Curious about the Jazz Modules

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Curious about the Jazz Modules
« on: 26 Jan 2010, 06:27 pm »
Let me start by saying that I'm a very satisfied Omega Max Hemp owner.  I was the first customer to use the alnico 8" hempcone driver and it made an enormous difference in what I was hearing.  I also have an Omega Deep Hemp sub (I don't think I would entertain replacing it with something else).  Here is my rig as it is currently configured.

The 300B SET mono block amps and preamp are custom built courtesy of Woo Audio.

I would also like to say that I have been reading up on the AudioKinesis website and find the Jazz modules intriguing.

Perhaps it might be helpful to document what I like most about my Omegas:

  • Unrivaled midrange.  Horns (particularly trumpet and sax) and piano just boggle my mind with their warmth, detail, and lush sonic character.  I'm listening to the Chet Baker album Chet right now on vinyl and I don't believe this album has sounded better on any other speakers I have listened to.
  • Superb imaging and sound staging.
  • Placement flexibility.

If there is anything I would change or like to improve upon with my Max Hemps it would be their occasional strident character with (mostly female) vocals.  I don't want to overstate this though and make it sound like a big problem...because it really isn't.  I would say that perhaps 1 in 5 vocal jazz records are perhaps a little bit shouty.

I have been happily listening to my Max Hemps for close to two years and they have been serving me very well.  Sure, I have looked in on other designs but haven't really seen anything that was interesting and provided a good fit with my 300B mono blocks.

My room is smallish, at about 12' x 14' and is also my home office.  But I find the Max Hemps to be a nice match for my room.  I won't have a dedicated listening room until one of the kids leaves the nest.

Duke, I was wondering if you might care to comment.  I am also fine with getting on the phone and discussing it with you.  If I ended up trying a pair of Jazz Modules I would not part with my Max Hemps until the new speakers were broken in and I had a chance to make a fair comparison.  So much of the choice is based on the specific room and listening preferences that I would need to hear the speakers in my own room with my amps to properly judge them.

« Last Edit: 27 Jan 2010, 02:49 pm by jsaliga »


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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jan 2010, 06:40 pm »

How did you do that music collection deal? 


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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jan 2010, 06:44 pm »
Music Collector software.



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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jan 2010, 06:53 pm »
That's neat!  What's the advantage of this rather then a pdf from say itunes?


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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #4 on: 26 Jan 2010, 07:59 pm »
You have a PM.  I'd appreciate it if we could manage to keep this about speakers.




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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jan 2010, 03:55 pm »
Hi Jerome, I have the Jazz Modules in an identical size room as yours and I am extremely happy with them. My previous speakers were nice, although I'd occasionally hit the strident note with female vocals -- e.g., first cut on Emmy Lou Harris' Spyboy always got me and some piano high notes on a variety of recordings. I have none of that with the Jazz Modules. What I have found is that as I have improved the electronics and cabling in my system, the Jazz Modules, respond accordingly, making me aware that I don't think I have reached the limits of these wonderful speakers. THey are very dynamic as well.

Although these are somewhat large speakers they have worked well in my smallish room. It is a dedicated room treated with RealTraps which are necessary if I want to play music at high volume levels. One advantage to the Jazz Modules is that the 90 degree radiation pattern due to the wave guides minimizes the impact of side wall reflections, so they can be place close to side walls without need for treating those reflections. Also, the length of the bass port can be changed to addresss bass response due to room size and distance from walls/corners.

If I was going to change anything in my system, the Jazz Modules would be the last thing I'd change.



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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jan 2010, 04:00 pm »
I'd like to add that you should go ahead and give Duke a call -- He's probably the nicest guy you could talk to, and he is very straightforward and open when discussing the advantages and disadvantages of his speakers.

If you are ever in the Chapel Hill, NC area, you are welcome to hear my Jazz Modules.



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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #7 on: 29 Jan 2010, 05:40 pm »
I've been curious about the Jazz Modules ever since I 1st laid eyes on them. I just love the look and being a jazz enthusiast, the name immediately caught my attention. Hopefully one of these days I'll have an opportunity to hear them in a system but I doubt I'll ever have the finances to afford them.  :(
For now, I'll just have to settle for other owners impressions.  8)


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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #8 on: 29 Jan 2010, 10:40 pm »
Hi Jerome, I have the Jazz Modules in an identical size room as yours and I am extremely happy with them. My previous speakers were nice, although I'd occasionally hit the strident note with female vocals -- e.g., first cut on Emmy Lou Harris' Spyboy always got me and some piano high notes on a variety of recordings. I have none of that with the Jazz Modules. What I have found is that as I have improved the electronics and cabling in my system, the Jazz Modules, respond accordingly, making me aware that I don't think I have reached the limits of these wonderful speakers. THey are very dynamic as well.

Although these are somewhat large speakers they have worked well in my smallish room. It is a dedicated room treated with RealTraps which are necessary if I want to play music at high volume levels. One advantage to the Jazz Modules is that the 90 degree radiation pattern due to the wave guides minimizes the impact of side wall reflections, so they can be place close to side walls without need for treating those reflections. Also, the length of the bass port can be changed to addresss bass response due to room size and distance from walls/corners.

If I was going to change anything in my system, the Jazz Modules would be the last thing I'd change.


I appreciate the helpful comments Howard.  I left a message for Duke and he called me back yesterday.  We had a great discussion and I found much of what he had to say very encouraging.  I think I was able to effectively convey what I want to achieve with a change in speakers.  I consider our call the first of probably two or three before I decide what I am going to do.  I really do like what I am reading about the Jazz Modules.



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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #9 on: 29 Jan 2010, 10:43 pm »
I've been curious about the Jazz Modules ever since I 1st laid eyes on them. I just love the look and being a jazz enthusiast, the name immediately caught my attention. Hopefully one of these days I'll have an opportunity to hear them in a system but I doubt I'll ever have the finances to afford them.  :(

Agreed.  The cabinets are beautiful and I like the design.

If I end up with a pair perhaps you can pop in for a listen.  8)



Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #10 on: 29 Jan 2010, 10:58 pm »
A local audio buddy will have a pair very shortly, so I will get to hear them.

The JM appear to be a very similar design to my Sunny H2W10 -- right down to the physical dimensions -- so I am really curious to see how they stack up.

We met on this board because he had been comtemplating the JM, saw my system on here, saw how similar the two speakers appeared to be,  and asked to come by for a listen.  He liked what he heard and, hoping that the JM would perform similarly, ordered them that same week.  He told me my Sunnys were one of the finest speakers he's ever heard.

I don't know about that....maybe he doesn't get out much!     :lol:


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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #11 on: 29 Jan 2010, 11:06 pm »
Agreed.  The cabinets are beautiful and I like the design.

If I end up with a pair perhaps you can pop in for a listen.  8)


Thanks Jerome, I'll keep that in mind. You're really not that far away and I'd really like to hear those Jazz Modules.  :thumb:


Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #12 on: 29 Jan 2010, 11:12 pm »
Hey Jerome....

Hop the ferry to LI, or take a PITA drive down the 95.......
after I get things repaired, of course.

Our two speakers are only about 20 minutes apart!



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Re: Curious about the Jazz Modules
« Reply #13 on: 30 Jan 2010, 12:27 pm »
Hey Jerome....

Hop the ferry to LI, or take a PITA drive down the 95.......
after I get things repaired, of course.

Sounds like a plan! (the ferry, that is  :D ).  Good luck with the repairs.
