Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's

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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #80 on: 22 Feb 2009, 11:08 pm »
Evan,  Thanks for the close ups.  Yes, I was correct--they are stunning.  Luck man.


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #81 on: 22 Feb 2009, 11:09 pm »
Evan,  Thanks for the close ups.  Yes, I was correct--they are stunning.  Luck man.

These belong to member JBTRIO


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #82 on: 22 Feb 2009, 11:21 pm »
From Joe's Gallery....

Salk HT3 in burl walnut and claro walnut front baffles ...nice ! :thumb:


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #83 on: 22 Feb 2009, 11:37 pm »
The HT-3's are burled walnut veneer with Claro walnut front baffles. We had a nice time today. In Evan's set-up did alot of A-B ing speakers. The Axioms M-80's are not as refined as the ST. They are brighter and not as transparent and detailed. IMO, better for HT and not for a 2 channel set-up.
 Levi brought over a PS Audio DAC, which we used running into Evan's sqeeze box. Sounded more open with the external DAC.

 It was nice meeting Bob and hanging with Levi, we had a fun day.
To bad Mike (topround) and Shek couldn't make it, you would have enjoyed the day.



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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #84 on: 23 Feb 2009, 12:20 am »
Picked up some Monster Cables on the way home and hooked up my M80's and it sounds great. That fixed everything!!!!!


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #85 on: 23 Feb 2009, 12:24 am »
Picked up some Monster Cables on the way home and hooked up my M80's and it sounds great. That fixed everything!!!!!

I guess you found a Circuit City


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #86 on: 23 Feb 2009, 12:46 am »
Picked up some Monster Cables on the way home and hooked up my M80's and it sounds great. That fixed everything!!!!!


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #87 on: 23 Feb 2009, 01:19 am »
Ok.  I visited Evan and Joe's house and had lots of fun listening to the Axiom speakers, Salk Song Towers and HT3 speakers.  What a better place to hear three (3) different systems on a rainy day!

It is fun to see someone hauling speakers to someones house.  Bob brought in his Axiom speakers, Denon receiver, Denon CD player, cables, interconnects and power cables (basically a whole system) in Evan's house.  Bob being a musician ala Chris Becker of Harlots, must be used to hauling audio gears.  Bob is a very nice person.   It is nice to meet you!  :thumb: :lol:

Evan has a nice listening room.  It is nicely damped room that enables us to hear the speakers well.  He is running PS Audio gears with his Song Towers.  Bob's Denon receiver and cd player sounded good as well.  I'm supprised!  Those Axiom speakers are not bad sounding speakers.  However, when we compared it next to the Song Towers, it sounded a slightly veiled.  Evan's PS Audio/ST combo sounded warm, detailed without being bright.  It has pin-point imaging and life like soundstaging!

On the next house, Joe's system (Evan's neighbor) with HT3, Supratek tube preamp and Spectral amp sounded very good!  He has similar dimension as Evan's listening room and very well treated as well.  This is a great sounding system that Jim Salk can be proud of.  An HT3 show room?  Yeah! :thumb:  

Thanks again Evan, Joe and Bob for a fun Sunday afternoon.  



Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #88 on: 23 Feb 2009, 01:58 am »
Joe, What is under your Spectron?  Those feet do not look stock but maybe it is a camera trick.  What is the platform?  Thanks


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #89 on: 23 Feb 2009, 02:07 am »
Well it certainly was a LONG day. Much longer than expected. (Who would have thought that anyone would want to entertain a stranger for that long)

It was a great day! Evan was a gracious host and unexpectedly his neighbor, Joe, was a great co-host. (Can you call it a neighbor when you can go couch to couch in 10 steps?)

Evan already gave the low down and pretty much the end result. I would like to back up a bit. There were 3 others besides myself so it may be inaccurate for me to pin any particular statements to any individual, so I'll generalize.

I think most were surprised by the M-80's. I heard comments like surprisingly good bottom, truly a full range speaker, and not nearly as bright as expected. I had already concluded the first two. However the M80's didn't sound quite as bright as in my room. I had been actually wondering yesterday if they were calming down a bit from when they first arrived at my house. Evan seems to have some good room treatments and made for a much better listening enviroment.

