Isolation for my PMC FACT8

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Isolation for my PMC FACT8
« on: 17 May 2019, 05:11 pm »
I'm getting a new pair of PMC FACT8's soon, and was told by my dealer to add a piece of granite/quartz underneath the speakers.
I live in a high rise and have cement floors covered with wood laminate.  What Herbie's devices would you suggest under the granite slabs...and what should I use under the spikes of my speakers?  The speakers have outriggers on them.  Also how many devices should I place underneath my granite slabs?  Thanks in advance!


Re: Isolation for my PMC FACT8
« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2019, 07:13 pm »
Hi!  Here is what I used under marble slabs I placed my EB1i's on. One on each corner, I tried a three point arrangement but it was too unstable for my liking.

Maybe these for the spikes:

Just a couple of ideas as there are many isolation products on the market some research is needed to find the right product for your situation.
« Last Edit: 17 May 2019, 09:51 pm by JakeJ »