Can Supplements? Food? Drink? Other? Improve your listening enjoyment?

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John Casler

I have been doing a LOT of critical (HIGH PERFORMANCE) listening of late to the New RUBIES and EDDIES.

Often times I listen at different times during the day, and find, or feel, that it might be wise to consider, that while systems, speakers, and listening rooms make critical differences in how we ENJOY our gear and music, we might also look at the effects of certain FOODS, SUPPLEMENTS, DRINKS, and OTHER SUBSTANCES that can and do ENHANCE the experience(s)

Since my other business involves Exercise Conditioning, Health, and Nutrition, I occasionally explore Nutritionally Based Compounds as Listening Enhancers.

I will simply list and or mention some of these, and how they "seem" to affect me, and the mechanisms I tend to think cause the effect. 

These ARE NOT recommendations because dietary and supplement use are VERY INDIVIDUAL.

1) DMAE - DMAE is a powder that is classified as a Nootropic Supplement.  You can Google it for reams of information on its use and function as a supplement.  If you move toward trying it, I suggest the smallest of dosages.  I use a measuring spoon that is labeled a "pinch" and I add that to my coffee each day.

I have experienced elevated mood, sharper thinking, but most encouraging is what seems like a reduction in tinnitus.  I cannot say this is the sole or even related, but it is a good thing when listening seriously.

A word of experience.  I tried slightly larger doses, and found them causing TOO MUCH sensory input and processing.  I think larger doses might cause irritability, or excitability.

2) BLAST - BLAST is often looked at as a brain food supplement, or smart drug.  I feel for the best "listening experience" one must be alert, sensitive to sensory input, and in a GOOD MOOD.  Our Brain Chemistry is responsible for this CONDITION, and WE, are responsible for our brain chemistry.

The Brain creates Neurotransmitters like Dopamine, and Endorphins, and does so from the nutrients supplied in this product.

Since this product also has caffeine, it is best to find the amount that does not over stimulate.  I think it is available in caffeine free version.

3) Alcohol - While I don't partake, I know many also enjoy the "relaxing" qualities of drink with listening enjoyment.  Wines, Beer, and other harder beverages such as Brandy, Scotch, Whiskey, etc may in small quantities improve ones "listening state".

4) Other.  It has been since the early 80s where I employed cannabis based products to enhance listening, but with more and more States allowing private, personal use, I tend to think some of you might experiment here too.

If memory serves me correctly (and with all these smart drugs, I DO remember more) these products DID enhance the perceptions, MOOD, and enjoyment of systems and music SO MUCH  :o that even some very crappy systems offered listening enjoyment. :scratch:

Anyhow those are a few.

If you have any, (legal and safe) please feel free to post.

Early B.

Interesting topic.

I think any nutritional supplement that helps you relax will enhance your listening experience, but it's music dependent. I wouldn't consider heavy metal to contribute towards inducing a higher state of relaxation, for example. 

I always do my critical listening at night, lights out, with no distractions. Prior to listening, I'll do a couple of minutes of breathing exercises and/or stretching to facilitate relaxation.


Finally a post where a witchdoctor is needed. As for "enjoying" music I think good old alcohol and a dance floor works fine. But as we age hearing can potentially decrease. For general wax reduction I recommend ear candling. Very simple and if you never heard of it search youtube.

As for herbal formulas I like Dr Christophers Ear and Nerve. It can be ingested or used topically as an ear drop. Check out the reviews on Amazon. Herbs build up slowly in your system and give it 100 days to build up in your system.


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  • Posts: 3239
  • Washington State
IMO cannabis enhances music, both strictly aurally and I believe you can actually feel the music more acutely. Its not subtle like an outlet upgrade but obvious to most. I know a number of individuals that have quit reefer and one thing they miss most is listening to music under the influence. Cheapest tweak I've ever tried.  :green: Its legal in Washington State so that eliminates a source of anxiety. :thumb:
« Last Edit: 2 Jul 2017, 12:06 am by rajacat »


The few times I have had oxygen in a medical situation it has made me relaxed and alert with a feeling of well being. Unfortunately I don't know anyone with emphysema or COPD to give it a try.
Oxygen bars were the rage for a while.

WebMD on oxygen: "...provides relief from stress and pollution, increases your concentration, helps you relax..."


The one and only time, my friend had some chocolate magic mushrooms. After I got over the nausea, the room spinning, and wanting to puke. We were listening to Made in Japan by Deep Purple, did that ever sound psychedelic, like nothing I have ever heard before or since. :smoke:


When I was performing in a band, I got stoned every night. I loved it.


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IMO cannabis enhances music, both strictly aurally and I believe you can actually feel the music more acutely. Its not subtle like an outlet upgrade but obvious to most. I know a number of individuals that have quit reefer and one thing they miss most is listening to music under the influence. Cheapest tweak I've ever tried.  :green: Its legal in Washington State so that eliminates a source of anxiety. :thumb:



Bob in St. Louis

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Ears wide open, you might say....

Wind Chaser

IMO cannabis enhances music, both strictly aurally and I believe you can actually feel the music more acutely. Its not subtle like an outlet upgrade but obvious to most.

I use it medicinally as a very effective sleep aid, and yes as an auditory tweak it truly works wonders.  8)