We later hooked up my Denon 2309. Unfortunately we didn't attempt any A/B'ing. I would like to put one thing to rest right here and now. The 2309 performed really well. I didn't notice any kind of drastic difference when using the 2309 with either speaker. I'm sure Evan's equipment is superior and without an A/B there is no way to make any further comments on comparisons. BUT The 2309 is rated for 8ohms. There has been many many comments in reference to Denon receivers handling 4ohm loads with no problems. Both the ST's and M80's are 4ohm rated. The 2309 was used for quite a few hours. At times I cranked it up to 0dB and I thought it sounded fine. I think the guys thought it performed well also. We were expecting that my brightness problem may have been the 2309. But I think we all agreed that the Denon did not possess any brightness issues.

Another thing is the difference in sensitivity rating with the M80 rated at 95dB in-room and the ST rated at 88dB. Now I'm not up on the specifics of these ratings and whether all things are equal but I will say that I expected the ST's to need more volume to keep up with the same loudness. We didn't measure my receiver settings with a meter. Maybe we should have. At one point earlier we used a meter to make sure we were listening at the same level but neglected to check if those levels were at the same point at the volume knob. (I believe this was when we were using Evan's amplification)  I did NOT notice any great perceivable difference in these 2 speakers considering the difference in their ratings.

My speaker impressions: The M80's did not sound as bright as I thought they sounded in my room. The Sound Towers were clearly the winner in performance as well as looks. The M80's performed fairly well for their pricepoint, however, if you were to add in the extra cost for a real wood veneer finsh on the M80's (shown here in Cherry for $1790 with free shipping ) they are priced rather closely with the ST's and certainly NOT in the same league for the same price.

(Side-bar: I recently read in the Salk section of the AVS Forum where someone was complaining that the price increase on the ST's put them out of reach for him as well as being priced out of the competition. I'll just say NONSENSE!)

Oh yeah! My impressions: Even though the M80's were not as bright as in my room they were certainly much brighter than the ST's. And not sure if brighter is the right word. I hate to use the word "harsh" because I wouldn't say the M80 is harsh. But by comparison the ST's were way smoother all while revealing more detail and and airyness about the highs. It's seems an oxymoron to say the the ST's were crisper yet smoother. The word crisp would indicate to me bright BUT they were crisper and yet not nearly as bright sounding as the M80's.

Intial thoughts on the bottom end for the M80's wer surprising as stated. Yet as time went on and a sample of many random selections were used it became almost boomy compared to the tight, well defined bottom of the ST's. I'll agree that the M80's would probably do better as a HT speaker without a sub. It reached that low and punchy. Yet either speaker would do much better with a sub for HT use so the extra thump really it of no bonus. The ST just sounded better and tighter in the bottom.

The mids and probably where the ST's showed off. (Well I loved the smoothness of the highs so not sure I can say that) The vocals were much clearer and more pronounced. I'm a guitarist and lead electric guitar sounded more natural and less edgy.

I have a bad right ear from playing too loud in bands when I was a bit younger. My ear was just getting plain tired of listening to "most" selections on the M80's. The highs were getting to me a bit.

So overall the ST's are smoother in every area. I like the little extra bottom the M80's seem to have but the tightness of the bottom of the ST's made for a more pleasant experience.

If I ever make it back there I intend to have another shootout. You see, I brought a dozen bagels and when I got there Evan had also bought a dozen bagels and his were out on the table. I think Long Island bagels would beat out Staten Island bagels.

A lot of time has past since my last post. I'm a slow typist and I had to leave to pick up my kids. Just wanted to let you know that I didn't really pick up Monster Cables on the way home.  
« Last Edit: 23 Feb 2009, 12:55 pm by BoB/335 »


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #90 on: 23 Feb 2009, 02:12 am »
Dan, the Spectron is sitting on finite-elemente Ceraball footers which are on a symposium svelte shelf.


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #91 on: 23 Feb 2009, 02:24 am »

Please accept my apologies for not mentioning how nice it was to meet you. The long time between starting and finishing that post caused me to forget a few things.

