by the outstanding audio performance of these amps.
I purchased the M225s to replace my primary stereo amp, a PS Audio BHK 250. For four years I was more than pleased by the sound qualities of this amp in my system but had continued reservations about the heat produced with the potential for degradation of it's electronics, energy consumption (75 watts in standby mode) and it's 83lb. weight.
After a short period of looking about I decided to return to using monoblock amps and came upon reviews and references to the AVA M225s. The compact form, attractive price and favorable comments regarding sound quality are what attracted me to this product.
I was expecting to take a hit in sonic performance in exchange for units that are more physically manageable. Did I ever get this wrong! With my associated equipment and the room I listen in, I've never thought I'd experience the sound qualities this combination produces. Previous power amps I've used didn't produce the clear, expansive soundstage and vibrant timbral qualities of instruments and voices I get with the M225s in my system.
This product renews my faith in recorded music.