IDA 8 channel distortion.

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IDA 8 channel distortion.
« on: 23 Mar 2023, 04:40 pm »
Curious if anyone has had a failure with their IDA 8?
Mine is about 5 years old in a second system. It was in storage for 3 years and then performed fine for about a year and half, only being used for a few hours a week if that.
I noticed the right channel distorting with any source and since the unit was out of warranty I opened a service ticket and shipped it to Nuprime's authorized service here in the states.

Although I have had much more expensive components also fail, I'm disappointed at having an issue with so little time on the amp.
Has anyone else had any issues with their IDA-8?


Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #1 on: 23 Mar 2023, 04:58 pm »
When electronics are in storage for a long time, it is more likely to fail from oxidation.


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Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #2 on: 23 Mar 2023, 05:11 pm »
Interesting. What internal components are more susceptible to oxidation that would lead to channel failure/distortion?


Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #3 on: 24 Mar 2023, 02:33 am »
All the contacts. The capacitors can also dry out if not used for a long time.
This came from ChatGPT:
To prevent capacitor drying out, it is recommended to store capacitors in a cool, dry place with stable temperature and humidity conditions. Additionally, periodically using and charging the capacitor can help prevent it from drying out and ensure that it maintains its charge storage capabilities over time.
If you ask ChatGPT "Can electronic circuit fail if left in storage for several years?" it will give you a long answer.

Similarly, keeping CD transport for a long time without using it can cause the drive belt to dry out (when it is in use, the belt is lubricated as it moves along the track)


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Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #4 on: 24 Mar 2023, 04:43 am »
I bought one of the first IDA-8 amps and I used it for years before I gave it to my son. He’s had it now for about three years. There’s never been an issue with my/his unit.



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Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #5 on: 24 Mar 2023, 04:23 pm »
Looked back at my records for our move. The unit was boxed up and not used for 13 months. IT felt like a lot longer with moving a household!
Before and after it was always left in standby and used for a few hours most weeks.


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Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #6 on: 29 Mar 2023, 09:28 pm »
Heard back from the service center and it turns out the DAC board needs to be replaced. I have to say I’m pretty surprised at this failure. Repair costs with parts , labor and shipping will be close to $400 on a unit that’s only 6 years old. Sorry, but it’s unlikely that this was caused by the unit being in climate controlled storage for 13 months while we moved and set up a new house. Disappointed .


Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #7 on: 30 Mar 2023, 05:12 am »
I have to keep emphasising that for electronics, the less you use it, doesn't mean that you will be able to keep it longer.
Surface mount capacitors don't last that long, so in some cases the electronics can last 10 years but in some unlucky cases, you get 6 years.

We tried to offer extended warranty a few years back but there is no taker.  An integrated amp board is especially costly since the DAC board consist of the preamp and DAC.  Then we have to ship the board by FedEx international to the service center. The service guy has to open the item, test it, order the parts, replace the board, test it again, pack and ship it back to you.

Ask for breakdown of the $400. The labor cost should be limited to $150 (our general agreement with the service guy) unless the repair is complex (certainly not in this case). I think the repair cost is very reasonable compare to other brands.

$400 service for 6 years = $66 per year, that's not that bad. My aircon has to be clean and service every 3 months that cost me $60 each time!


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Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #8 on: 30 Mar 2023, 02:25 pm »
For clarification.
I wasn’t suggesting that the unit was put in storage to increase its lifespan.

Cost for repair from Nuprime’s USA service center:
New DAC board: $190,
Shipping from Taiwan for the part $60, (might be less if service center can bundle another part)
Labor $150,
Shipping and insurance to and from service center to my home, $62.

That’s certainly an interesting take on cost vs use.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the IDA-8 but perhaps my disappointment of the unit’s failure is colored by past experience (40 year’s worth) of owning other high-end components and my own unrealistic expectations.

Best regards-


Re: IDA 8 channel distortion.
« Reply #9 on: 31 Mar 2023, 02:06 pm »
High-end audio has changed a lot for the past decades. In the old days, the products' prices are high (adjusted for today's $) and the technology is simpler (vacuum tube, solid state). Users paid for the expensive chassis and parts.
Nowadays, high-end audio prices go into two extreme. The "old school" products become more expensive.  On the other extreme are state-of-the-art complex electronics that are mass produced. You can see that products such as IDA-8 (or even the simplest STA-100) consisted of thousands of parts. The R&D cost that went into each product is high, production cost is very high due to low volume, and then there are distribution and dealer margin. Manufacturers hardly make any profit after all costs and expenses are included.

I am sorry that you have a problem with IDA-8, but lets be fair. Nuprime's products have the highest value for money, even if you take into consideration the service cost.