Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?

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What are your favorite speakers?  I'll go first.

I have a pair of GR Research V2's, which I love, love, love, and I can't imagine parting with them anytime soon.  But if I were FORCED to move to a different set of speakers, the following would be at the top of my list:

Merlin VSM-Mxe - Amazingly smooth and musical, I have never heard this speaker sound bad, and I have always come away very impressed with it's ability to just deliver the music, effortlessly.

Hansen King - I've heard this speaker sound "OK", and I've heard it sound spectacular.  When it's on, it's ON. 

Dynaudio Confidence C4 - Dynaudios are always very good sounding speakers at any price point, but the C4 just ratchets up the power and authority seamlessly with their inherent musicality.  Intoxicating.


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Jan 2011, 09:46 pm »
Really loved the monitors I heard at last year's AKFest.

Fritz Carbon 7s (a steal for the price
Harbeths (forget which model, think it was the BBC monitor)
AudioNote AN-E


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Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Jan 2011, 10:01 pm »
Omega Super 8 Alnico.
As precise as a surgeon's scalpel.  :wink:


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Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jan 2011, 06:14 pm »
The Salk Soundscape impressed me at the 2010 AKFest, detailed without being overbearing, relaxed sound yet fully capable, and musical.  The finish was unreal, would make my solid cherry furniture look like goodwill leftovers.

I briefly heard Quad 989's, but knew that they were something special (couldn't tell what, it was a very crowded room).

I rather like the VMPS 626 (lacks deep bass of course) and the RM30s.  Thought the RM1 and RM2 both sounded like a box.

Haven't heard the Omegas in forever, but I was impressed with what Louis could do with those particular Fostex drivers.

Very few speakers impress me.  Dynaudio, Maggies, or Vandersteins?  No, no, and no.


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #4 on: 10 Jan 2011, 06:23 pm »

 Electrostatic speakers.



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Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #5 on: 10 Jan 2011, 06:31 pm »
Amphion Argon2 - haven't heard the Argon3, but if it's an improvement over the 2, then it's something special.  If I hadn't gravitated to Harbeth Compact 7ES3s, the Argon would have been my next stop.


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #6 on: 10 Jan 2011, 06:56 pm »
Carfrae Little Big Horn :thumb:
These are the ones from 6moons Road Tour Exit 1.
They are now driven by some way tricked-out Audio Note Kits tube gear.
I get a chance to listen to them a few times a year :D.
Afterwards I can't listen to my system for a couple of weeks  :duh:
They are just THAT GOOD!  8).



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Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #7 on: 11 Jan 2011, 04:40 am »
If the Merlin VSM-Mxe's come as pictured they would be at the very top of every one of my lists.


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #8 on: 20 Jan 2011, 12:40 am »
I like the WA Sophie Series 3.


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #9 on: 20 Jan 2011, 01:12 am »
It will be the Adam Audio Tensor Delta and Gamma for me.



Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #10 on: 20 Jan 2011, 06:08 am »
I would want a pair of legacy audio xd speakers.  I've liked the whispers every time I've heard them and feel they are some of the best.


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #11 on: 20 Jan 2011, 06:14 am »
The only speaker that has successfully taken me away from Maggies for a short time are the DeVore Fidelity Super 8s. Both that model and the flagship Silverbacks are about the best box speakers I've ever heard in their respective price ranges. They are very balanced and transparent, and they will absolutely sing with tube gear.  :thumb:


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Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #12 on: 20 Jan 2011, 06:59 am »
Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?

The Kaiser Kawero speakers.....

......with a nice pair of Master Sound 845 tube mono blocks...... :banana piano:


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #13 on: 20 Jan 2011, 12:29 pm »
Also some Marten Coltranes.


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Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #14 on: 20 Jan 2011, 12:52 pm »
Joseph Audio Pulsars...


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #15 on: 20 Jan 2011, 01:12 pm »
I think a great twist to this thread would be what speakers would you purchase if the speakers you currently own were not available.  This takes into account the actual cost of some of these great speakers relative to what you can afford and the fact that not everyone has huge rooms to fit massive speakers.  Case in point, I'd LOVE a pair of Salk Soundscapes, but I just don't ever see them fitting in my budget and my listening room is not large enough to support a speaker of that size.

Given the above and what little I've heard of other speakers, if I couldn't have my Salk ST's I'd go after a set of Fritz C7's.  Really loved their sound at last years AKFest.


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #16 on: 20 Jan 2011, 02:10 pm »


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #17 on: 20 Jan 2011, 02:30 pm »
Montana WAS-2


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #18 on: 20 Jan 2011, 04:38 pm »
Interesting thread.

Interesting to see Tyson name Dynaudio Confidence C4, that is one that really impressed me when I heard it on Cary tubes in a larger room locally.

I heard a set of giant Genesis speakers with tower sub cabinets on the side on Usher monoblocks when I was in Taiwan that still haunt me too.

Ditto Martin Logans well setup - heard some Spires yesterday that made me question my allegiance to DIY OB mains.

To the second question, if I could not own the speakers I have today, I would be DIY'ing something else.  The ROI just keeps me coming back, although having recently rediscovered the affordable high end sound of good headphones, I have to wonder if I won't retreat to mid fi for my basement system, and head deeper into 'phones...


Re: Your Favorite Speakers (besides the ones you own)?
« Reply #19 on: 20 Jan 2011, 05:17 pm »
Dream system for me would be Beauhorn B2s powered by Shindo electronics. At least in theory. I've never heard either.