Score your system

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Score your system
« on: 25 Nov 2020, 01:12 am »
I continue to struggle with the question how much something "matters" to the sound.  Reviewers (myself included) will often use hyperbole when describing the impact of a change.  I wanted to ground myself in some reality knowing that the complete listening system from the recording to my ears could only reach a maximum of 100% fidelity.  You would base this on 100% of the best you ever experienced... or be very cynical and say how close to reality you got.  I chose the former. 

I built a spreadsheet and forced myself to score all my components.  The "score" is just the subjective measure of how close I think I am to the best I have ever experienced.  As you can see, the recording quality, room and speakers take up the lion's share [I am sure you would not agree with how I weighted each item].  Things get pretty silly when you start talking about isolation gizmos, etc.  Yes, almost anything/everything makes a difference... but scored this way, I can gain some objective perspective on this highly subjective hobby.   :duh:

Hope you find this thought provoking.



Re: Score your system
« Reply #1 on: 25 Nov 2020, 02:00 am »
Intriguing post.  It represents (IMO) an exercise of that true audiophilic constant; how deep is necessary down the rabbit hole to embrace perfection, assuming it exists.  This is an interesting UOM as I see it.

Early B.

Re: Score your system
« Reply #2 on: 25 Nov 2020, 03:24 am »
The better my system gets, the more significant recording quality becomes. I'd give it a weight of 80%. No matter how good the artist or the song, if it ain't recorded well, I don't want to hear it. It's the bane of being an audiophile.