Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One

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Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« on: 31 Mar 2013, 12:45 am »
When asked to compare these two speakers the individual (who I believe is a VS dealer but also an Evolution Acoustics principle) said " the Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne loudspeakers are more open and more realistic sounding. More natural as well." He did also mention that " the Unifeild 3 is also a terrific speaker and I am very impressed by them."

I can understand that there may be some bias here (on the part of the person quoted above) considering his interest in Evolution Acoustics but can anyone else offer a comment based on actual listening comparisons.

Most obvious is the price differential with the Unifield 3 listing at 6 times the cost of the MMMicros. Can the lower cost speakers actually compete in the same ball park?

Thanks in advance for your comments.


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #1 on: 31 Mar 2013, 06:37 pm »
I heard the MMMicros at the 2011 RMAF and thought they sounded ok for a small stand mounted 2 way and was surprised that they had an msrp of $2500 but then learned they are made in China..


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #2 on: 31 Mar 2013, 08:22 pm »
meaning too expensive for a china made speaker or a good value???


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #3 on: 1 Apr 2013, 01:13 pm »
That same dealer keeps recycling the same ad on Audiogon for Unifield 3s even after he sells them.

"It belongs to a customer who bought them from me for a second system and ran into financial dificulties and asked me to find a home for them."

I'm not sure why he keeps on saying that because even after he sells the pair, he creates another listing saying the same thing. 


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #4 on: 1 Apr 2013, 02:11 pm »
That same dealer keeps recycling the same ad on Audiogon for Unifield 3s even after he sells them.

"It belongs to a customer who bought them from me for a second system and ran into financial dificulties and asked me to find a home for them."

I'm not sure why he keeps on saying that because even after he sells the pair, he creates another listing saying the same thing.

If this is the case, my guess would be because the dealer's agreement with the manufacturer states that new speakers need to be listed at MSRP, which wouldn't apply to a demo, used or trade-in pair of speakers.

Only a guess. 


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #5 on: 1 Apr 2013, 09:11 pm »
AVS told me two years ago that dealer bought about 10 pairs from him. 


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #6 on: 1 Apr 2013, 11:32 pm »
meaning too expensive for a china made speaker or a good value???

Call me silly but I'm not a big fan of speakers mfd in China..  :(


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #7 on: 2 Apr 2013, 12:28 am »
Call me silly but I'm not a big fan of speakers mfd in China..  :(

Most of us remember when AVS got stung!

Albert Von Schweikert

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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #8 on: 2 Apr 2013, 01:38 am »
Jonathan Tinn, who was a dealer of ours a few years ago, also owns the Evolution Acoustics speaker company.  We'll both admit that we are on very friendly terms since we have had a long history together.
At the recent Axpona show in Chicago, Jonathan visited our room and was blown away.  He admitted that he and his designer Kevin, who used to solder crossover boards for us, were in "awe" of our products and use our speakers as their benchmarks. 

Jonathan admits that the UniField 3 is one of the best speakers he has heard and is under no illusion that his tiny monitor is even close to our Uni 3.  Yes, everyone admits that the little mini Evo is clear and transparent, but everyone also recognizes that the Evo mini has no dynamic range, no bass power, and is very fragile (due to the inexpensive Chinese drivers which won't handle much power).  All this being said, it is a fine little speaker for $2,500. 

However, if you compare the little Evo to our UniField Model One at $3,995/pr (which has incredibly deep bass and will play very loud before distress unlike the Evo mini), you will find that our UniField One sounds more like a large floor stander instead of a small computer speaker.  :lol:


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #9 on: 2 Apr 2013, 02:19 am »
Jonathan Tinn, who was a dealer of ours a few years ago, also owns the Evolution Acoustics speaker company.  We'll both admit that we are on very friendly terms since we have had a long history together.
At the recent Axpona show in Chicago, Jonathan visited our room and was blown away.  He admitted that he and his designer Kevin, who used to solder crossover boards for us, were in "awe" of our products and use our speakers as their benchmarks. 

