Compact Monitor speakers

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Mike Pranka

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Compact Monitor speakers
« on: 2 Aug 2024, 08:21 pm »
Had an eye opening experience recently that might be of interest to some fellow WTL users, etc.
I visited a friend/dealer.. we played a lot of records with his Mk1 Amadeus, a few different integrated amps (ranging from 18 watts to 35 watts) and a pair of speakers he has that really knocked me out. It was one of the most surprising experiences I've had in years. The speakers are the Consonance 'compact monitor'.

He had them on 27 inch metal stands. Visually, they look like a little BBC speaker. I took my own, current production LS3/5A's to compare.. I figured my speakers would trounce his and we'd just listen to mine for a couple days.. but I turned out to be very wrong. The Consonance Monitors made my speakers both sound and feel a bit dated, thick and lumpy. Anyone more interested in quality vs. quantity could find these to be a godsend.
I think the last system I heard there was the Amadeus, a DV XX-2 with DV P-75 Mk4 phono pre into the Consonance 18 watt integrated and the Compact Monitors. It was a total trip. One of the best, most engaging systems I've heard at any price. Proof that most of what's going on in 'high end' audio has little to do with ignoring gear and truly enjoying music. I wish you could have been there to hear it..



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Re: Compact Monitor speakers
« Reply #1 on: 3 Aug 2024, 03:02 pm »
An 18 watt integrated driving 83 db speakers?

mick wolfe

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Re: Compact Monitor speakers
« Reply #2 on: 3 Aug 2024, 03:13 pm »
I've seen this dozens of times with LS3/5A types. A tube friendly impedance curve takes priority over efficiency in this case. So you'll find many driving these types (LS3/5A) with even less power and getting away with it. They're not head bangers for one and their power handling is limited in the first place.


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Re: Compact Monitor speakers
« Reply #3 on: 4 Aug 2024, 11:52 am »
Have always loved monitors, except for tipping over on stands.  Big speakers can overwhelm a room.  In recent years have gone over to active monitors, currently using Buchardt A500SE's which do everything well.  But my overall favorite was JBL 708P, a 2-way active with 8 inch woofer and 1 inch compression horn loaded tweeter.


Re: Compact Monitor speakers
« Reply #4 on: 6 Aug 2024, 11:19 pm »
Thanks for the heads up. I was looking for a pair of ls 3/5a, maybe I’ll buy these instead, if someone in Canada eventually take the line that is.