Also the HT3's are probably the best speakers I have ever heard. I can't even come to terms to describe it. Wide and deep sounstage. (And I'm new to some of the terms but the soundstage on these was so obvious that anyone who never heard that term would surely know what it means after listening to these) The mids and highs were extremely smooth. A really great sound on the hit of a snare drum! Vocals floated. Beautiful cabinetry. Way too much money for me. I know that some are concerned that they may be too big for a small room and too boomy on the bass. I would not consider Joe's room to be very big. The speakers are pretty far from the wall behind them and fairly close to the listening area. This is a dedicated listening room and something I am not at all familiar with. A TV would never work in this room with these speakers. If you plan on incorporating these speakers with a HT you will need a bigger room. Not as versatile as the Song Towers and even though they were clearly better than the ST's I'm not sure how that price can be justified in comparison to the performance difference. And not looking to start a war over that comment! Just my opinion.


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #92 on: 23 Feb 2009, 02:24 am »
Sorry meant Don, thanks for complimenting the speakers. Like everybody else who owns Jim's creations say, photo's don't do them justice! aa


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #93 on: 23 Feb 2009, 02:25 am »
"symposium svelte shelf"

I'm clearly out of my league. :duh:

edited to add more  :duh: :duh: :duh:


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #94 on: 23 Feb 2009, 02:44 am »

Room treatments will effect the perceived sound of any speaker. I think what you were saying is that your gear sounded better at Evan's place than at your place.  Whether or not you sell the Axioms and purchase the SongTowers, bass traps and broadband acoustic panels might be a good idea.  A little rigid fiberglass or mineral wool goes a long way.  Either way, I believe that you will get better sound with a treated room than without.

OC 703 panels are approx. 87.00 a case of (12) 2" panels (at an insulation supply house), and you could make some inexpensive frames (10.00) and cover them in some inexpensive fabric (10.00). Thus, for less than 30.00 each, you can build some very effective 6" bass traps and/or broadband acoustic panels.  At that price, you could treat, with (12) traps/panels, four corners, behind the speakers on the front wall, behind your head on the rear wall, at the first side reflection points, and on the ceiling first reflection points, for a total of approximately 360.00, not including your labor.  Might be the best 360.00 of audio dollars that could be spent.

There is a lot of information on the Acoustics Circle.

Good report, BTW.


Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #95 on: 23 Feb 2009, 03:12 am »
As stated at AVS, I am happy that you had fun Bob, and that the other guys did too.  Boy oh boy, HT3's and SongTowers?  Wish I was there!  :)

Also asked on AVS: Bob, are you going to pick up a pair of ST's now?


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #96 on: 23 Feb 2009, 03:37 am »
As stated at AVS, I am happy that you had fun Bob, and that the other guys did too.  Boy oh boy, HT3's and SongTowers?  Wish I was there!  :)

Also asked on AVS: Bob, are you going to pick up a pair of ST's now?

That would be the thing to do wouldn't it. Well, I still have 2 weeks with the M80's. I will try to fire up the EP500 tomorrow. I have been invited to anothere GTG and might check out a few to see how it goes. I changed do any higher than the ST's and don't expect to find any better (I don't think)

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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #97 on: 23 Feb 2009, 06:02 am »
Really not a fair comparison since both speakers are at different price points. I will note that the basic design of the Axiom has some real problems with two tweeters and two mids arranged like that. Also the weight for that size of cabinet (M80) indicates thin walls and / or limited bracing and possibly woofers with very small magnet structures.


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #98 on: 23 Feb 2009, 11:07 am »
It originally wasn't going to be a comparison. I was invited for an audition. Bringing my M80's was an afterthought that came into play almost immediately during the arrangements.

You may have missed an important point that I made. The M80's and the ST's happen to be at very close pricing.

"The M80's performed fairly well for their pricepoint, however, if you were to add in the extra cost for a real wood veneer finsh on the M80's (shown here in Cherry for $1790 with free shipping ) they are priced rather closely with the ST's and certainly NOT in the same league for the same price. "

Salk Song Towers are $1795 with standard veneers plus shipping. Can't get a much closer pricepoint than that!


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Re: Song Towers vs. Axiom M80's
« Reply #99 on: 23 Feb 2009, 11:15 am »
So, who would be brave enough to remove the drivers and show us what's inside the ST-HT3?  :)