New crossover assembly service available.

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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #20 on: 4 Aug 2021, 06:56 am »

A couple more photos for the log. NX-Otica are quite a bit of work.  It makes for a busy layout putting 5 inductors on one board. Thank you Steve for your patience.  This one did take longer than anticipated.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #21 on: 4 Aug 2021, 07:05 am »
Requests for front baffles only.

It is a separate topic and I will make a new thread for it, but very soon I plan to offer some front baffles for sale. I have no plans to offer or ship complete flat-packs, as there are other people already offering that service and I'm not trying to undercut anyone or compete with something that is already being offered.  However, after several people have asked me about purchasing baffles only, and I have not been able to  find them being offered, I will attempt to fill that need on a limited basis.  Feel free to email me directly if that interests you. I will take special request orders, and I can offer more popular designs in batches. 



Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #22 on: 5 Aug 2021, 07:55 am »
hmmm,  so  you're going to copy   the baffle  we've  designed,  prototyped,  sent  for  testing,  re-prototyped  repeat  etc  etc    ?
Does this mean  you'll  be   offering  a n el cheapo  version  of  Danny's  network for these too now that  you've  seen the     schematic  ?


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #23 on: 5 Aug 2021, 11:34 pm »

I'm not sure what your referring to.  It sounds like you have something specific in mind.  I'll clarify a little bit with an example.  I have an individual right now discussing an XLS-encore projects with me, and they are wanting to have a cabinet with a specific veneer and finish built for them.  XLS-encore cabinet dimensions have long been published and available.  If somebody can cut an XLS baffle at home, than they can also pay someone to cut one for them. My initial response to that inquiries was to first find out if anybody was offering front baffles for sale. It's not something I want to do.  If there is an option available for purchase than that would be my preference.  I can't find any available and nor could the person inquiring.  If someone offers them for sale as baffle only, than please share that resource, I simply couldn't find it. 

I've had multiple people express their preference to buy a baffle only.  If a person doesn't want to pay a price that is possibly out of there comfort for a compete flat pack, but they want to buy a set of baffles only, I don't see the conflict.  Many people build cabinets on their own. This forum is full of build threads.  Im sure many people pay for help finishing, or painting, and if they want to pay for help cutting a baffle, I don't see how that is an intellectual property theft. Cutting circles to dimensions that are published, or to match a driver's physical dimensions seems like a pretty open source task.

Perhaps you are referring with your comments about prototype and development, to something a little more complex or more proprietary like the NX-Studio baffle. I agree with you that you have time invested into your specific design and to the coding for the cnc operations required. Those are yours and nobody is trying to take that from you. I am not trying to compete with that or undersell you in any way.  However, in a moment of truth, the reality is that if somebody were to ask me or anyone else to provide them a pair of front baffles at a certain thickness, width, and height, and that a round opening was centered a certain height from bottom to accommodate a certain driver dimension, and that an opening was cut to match a certain tweeter, centered a certain height from top, and then chamfered at approximately 45 degrees in front, leading up and starting a short distance above the tweeter mount with some rounding on the front edge, and then providing a slight recess for mounting the tweeter in the rear, all of that could be performed with no knowledge or concern for your methods or your product.  Personally, for me that would be a lot of work.  I dont own a cnc machine so I'd cut that manually with the help of some power tools and jigs. It wouldn't be the same as yours, and it wouldn't be as nice as yours. If I fulfill that request did I actually steal your design?  Is nobody ever able to make their own baffle for an NX-Studio?  What if I want to make one for myself? What if I want to make one out of solid maple? Would you be willing to provide that service for me? Is nobody allowed to make their own baffles or their own cabinets?

