Volume Control...Or Not

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Volume Control...Or Not
« on: 22 Jan 2023, 10:11 am »
I am wondering how a Lampi DAC, say a Golden Gate III, sounds directly into amps by way of the volume control option.  I could add in a pre-amp later, but for now, would run it direct.  Is having the volume control in the DAC a plus when I do add in a pre-amp?  I would also run a CD transport into the GG III.  The outputs on the transport are SP/DIF or AES/EBU. Which is preferred by experience?  Thanks!


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Re: Volume Control...Or Not
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jan 2023, 09:30 pm »
I have an Atlantic 3 TRP plugged directly into my amplifier. My amplifier also has a very refined volume attenuator, but so far it sounds better using the Lampi's volume control.
I also love the fact that this allows the Lampi to have analog inputs, therefore allow it to be a source selector, and therefore completely skipping the need for a preamplifier. Also believe I read that Lukasz advocates for direct Lampi -> amp.

Obviously, YMMV. Probably depends a bit on whether the output voltage / impedance of the Lampi matches well with your amplifier; in some systems an intervening preamplifier might be useful.


Re: Volume Control...Or Not
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jan 2023, 10:45 pm »
Good to hear that direct is a good way to go.  I would be using XLR into ARC 210 mono blocks.  This worked well with a Wadia 861SE for years--past time for an upgrade. 


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  • Posts: 48
Re: Volume Control...Or Not
« Reply #3 on: 23 Jan 2023, 03:54 pm »
I would say go with the volume control gives you more options & can fine tune system even if you go with a preamp.PLus you get remote control ability
I am running a Balanced pacific with volume control with my Hegel P30 preamp.I have not tried direct into my amp yet.
I am running a Jays audio CD3MK3 BNC cable into Pacific.I have yet to try AES.