Jonathan admits that the UniField 3 is one of the best speakers he has heard and is under no illusion that his tiny monitor is even close to our Uni 3.  Yes, everyone admits that the little mini Evo is clear and transparent, but everyone also recognizes that the Evo mini has no dynamic range, no bass power, and is very fragile (due to the inexpensive Chinese drivers which won't handle much power).  All this being said, it is a fine little speaker for $2,500. 

However, if you compare the little Evo to our UniField Model One at $3,995/pr (which has incredibly deep bass and will play very loud before distress unlike the Evo mini), you will find that our UniField One sounds more like a large floor stander instead of a small computer speaker.  :lol:

Really? Will he admit all that? 'Cause it seems to me that you just completely trashed your 'friend's' speakers. Yikes. I personally find that sort of thing unbecoming of what I had previously considered a seemingly respectable company. If your stuff is really that far superior to your competitors, the classier move would be to let the consumer decide for himself upon audition.


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #10 on: 2 Apr 2013, 03:35 am »
"... the classier move would be to let the consumer decide for himself upon audition. "

That's the whole point of this thread, Geographically I can't audition either speaker, thus the online request for comments and honest information.

Can anyone else add some objective comparisons?


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #11 on: 2 Apr 2013, 03:50 am »
"... the classier move would be to let the consumer decide for himself upon audition. "

That's the whole point of this thread, Geographically I can't audition either speaker, thus the online request for comments and honest information.

Can anyone else add some objective comparisons?

You'd probably do better with that in a more objective setting then. The VSA circle is likely to skew towards, um, heh...


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #12 on: 2 Apr 2013, 04:40 am »
Really? Will he admit all that? 'Cause it seems to me that you just completely trashed your 'friend's' speakers.

They do that to each other. It's a strange friendship.  :lol:


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #13 on: 2 Apr 2013, 04:44 am »
They do that to each other. It's a strange friendship.  :lol:

Uh, ok. Sorry if I came off a bit hot about it. Seemed a bit weird.


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #14 on: 2 Apr 2013, 04:45 am »
Let me say up-front, I've never heard a single VSA speaker, so I offer no comments or comparisons in that regard.  I do however own The Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOnes.  From my perspective, they are actually a bit power hungry and come to life dynamically when juiced a bit.  I haven't had any problems or concerns associated with applying power to them.  Admittedly I'm not running 400-watt monoblocks, but my amp will put 95 watts/channel into 8 ohms, 160 watts/channel into 4 ohms, and 250 watts/channel into 2 ohms.  Seems to me that's plenty of power to drive most speakers.  I've only had them for 6 months, so can't comment on longevity at this point.  I will admit they don't have the most powerful bass out there, but I wouldn't expect that given they're small two-ways, with two 4" woofers per side.

Are they the best speakers out there?  Certainly not.  Are they a very good deal at $2500 per pair (including stands)?  Absolutely - you could certainly do a lot worse and for a lot more money.  All my opinion of course.


Albert Von Schweikert

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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #15 on: 3 Apr 2013, 01:32 am »
I certainly hope that the fellow who felt that my post was a "trashing" of my friend Jonathan's Evo MM saw the smiling face next to my comment about the "computer speaker."  That is translated as "just kidding."http://www.audiocircle.com/Smileys/audiocircle/sm_lyellow.gif 


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Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #16 on: 3 Apr 2013, 01:54 am »
The PC police have arrived...I can hear the sirens..even on my lowly computer speakers (wink...Albert)  :duh: :lol:


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #17 on: 3 Apr 2013, 02:11 am »
Upon reflection... it was none of my business, and besides, this IS a commercial circle, where I gather one is allowed to freely promote, so I apologize. I also did not realize that adding a smiley at the end of what appeared to me a dismissive assessment of the competitor/friend's speakers meant that it was all in jest.

(As far as being the PC police, I don't consider showing humility and respect for one's peers 'PC', I was taught to consider that 'C'.)

Here's a smiley to indicate that you shouldn't take any of this seriously:  :|


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #18 on: 3 Apr 2013, 02:12 am »
I just realized Albert's comment was posted on April 1st


Re: Unifield 3 vs. Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
« Reply #19 on: 3 Apr 2013, 03:25 am »
No blood, No foul.  :D