Favourite Dishes

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Favourite Dishes
« on: 6 Aug 2007, 09:30 pm »
Yum!!! Food is great, in controlled amounts... hehe. Don't want to much of it!
So the favourite stuff, what to eat?
I like pancakes! yup... but you know, there is a lot of more stuff to pack in the pie hole...
You got all sorts of food from all over the world. But I'm thinking more of the homeland cuisine now.
In Norway we have traditions, good traditions for food, let me tell you, we have some tasty stuff!

First let me tell you about Lutefisk!
Its fish that has been hung up for drying and then gets dipped in kaustic soda. Does this not sound nice..?
Well, its like jelly, but made of fish...ah, but that was better.
As I'm sure you have guessed... I hate the stuff!!!  :cuss:
This is how Lutefisk look like...

Mind you I can cook it to perfection.. If I have to... put I still don't like it!!!

Now, my speciality, is Bacalao!!! That is fish + tomatoes + potatoes + onion and olive oil pepper and chili (piri piri + other types...) and garlic (standard and chinese) and peppers( some use this too...)
Well that's the really short story anyway!!! You make it with basically the same stuff as Lutefisk, but the fish is not dipped in Kaustic Soda...
The fish that you can use is called Klippfisk, a speciality from norway.
Looks like this:

The trick is to not use the "wing" or "fin" parts of the fish, but only the thicker parts.
You also have to skin it at a certain stage, and cut it at a certain stage.
Too soon or too late and you have lower quality end result!
More on this later!

Portugal and Spain also have Bacalao as a speciality.
The important thing is that to get the best result the fish must NOT have been frozen!!!
You need a "fresh" dried fish carcass! And it does take more than 20 hours of preparing before you can start cooking! It takes some 30 hours to make this dish...

You need to put the fish in a bowl of water and make it less salty, and water it out, its dried remember...
Then you need to change the water, according to how the fish responds to this..
Its a science!!!!
I tell you people... properly made bacalao... there is nothing better!!!

 :beer: :drool:

« Last Edit: 6 Aug 2007, 09:44 pm by Imperial »