Blacknoise power filter

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Blacknoise power filter
« on: 13 Feb 2009, 01:49 pm »
Well, I finally took the plunge and bought a Systems & Magic Blacknoise 2500 power filter from Nuforce for my Nuforce mono's, as recommended by Jason.  I've had it in my system for about a week.  I could have written this after a few minutes, but wanted to listen carefully before reporting.  As Jason and others here have reported the Blacknoise filter offers a dramatic improvement: bass is tighter, punchier, seemingly more powerful, the midrange is smoooother, more musical and also more detailed, and highs are airy sweet and extend more effortlessly with sparkling finesse.  The soundstage widened significantly, now effortlessly extending far beyond the speakers side-to-side and front-to-back.  Over all, I get the feeling of increased power, dynamics, detail... and much improved sweet subtlety and nuance.  The Blacknoise replaces a PS Audio UPC200, recommended several years ago by Magnan Cables as a very effective filter for Nuforce amps (and they were right).  The Blacknoise is better in every area.  It may be helpful to compare the magnitude of this improvement to others I've experienced.  It is less substantial than going from my previous amp (Audio Analogue Puccini SE) to Nuforce mono's.  It is more substantial than going from DIY twisted CAT-5 speaker cable (a very good cable) to VH-Audio's Chela cables (a significant but incremental improvement); it is about the same as going from an Ack Dac 2.0 to an Altmann Attraction Dac (a major improvement). 

I tried the Blacknoise in several configurations: with only the Nuforces plugged into it, and with other equipment running from other filters (my transport runs from an isolation transformer; my pre from the PS Audio UPC200); or with everything running from the UPC200, and this from the Blacknoise (the UPC200 allows one to isolate digital from analogue).  The clear winner is having only the Nuforce amps running from the Blacknoise, and having other equipment running from other filters.  I don't know whether this configuration offers better isolation of the Nuforces from other equipment or whether it constricts the amps less, but it is clearly superior in every area.

My system:  Vecteur transport-->Altmann Attraction dac-->Don Allen custom tube pre-->Nuforce mono's-->GR-Research Paradox 3 full-range speakers (upgraded cross-overs components); also, a Heybrook TT2 turntable/modded Rega RB250 arm/Grado Sonata cart; all wires/cables from Vh-Audio.
« Last Edit: 13 Feb 2009, 03:46 pm by Adamay »


Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #1 on: 13 Feb 2009, 03:02 pm »
The filters are great, aren't they! For a treat, try an BN Extreme, or two, on your front end; one for the transport/dac and one for the pre. In my system I can best describe the effects as, "Recordings sound just as they are, as such." I can't perceive any grunge going from recording to recording and even tizzy, badly mixed pop music sounds clean, natural and tolerable, albeit poorly produced. In my opinion, these filters are imperative.



My system is, which I find hard to fault is:
iTunes>KS/ASIO > BPT balanced power> BN Extreme>[ USB Trends UD-10w/ ELPAC WM075-1950-D5 PS> Mogami AES/EBU W3080 to Lavry DA10] > BN 2500 >[Mogami W2549 XLR to Nuforce 8.5 V2 ]> Bi-wired ELAC 310.2 jet speakers with Mogami W3082 coax speaker cable.  aa


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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #2 on: 13 Feb 2009, 04:48 pm »
Hi EricR--that's the only downside--now I may have to get another Blacknoise for other components!  Thanks. A


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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #3 on: 16 Feb 2009, 02:32 am »
Email us if you are ordering multiple pieces, we can offer bundle discount.

With the Black Noise, you don't need those other filters or overly expensive power cord. The BN2500 can provide power for more than 1 pair of amps. You can plug another equipment such as LCD TV onto it. But watch out for the current limitation of your AC circuit. Even though the current rating on the 300W Ref 9V2 amp is about 7.3A, in normal listening situation, the current usage is less than 2A. Peak power is supplied by the capacitors bank. Therefore you can comfortably connect several high power audio devices to a 15A rated circuit.


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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #4 on: 3 Mar 2009, 05:51 am »
Hello All
This discussion comes at an opportune moment. I just received the Black Noise 1000, the Delivery, as well as several power cords. The idea is to bring out the best from the Nuforce 9SE V2 monoblocks, which I have been enjoying since late last year.
I use the Systems and Magic Black Noise for the amps, while two other filters handle preamp and cd player as well as turntable and tuner respectively. Everything is cabled into the Delivery which alone goes to the wall (sic!).
The difference these components make was evident from the first ... all of the qualifications I have read in the comments and reviews apply in spades. But obviously I have yet to take the full measure of their performance.
Yet, there is a persistent "noise" - a hiss, high-pitched, as if the speakers were about to 'whistle'. It is not loud, but present, quite audible when the system is muted. Music comes over without any evident sign of this phenomenon. If it weren't for the silence I had prior to implementing the Black Noise components, perhaps I wouldn't pay attention to this phenomenon.
I have done the usual: plugging, unplugging, removing one or another filter (not the Black Noise), shifting cables, reversing the plugs in the sockets (phase), but without any effect (subjectively, I thought at times that the noise had diminished, but the impression proved fleeting ...)

