Any chance the chassis will be available to us DIY folks who always struggle to make our projects look good.
I'm open to possibly offering a DIY enclosure but I suspect the price point may not prove very attractive relative to other options there such as FrontPanelExpress ( Although when you add up all the panels for a complete enclosure the cost with FrontPanel starts to add up as well. You can source decent enclosures on eBay for around $40-75 depending on size etc. One of our enclosures like the new LDRx would likely run upwards of $300 or more although that's just a very rough guestimate since we haven't priced it out for DIY.
We chose to make the investment in being able to fabricate our own enclosures because we wanted: a) a distinctive high quality look, b) ability to quickly make changes & offer customized options, c) to keep marginal costs down, and very importantly d) we were not prepared to manage the quality control necessary for lowest cost fabrication in China.
For the immediate future it's somewhat moot since we have our hands full getting our enclosure fab operation up to speed for our own finished products. Perhaps down the road a few months we can revisit offering premium enclosures.
We may also offer a complete DIY LDR passive preamp kit sometime down the road but this would likely utilize a variation on the enclosure we used for our LDR1/3/6 which used an extruded unibody aluminum box with custom front/rear panels.
As always, we want to be responsive to the market so anyone reading this who has a want/need/wish along these lines don't hesitate to speak up.