I'm not sure why you would make so many assumptions, and specifically try to call me out in some public way, with some kind of insinuation that I would steal Danny's designs or anyone elses, and offer to sell kits or assemblies on my own, as if somehow I was here just trying to make a quick buck. People have asked me if I can do an assembly for them directly and I have sent them all to Danny and quickly rejected even the suggestion that I would steal or profit off of someone else's design.  I hate thieves and I would never conduct myself that way.  I've done nothing but go out of my way to provide a service to a small amount of customers who want that service, and have done so at a ridiculously low labor rate, below market rates and often times even below a minimum hourly wage.  This isn't a profitable business, this is just me, part time, when I'm not working my full time day job, enjoying a hobby that I love, and offering myself in a service to those who want it. 

If my goal was to try to make a quick buck, I certainly wouldn't be here offering assembly services at a ridiculously low rate.  It would be much more efficient to go work at Starbucks and make more money, or I could just start selling flat packs for less than anyone else, which is certainly more profitable, but which I specifically stated I wasn't going to do.

I'm sorry that you felt threatened or felt cause for alarm.  I have no desire to take anything from anyone.  If you want to talk about anything or provide me with some correction than please send me an email or direct message.  We can talk on the phone and I will discuss anything with you that you want, but I'm not going to get into a forum debate and start attacking or fighting with anyone over this.
Regarding baffles, I'm still on the fence.  I deliberately am going out of my way to avoid conflicting with or trying to undercut anyone else.  It would be very easy, when someone asks me about xls-encore cabinets which in my opinion is a published and non-proprietary item, to offer them a flat pack for less than the competition, but I haven't.  If someone wants an XLS flat pack, they are available on the GR-research website for $150 plus shipping.  That's my recommendation. However, I fail to see how someone who wants to build their own cabinet, but just wants help with the baffle, or perhaps wants a dimension slightly different, or wants it built from a different material, can not be offered that assistance.

I'll discuss the issue with Danny.  If Danny tells me he doesn't want me to offer baffles, I won't.  Simple as that. I'm not here to cause any harm.  I'm a very small fish, and I'm sorry if the thought of me making a handful of baffles caused distress. If anyone else besides the Captain is bothered please reach out to me directly.  I'm a very reasonable person and am willing to have that discussion with anyone. If I'm wrong somehow I will apologize and correct myself.



Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #24 on: 6 Aug 2021, 08:38 pm »
Hey Elon

First off, it is I who should apologize,  I obviously misread your post and thought  your intentions  were  different than what  you've  explained.
Your points  are all valid as well, many of the  GR Research Speakers do have plans available,  providing a service to   cut  those parts is a great thing  for   some  folks.

With regards to the  X LS Encores,  Peter  (Peter J) may or  may not  offer baffles only,   I  know he has had  a great cnc cut flat pack available  for  a couple years  now.

Again, my apologies,  gonna shoot  you  an email l



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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #25 on: 7 Aug 2021, 02:22 am »
Jay (captainhemo),

Your a good guy.  I appreciate you giving me a call and I enjoyed being able to chat with you for a moment.  All is well.  I've long appreciated seeing the high-quality products you offer.  I'm not upset about anything that transpired and I am at peace moving forward. 

For anybody who was standing by with popcorn, ready for a show, there is no need. Jay really is a great guy.  What he doesn't know is that we have a mutual acquaintance who I was conversing with a few weeks ago, and who unsolicited and unbiased was relating to me what a genuine and upstanding-character Jay is. I dont begrudge him for being concerned and wanting to protect his product.   His products are of the highest-quality and worthy of his concern.

Now back to business...


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #26 on: 7 Aug 2021, 03:53 am »


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #27 on: 7 Aug 2021, 10:55 pm »
Here's a couple photos of the last two projects.  The batch of projects before didn't get any good photos so I'll have to do better about taking photos of the next few for anyone that may be interested.

This set is Danny's upgrade to Klipsch RP-8000. It's a very well designed upgrade. I chose to separate the large inductor for the lower woofer to its own board to allow for greater flexibility of installation options so the layout you see below is just for the midwoofer and tweeter.