So, dare I ask if anyone else has experienced the phenomenon and, most importantly, is there a hifi sleuth out there who can uncover the culprit and restore order in my system (we can talk about the world some other time).

Thank in advance



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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #5 on: 7 Mar 2009, 03:29 am »
Do you still hear the noise if you remove the amp's input (ie take the preamp out of the loop)?
How far away do you hear the noise? A few inches from the tweeter?
After you play some music, stop the player, do you still hear the noise? Does it go louder with volume?
Did you try different wall circuit?


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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #6 on: 7 Mar 2009, 06:32 am »
Dear Jason
Thank you for your reply.
I have 'egg on my face'. I took the entire system apart to see if I could isolate the source of the phenomenon. It was then that I discovered that the toggles on the back of the amps were set to balanced rather than unbalanced (I run the amps on a single-end feed from a Bryston preamp)
Once the toggles were set to their proper position, everything was at it should be! No noise!
The curious thing is that the Blacknoise filters and cords caught me out, whereas previously, using another filter (less upmarket), there was no noise.

With every good wish



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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #7 on: 12 Mar 2009, 05:21 am »
BlackNoise  :thumb:

We have one customer in US that has 11 Ref 9SEV2 (lucky guy with deep pocket :)) and after he tried out the BN recently, he put BN into all his system.


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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #8 on: 14 Mar 2009, 07:51 am »
In case anyone might be interested (and drives Martin Logan speakers with Nuforce Ref 9 V2 SE).
The Blacknoise 1000 is reserved for the Nuforce monoblocks, however I also purchased the Derive distributor block to which, as an experiment, I attached the cords required to power the electrostatic panels. I am still trying to explain the leap forward in audio quality that this experiment provided, exponentially as great as the perceived effect for the NuForce amps.  :o :D
Quite worth every penny, in another words. Warmly recommended!

Roberto Amato

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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #9 on: 15 Apr 2009, 01:54 pm »
In case anyone might be interested (and drives Martin Logan speakers with Nuforce Ref 9 V2 SE).
The Blacknoise 1000 is reserved for the Nuforce monoblocks, however I also purchased the Derive distributor block to which, as an experiment, I attached the cords required to power the electrostatic panels. I am still trying to explain the leap forward in audio quality that this experiment provided, exponentially as great as the perceived effect for the NuForce amps.  :o :D
Quite worth every penny, in another words. Warmly recommended!

We know they do work well with electrostatic panels: Martin Logan but also Quad. See here an experience with Quad 988 speakers (among other things):

Roberto Amato


Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #10 on: 31 Aug 2009, 02:18 am »
Jason or Casey,

I am considering purchasing some Blacknoise products, however I am not sure which product I will gain the most performance.
I have the MCH-3SE-C7 and AVP-17.... From profesional reviews and others, I have read the first choice would be with the a Blacknoise 2500 on the amp or might an extreme on the low level devices more appropriate? I will say I have also read a few others that didn't note as much of a performance increase from the extreme with their preamp and digital sources plugged into it. Instead of the extreme I also thought about looking into the Four, Six or Eight for power distribution purposes as well as the surge protection and filtering. Btw, I am currently running a Brickwall PW8R15AUD. Any feedback would be appreciated.....


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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #11 on: 1 Sep 2009, 07:17 am »
Yes, the 2500 is for high-power device, and Extreme for low power source/preamp.



Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #12 on: 3 Sep 2009, 01:03 am »
Yes, these are discussions I really like to read. No vodoo, no magic appearances over 10.000 $ cables.
My luck that the only one german distributor is about 40 kilometers away from me. I am really dealing with visiting him and buying it with the option of give-it-back if no sufficient result.

Or I am ordering blind because my experiences with Nuforce?s recommendations - and I am reading much here - are that you can trust them in anyway regarding substantial results for your money.


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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #13 on: 8 Sep 2009, 01:00 am »
You can mail order from System & Magic in Italy directly and just order the Extreme for your source device.


Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #14 on: 15 Dec 2012, 04:56 pm »
Hello Guys.

I'm looking into buying a Mini or 1000. Once question...can one buy Blacknoise filters directly from Nuforce?



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Re: Blacknoise power filter
« Reply #15 on: 27 Dec 2012, 09:22 pm »
What would be the correct one for the Dac-100?