Hi folks!
For the past 2 weeks I have been greatly enjoying two new USB creations fresh from the fertile mind of Jason Wong and the Hapa Doodle Doo Eargasmic factory! Yes, in particular the AerØ Ag really knocks it out of the park!
Some eye candy:

Left to Right is: AerØ Ag, AerØ Cu, and the original AerØ.

In the above pic, AerØ Ag is in the center.
I must say that the fit and finish of the AerØ cable series is absolutely exceptional. You really feel like you are holding a very high quality heirloom product. The AerØ Ag is distinguished with a silver/black label and the USB connectors have the Hapa emblem on it. Indeed the build quality is a touch better than the previous Aero I had acquired last year. As usual, Jason shipped them in a nice bag/box combination with the Hapa emblem.
When I approached Jason and enquired about these new USB cables I was extremely skeptical. I had been incredibly impressed last year by the original Hapa AerØ. However, my system had morphed quite a bit since then. First, I had eliminated my all silver autoformer based TAPX preamp and I was going dac direct using the superb Holo Audio May KTE dac. Next I had built a
brand new I9 based server and was streaming DSD 256 or DSD 512 using HQPlayer piggy backed onto Roon and through a Sonore Signature Optical Rendu SE v.2 streamer. So I literally was spiraling in an eargasmic orbit and Jason thought a new USB cable might make a difference?!
system details are
here for those who are curious. And given that I do not have a preamp, I find USB cable changes can be quite profound. As such, an audition is required.
Reading through my notes, most of my exclamation marks are with the AerØ Ag. Although the AerØ Cu is excellent in its own right, given the price spread between the two cables, I wasn’t surprised by the subjective differences.
At first listen the Ag immediately provided a slightly larger and deeper soundstage along with an increase in dynamics. This took me back quite a bit as I wasn’t expecting a dynamic improvement at all. Strings in particular had less sheen, with more detail, separation
and delineation. Treble was (and in antithesis to what I had thought previously about silver cables),
smooth and very extended at the same time. In fact, the Cu version was slightly grainy and gritty in comparison! Tautness of mid bass and bass was quite fastidious without any overhang at high SPL’s. In particular, I was very surprised that there was
less compression and distortion at very high SPL’s. With the previous version of the Aero, I would comfortably listen at 90 dB nominal at the listening position (4 meters away). Now, these levels were at least 95dB with peaks of up to 105dB. Yes, that is dangerously loud but it does give you the idea of how this silver USB cable doesn’t sound like your typical silver.
One notable difference between the original Hapa AerØ, AerØ Cu and AerØ Ag, is that the
latter was
transformative in allowing one to perceive soundstage height differences. In other words, not only was it easy to ascertain imaging precision in the horizontal plane but in the vertical plane as well. This was not so obvious with the Cu or the original AerØ in particular.
After being quite enthralled with the Hapa AerØ Ag, I decided to haul both cables to my buddies (sledwards’) system. He has a tricked out setup consisting of GR Research NX Otica’s, dual triple 12 inch OB/Rythmik subs, 2 additional sealed subs as well as a digital setup very similar to mine. One notable difference was a new solid state Class AB amplifier, the DenaFrips Thallo amplifier (a very understated looking amp that sounds fantastic!). Every one of my experiences that I listed above was repeated again with some additional perks in the sound staging department as you would expect from an OB design. Another one of my buddies, member tnweaver who owns Spatial Audio X5’s was in agreement as well.
Some recordings that were in high rotation for this review:
Skopje & Yoragathupaga by Trilok Gurtu & the Arke String Quartet
Turner’s Ship by Malia/Boris Blank
Lochs of Dread by Bela Fleck (Live Art album)
House of Mercy & Come on Up to the House by Sara Jarosz
Ixtapa by Rodrigo y Gabriela (C.U.B.A. Album featuring Anoushka Shankar)
Warrior by Hiromi & the Trio Project
…and several others!
In conclusion, if you have a digital setup that you are truly inspired by and are wanting for the long haul (whatever that means given the skyrocketing progress of digital technology), I would do a
serious audition of the Hapa AerØ Ag:
It is the absolute zenith of digital USB cable performance!

Bravo Jason! Bravo Hapa Doodle labs!