This drawing shows you my basic process.  Using the wiring schematic provided I draw all the components onto paper just to determine board size and to visualize connections for the internal wiring.  Very basic designs sometimes get sorted properly on first revision but I usually try to give everything a second revision to improve the layout even if it is just minor orientation improvements.  In this case, first version was very much to determine size and spacing and give me better visualization for final adjustments.  I didn't like how close the inductors were so in version 2 I spaced them out even further, then cleaned up the orientation and layout of the other components.

In each of these photos the top board is not yet soldered to show the actual physical connections.  Bottom board has been soldered.  The outer boards are the large inductors which are the only components for the lower woofers.

Edit: the forum reduces photo resolution so I added photos of the crossover boards to an outside page if anyone wanted to zoom in and look at higher resolution.

A customer sent me these for assembly/ termination. 
I did make an assembly log for these cables to hopefully help anyone else attempting the same as it can be labor intensive and any tips can be helpful.  This link will take you there if you are interested.

Please feel free to reach out if you'd like to have an assembly done for you.  Even if you plan to assemble yourself but perhaps just want a little assistance with laying out your board or need confirmation that it is wired correctly before you start soldering, I don't mind donating a little bit of time to be of service.


Hey E-Zee,

Looks like the final thoughts section on the GR braided cables page is cut off on the website I was kinda interested to finish reading that. Maybe you still have the ending bits of text somewhere?



Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #28 on: 8 Aug 2021, 02:50 am »
Peace in the Middle East! Just taking about speakers at the end of day  :D


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #29 on: 14 Aug 2021, 07:20 am »

This is a published design, upgrade for Pioneer SP-BS22A-LR.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #30 on: 14 Aug 2021, 07:23 am »

This is the new Desktop Mini. 


Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #31 on: 14 Aug 2021, 12:31 pm »
Any interest in terminating a couple of digital cables? I have new DAC and wanted to convert a few cables from RCA to BNC.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #32 on: 14 Aug 2021, 02:43 pm »
I'm happy to convert your cables for you.  Please email me directly and we can sort out the details.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #33 on: 15 Aug 2021, 12:25 am »
Very interesting and I’ll take time to check out the site.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #34 on: 26 Aug 2021, 08:44 pm »

Above are photos of two different NX-Studio sets that shipped out recently.   I'm working on some updates to clean up my website and to create a landing place for Danny's customers, answering the frequently asked questions, and providing some basic pricing structure.

After I complete those changes, I may stop bumping this thread as I'm not certain if it adds value, or interest, but I'm truly just bumping it on occasion, to make it easier to find for some of Danny's new customers who are also new to the forum, and looking for assembly service. As alternative, after creating a landing place on the website, I may ask Danny to either direct link that page in his FAQ, or to make this a sticky.

Thank you to all who have sent me projects, or have reached out even just for layout help.  It's been fun meeting some good people.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #35 on: 5 Sep 2021, 01:21 am »

The top photo is a ProAC bookshelf.  It's hard to describe without providing a size reference or cabinet photos but two boards both squeeze into a narrow cabinet with 4.3" woofer opening, and it was definitely a tight fit.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #36 on: 1 Oct 2021, 03:52 pm »

Cables seem to be trending. I have been receiving bulk cables for termination as well as braided cables for assembly. These are some of the cables from this last week, with a few more to finish this weekend.


Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #37 on: 1 Oct 2021, 04:00 pm »
All your stuff looks amazing Elon - fantastic service you are offering.

Early B.

Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #38 on: 1 Oct 2021, 04:30 pm »
All your stuff looks amazing Elon - fantastic service you are offering.

Yep. Elon did a great job re-terminating my RCA cables.


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Re: New crossover assembly service available.
« Reply #39 on: 6 Oct 2021, 04:05 pm »
Elon terminated two GR Research speaker cables & one power cord. Not only was Elon’s work quality excellent but his response time, advice & complete excellence to customer service evident. Will not hesitate to use him again.